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Everything posted by Loner-69

  1. Nora may also be afraid of losing Kiko to one of the other girls,since to her Kiko is no more than a human vibrator or dildo that she invites over when she is horny.
  2. Sorry,the website I gave you was in error.Go to www.pornhd.xyz and tell me what you see.
  3. As for realife cam residents not becoming porn stars I suggest you go to pornhub.com and tell me what you.
  4. Sorry about my two rants today,but I'm pissed about what I see happening to this apartment and about what is being done to two beautiful women.So if you don't like it,bring it on.I've been shot at and physically beat up before,so I think I can handle it.
  5. As for Nora admonishing Kami about sleeping nude,I think it had more to do with Kiko being in the apartment,then it had to do with kami being nude in front of the camera.If that is the case, then Kiko needs to be banned from the apartment.If nora wants to spend the night with him she needs to go to his place.The other girls should not have to alter their natural behavior because of an unwanted male guest.
  6. People may love me or people may hate me for what I have to say,I really don't care,but here is my take on what happened last night and in the last couple weeks in this apartment.I see Nora attempting to turn the place into an R-rated softcore porn site with lots of T&A and simulated sex.But it's not real nor spontaneous.I wonder what, Recreation Director,Nora has planned for tonight.Will it be all night at the club.or will tonight be a sexy version of "hop scotch","tag","ring around the posey","jump rope","hide and seek","drop the hanky","musical chairs","spin the bottle",etc.Bottom line to whatever it is,it's not real.If the cameras were not here they would not be doing it.I watch this site to see real life not contrived life done for the purpose of increasing the sites popularity.Essentiality what you have is a reality site with people who are actively working at being someone they are not in order to be popular, and that, people, is called a lie.Kristy and Kamila are sweet beautiful people by nature and that's what I want to see,not Kami and Kristy pretending to be trashy whores just to increase the sites viewership.And for you people who demand wall to wall sex go to some porn site where it is almost all acting and 90% of the orgasms are fake.You sound like a bunch of high school boys with your sex hormones running wild.Or like this is the first time in your life you've seen a real live titty or pussy.How juvenile.Kristy and kami were two beautiful dignified women when they entered this apartment and that's how I want them to be when they leave thi apartment.Not degraded by a bunch of sexual perverts.
  7. If that is the case then the site is not real while it is advertised as reallifecam.
  8. I found my post.It was at 6:20:04pm on 7/31/15.
  9. As far as tenants strategizing, the closet thing I had for proof was the other night when Kristy and Kami were sitting on the couch and Nora was out of the building and they knew she was gone.For some reason they started whispering.If they were the only two people in the apartment why the need to whisper.I believe I even made a comment on cc at that time asking "Why are they whispering?"
  10. People, there's more to life and to love then sex.If you're just looking for sex at this site then go to one of the umpteen million porn sites.What I want to see from this site is real life.If that involves sex that's great,but if it doesn't that's fine to.I want to see real.Not people playing to the camera or avoiding the camera.I want to see people behaving as they would if there were no cameras in the building.Tonight I just wanted to watch Kristy and Kamela have a nice quiet night sitting on the couch watching TV and allowing whatever would happen to just happen.If that meant them just talking and caressing each other or having sex that was fine with me as long as it was real.And then along came Nora who just happened to have a brand new unopened twister set with her and then the show began for the cameras.I enjoyed what they did,but it was staged.And then they went out to the balcony to cool off and strategize their next move.While they were outside, with the music blasting,I felt like I was sitting in a strip club waiting for the next group of dancers to come on stage.And then when they all went to the couch they sat with their legs wrapped around each other just like normal people.I feel as if Kami and Kristy are being pressured to take part in a freak show.Kami and Kristy seem to really like each other and I would like to watch where that goes.The way I see it,pressuring someone to have sex when they don't want to with nasty comments on this site is almost equivalent to rape.
  11. From where I sit no hatred of Nora is Illogical.
  12. I'm proud of Kristy not forcing herself on Kamila when Kami was not yet ready for a sexual relationship.I surely would like to see them sexually together,but only if they both want it.
  13. My question is why would you go live in an apartment that you know has video cameras if you don't want anyone to see your real life?No one kidnapped them and put them here.So what's with the games?
  14. I don't believe Kamila does anything with anybody.I'm beginning to believe except for meals,visits to the toilet,and sleep everything else in this apartment is an act.I'm not saying Kami and Kristy are not good people,but everything that happens in this apartment is a game.
  15. Shows over.I'd rather watch a baseball game on TV than watch cartoons.Good- bye.
  16. Is Nora reverting back to her childhood with her choice of TV programs?
  17. I sure hope Nora never has any children,boy would she screw them up.
  18. Does anyone in Barcelona know a hit man?Just Kidding
  19. Why do Kristy and Kamila allow Nora to run everything?She decides what games to play,what plays on TV,who sits where on the couch,etc.
  20. I'm back.I feel like I'm at a strip club waiting for the dancers to come on stage.
  21. Enough little girl games, I'm going to watch TV.
  22. I wonder is this spontaneous are all planned in advance?Are we all being played for fools?
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