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Everything posted by sat11

  1. i am a bit curious if you dont watch it how can you have any opinion about it, weather you are lying not watching it or you just follow the opinion of 2 or 3 people here and you dont have your own , dont you think that makes your opinion useless??
  2. these two sites cater for different audience even tho they look the same, vh more concentrating on sex toward the residents and subscribers hence they attract people more interested only sex in other hand the other one more on the residents life and drama in the apartment including sex and people when they subscribe they know what the are getting and what to expect. if the other site has more subs that means more people are interested the drama of the apartment rather than just sex. also residents reading and interacting here or any other forum (if there is one) put a lot of pressure on them the more they try to please the more it start to look a porn production than two people having fun having sex and they burn out in a relative short time because people always want more and more no mater what they do, unfortunately that the VH way more sex more view more pay.
  3. i find this apt. a bit boring for daily watch but she has nice body specially this bit
  4. may be they are not hiding just they might not know the night vision is not working and that the only place there is privacy, of course they could switch the light on but maybe they not that brave yet or the they could be messing with us the fact is we dont know. i get it some people dont like this apartment and some like it so let us leave it for those who dont mind watching it and enjoy the other many exiting apartments.
  5. i think they started staying in the apartment in shift, 23:33 EM+ leave 23:36 lisa+ arrive its a weird apartment
  6. personally i like her y
  7. may be checking todays action, i am sure she knows they have been having sex when she was not in.
  8. don't worry nothing is happening just nice asses, unless you are it to that kind of things
  9. we should say what we want here as long as we dont use their pic or real name (which i doubt its their real name) its called freedom of speech or expression, cararads do not and should not the right to stop people expressing their opinion but they could try to stop their participant from accessing this site, the only reason i can see is they are themselves getting bad review here and they are trying to stop it by banning any one saying any thing about what paid people see on their site and they put only positive twitter. that tells me they dont even have confidence on their site to stand up any criticism. from what i see it looks more exiting and full of action on cc than it is is actually on the site most of the apartment are empty most times.
  10. from what i see ( may be just me) the relationship between joe and edda looks a bit too quite they dont talk much or lough even look happy together only do the mandatory daily sex and turn round and sleep even that looks just passionless edda and alan are getting more closer of course he only comes here for the game or may be building the ground work for christmas party in 3 or 4 weeks if they could wait that long. in any case i am enjoying watching and waiting to see what is going to happen
  11. there is some thing they dont want us to see on the hall they keep closing the door fast
  12. i guess she has changed a lot she does not do just sex now even with BF, that is
  13. that was almost 7 month ago ,that means they breck up and now get back together?
  14. thy have done more there is short time than here in a long time, i guess the girls take the bed room the guys LR or 2 on sofa 2 on the floor but no sex unless the use the BR
  15. sat11

    Tver - Split 7

    ok, i dont watch tever much just click through to see if any thing is happening, and saw him wearing wig and make up i thought party game and the other day he was wearing zoi's bottom half of track suit(i dont know what its called) and today he is wearing dress just wondered .
  16. sat11

    Tver - Split 7

    is sun is bi or something ? every time i see he is acting like girly, likes to ware zoes cloth
  17. i was hoping the would introduce a replacement before they move out, i guess the are closing it all together.
  18. i bet he was hoping misty would not show up so he would have slight chance with other girls he has been here at least 8 hours before she showed up if he really wanted her or missed her he would have visited her at her place before he came here.
  19. why is the hurry it was been a few hours (3) a go it was announced there are people not even found out yet , why not at least give it a day before closing a forum,. it might not make a difference in this forum but i have seen forums closed so quick people have to comment on other apartment forums , give 24 hours for all forums after the apartment is off line before closing, i think that will be fair for all to have a chance to comment. i wish jeka & co all the best!
  20. i dont think dean care much about candy, she is his thicket to f other girls beside if you come as a couple, if one does not participate or changes his or her mind what ever reason the other one should stop to show care and respect to his or her partner even that pisses you off, i know people think he some kind of star but he is not my cup of tea ever since first time i saw him forcing the girl he was with to suck alex and keep asking alex again again to f her so he wanted to f. anna even alex did not want to swap. silver lining for me candy comes with him
  21. it was great but unless it on the couch the cam angle is not good on the floor, i wanted the new girl she was most of the time cut off or far to watch her , i wish the they put a cam to cover the all middle of the room close up y you can see every thing but to far
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