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Everything posted by Loner-69

  1. I just got back from watching Cardinals baseball game on tv.Did girls go out or are they sleeping?
  2. nothing, they're sleeping I can't believe that I leave for less than a half hour and missed everything. I'm beginning to think I'm cursed. :( I can't believe I sign in and the same day I get twister threesome! Didn't want to rub it in dude thought! ;) Oh, that's really cruel. ;D Hahaha! Yeah, these days we cannot even blink an eye or we miss another cute or hot moment between these girls. They were playful for a while in Kammi's bed (nothing special, though) and then they cuddled up and went to sleep. I love these girls :D And for the ones who are complaining that they don't have sex with eachother and that they're fake, please grow up. This isn't a porn site. If you expect them having actual sex, don't waste your time and go to Chaturbate. But you can also enjoy these nice intimate moments. Believe me, they are very rare in this apartment ;) Zwavelaar, I just want to know what constitutes a porn site to you? This site shows anal sex, regular sex, lesbian sex, masturbation, etc etc. They show penetration, they show fingers in the pussy, they show girls getting eaten out, I could go on and on. So please tell me what a porn site is to you!!! This is an X-Rated site, that means it's an adult site, which means it's a porn site! Get real dude and pull your head out of the sand!!!!! But at this site people don't have sex 24 hrs a day like porn sites.Sex is a part of life.This is suppose to be a real life site.Which means sometimes real people get horny and have sex,but it doesn't mean they are obligated to have sex just to please you.All they are really obligated to do is to live their lives as they would if there were no cameras in the apartment.They are not obligated to turn themselves into whores just to please you.If that's what you expect then go to a porn site.
  3. Maybe Kami figured out the game and now she's toying with Kristy and Nora.Kami is very intelligent.
  4. please more. Poor Kristy keeps trying but she just can't get the job done.
  5. I know why I do. It's because I absolutely love Kamila and love to see her happy and she seems to be really enjoying herself with Kristy. I have found Kamila to be absolutely mesmerizing since the first time I saw her. I agree.And I will be highly pissed if anyone hurts her.
  6. I know why I do. It's because I absolutely love Kamila and love to see her happy and she seems to be really enjoying herself with Kristy. I have found Kamila to be absolutely mesmerizing since the first time I saw her. I agree.And I will highly pissed if anyone hurts her.
  7. Who all is in the apartment right now and where are they?On the balcony?
  8. This house is a TV show NOT REAL LIFE, and that makes girls PROFESSIONALS atleast at sexy show business. And because this is not a PORN SITE there is NOTHİNG INTERESTING in it... If you feel this way Aminor, then there is no point in you watching RLC or even posting derogatory remarks about anyone involved!!! I agree.If you want porn then go to a porn site,but don't expect women who are not porn stars to behave like porn stars at this site.And do not call women unwarranted names simply because they do not live up to your personal expectations.
  9. Let's watch closely in the future and compare notes.I would love to see the beautiful Kami have sex with someone,but I want it to be 100% consentual and I do not want to see her being used.
  10. If people are paid to live in front of cameras, and apparently incentivized to have more viewers, nothing can really be REAL life. It is a website designed to have you watch. At least this apartment does a decent job of having me tune in. It is one of the only ones I actually pay any attention to. Real people - yes. But REAL life - no. Then the site should be renamed FANTASYlifecam
  11. From the time Kristy entered the apartment I thought she was a true friend of Kamila,and hoped their friendship would grow into much more.I may be becoming paranoid,but I just reviewed photos of the last few weeks and noticed that any attempt at sexual behavior is almost always if not always initiated by Kristy.And with the living room massage scene between Nora and Kristy and other physical encounters on the couch between Nora and Kristy,I'm beginning to have some reservations about Kristy.Has the whole game all along been for Nora and Kristy to entice Kami into a 3way lesbian relationship which Kami does not really want to be a part of.Remember Nora showing her vibrator to Kami with Kristy present,the encounters of the three of them on Kami's bed,and then the twister party last night?Keep those things in mind when you watch in the future and form your own opinion.I hope I am totally wrong,but my intuition tells me I might not be.How is it that Nora just happened to show up with a new twister game after Kami and Kristy had been drinking for some time?I'm suspicious.Is it Kristy's job to gain Kami's trust and break down her inhibitions so that then both Nora and Kristy can do what they want with Kami?Some things just don't feel right to me.
  12. I think this comment is a little antagonistic-Kami seems to handle alcohol quite well and know when she had enough, I think If her drink were spiked with a date rape drug, then ur comment would be warranted Time will tell.Lets watch closely what happens in the future.If Kami voluntarily does sexual acts, I have no problem and will sit back and enjoy.But if she is forced to do things because her mind is physically impaired with drugs or alcohol I have a big problem with that.
  13. Click on the Quote button/link that is next to the Like button/link at the top of the post. :) Thank you.
  14. Do you remember the other night in Kami's room when Nora was taking photos of Kami's butt with her phone?I wonder where she was posting those photos.If she can entice someone as beautiful as Kami to take part in pornographic scenes,I wonder how much money Nora could get for those videos.
  15. Did Nora and Kristy get Kami drunk with the purpose of seeing how far they could go sexually with her?If Kami is too drunk to give consent,that borders on rape.
  16. Question? How do I attach my reply to someone's comment without creating a whole new detached comment?
  17. There was another possibility to last night too.Did Nora And Kristy conspire to get Kami drunk,so that they could see how far sexually they could go with her?If so,that borders on rape.
  18. Does Nora have control over who stays and goes in this apartment?If not,when are Kristy and Kami going to have the balls to tell Nora to go to hell and that they are going to do what they want to do in the apartment and not what Nora expects them to do.Or they can just be nonconfrontational about it and just ignore Nora's instructions.
  19. Good to know they have direct access to cc.Now if things don't work out with my girlfriend I can ask Kami to marry me.Or ask to be be her grandfather. LOL.
  20. To OZZI. But do the girls know up front that their videos will end up on other porn sites?They are young.Do they understand the full consequences of being on porn sites?
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