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Everything posted by Loner-69

  1. Where is this video? I don't know? I ran across it shortly after I became a member of CC.I think I became a member 7/28/15,but I watched RLC for quite awhile previous to that.When I became a CC member I browsed the whole site to become familiar with it.So I'm not sure where I saw it Posted.The video looked as if it had been taken with a cell phone.The angle was from the back side of the balcony toward the apartment.The pool was an irregular shape.Sort of like the shape of a kidney and the concrete around the pool was white.Pool was not really big.Appeared to be meant for just this apartment.I also remember some chairs and tables next to the pool.The video showed the inside of the apartment through a window with a party going on inside the apartment.I believe it was the back of Coco or Milana I could see inside the apartment.
  2. Grin and bare it guys.I think some skin and teasing is all you are ever going to get here.Oh well,that's not bad but I would never pay for it.
  3. I think the time spent on the balcony was just another big strategy session.Deciding the best way to tease us a little more.Sure glad I'm not paying for this.
  4. Doesn't matter what they did on the balcony because we'll never know since there's no camera out there.
  5. Why were Kami and Kristy trying to be so quiet going upstairs?
  6. nous expliquez-vous que toutes les jeunes femmes ont des tendances homosexuelles???? :o :o :o :o ??? we do you explain that all young women have homosexual tendencies ???? : o: o: o: o ??? Do I think all young women have homosexual tendencies, well, in my case, that's not what I would refer it as. We were experimenting with each other. Several of the girls were more experienced than the others sexually (with the boys) and consequently were more agressive and felt nothing about initiating something with anyone who was receptive to a little fiddling around at any given time. To be honest I don't think anyone of us thought for a second that we were doing anything remotely 'gay'. It was usually spontaneous and always influenced during or after a drinking session. I might add that as a Canadian, born in Quebec, and studying in America during this time attitudes were quite liberal. Alcohol, the key word here! What you described in an earlier post is not normal female behavior!! With respect, I think you might be surprised as to just how 'normal' things really are. You could be 100% correct. I'm just going off of what I've seen and witnessed with the girls in the southern US. When alcohol or drugs was involved they lost all their inhibitions and didn't care if it hair lipped every pussycat in the alley at the time. But when they were alcohol and drug free it was a whole different story! It is nice to have different opinions and outlooks from a female poster!! Thank you for your contributions to this forum!! Oh! Thank-you. I like you already. I agree with the comment about girls making out with each other but not considering it be anything other than just playing.When I first met my girlfriend she was stripping and I would drive her to and from work.Most times I would kill time around town or go home until she finished her nights work.But sometimes I would go in, even though, boyfriends were not suppose to be there,but I was so much older they probably didn't believe I was her boyfriend.Anyway the girls use to screw around with each other all the time including my girl.To me it just appeared to be play even though there was French kissing and grab assing.
  7. If they're going to spend this much time out there RLC should put a camera out there.
  8. That's a bummer.I'm sitting here staring at the couch in their living room and they're on the balcony.Boring!!! It's beginning to look like it"s time for me to turn on my TV.
  9. I saw a video clip of the balcony area once.There's actually a swimming pool out there.
  10. At the end of the day Loner, I'm a grown man with my opinions and I will share them about whoever I want. If I like one of the tenants I will say it. If I don't like one of the tenants I will say it. Stop acting like the moral police sticking up for these girls just because you don't like what people say about them. I disagree with the majority of what people say on here, like when they say the girls are prostitutes, but I only disagree with them and will never say that they SHOULDN'T say it. When people say really bad things about Nora or make really nasty derogatory and ignorant comments about Kiko, why is it you have nothing to say then? You make this argument that these girls shouldn't have to read negative comments about them because "it wasn't in their RLC contract", but are all of a sudden quiet when people say bad things about the other tenants. You don't even believe the crap you are saying. You just want to stick up for Kami and/or Kristy because you are borderline in love with them. From what I've seen from my own eyes Kiko and Nora have earned the crap that comes their way.I have yet to see Kami or Kristy do anything to earn criticism.By that, I mean doing things to hurt other people.
  11. As for Euromike's statements about me,I just ask that everyone look at past posts on CC by me and Euromike and form your own opinion.Thank you.I'm done with this ridiculous feud unless I'm attacked again.
  12. I wonder why the tenants at RLC don't get CC accounts so they could communicate directly with commentors on Cc?
  13. On the couch now I see the evil Nora jealously looking at the beautiful perfect Kami.
  14. Kami's head every other part of her body looks perfect to me.
  15. Humph... I thought this was some sort of family squabble.... you have the same last number. ;D Nice try you little ass punk.To post this when I was not around.How is that you have never met me and you know so much about my life.The truth is CC is your whole life and you have just projected all your pathetic problems and short comings on to me.In essence when you wrote all this garbage about me and my girlfriend you were actually looking into a mirror and saw a reflection of your life in the mirror.Every word you entered about me is in fact a description of your empty life.You put people down because you hate yourself and your life.You've probably never had a relationship with a real woman in your whole life,so the girls on RLC are the closest you'll ever get to a sexual relationship.Besides it's not my fault your mother didn't want you.I'm willing to let this end right here,but if u persist in these attacks when I get done you will be in the fetal position under the covers in your bed crying for your mommy.Your posts about me are about as truthful as all the other garbage you post on Cc.Your whole life is one big lie. Without CC you don't even exist.
  16. Damn.Apartment down for maintenance again. I'm gone.Need to put money into my girlfriends banking account.
  17. Kristy and Kamela are back.I've heard Kamela is a model.I wonder if she was on a photo shoot today?
  18. Do you accept that same risk by being on CC.If so,I don't want to hear you complain when someone posts something derogatory about you.The way I see it then,what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
  19. I'd rather look at photos of the girls than some dude holding a gun to his head.
  20. You speak Russian? No he doesn't. Are you blind? No,but I don't see as well as I use too.Looks like this is another one of Nora's attempts to corrupt someone.
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