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Everything posted by Loner-69

  1. Well, I think that we have our final act right now. But without the fireworks. It just stops and that's it. No fight or sweaty sex in kammi's bed. Just as it did between Kammi and Monica. It just stopped. And we will never know the real reason. It would really surprise me if we see them interact again like they did in the last week. It really sucks, because it looked kinda genuine to me. But perhaps I'm too naive ;D I haven't had time to read all the recent posts in this thread. So, forgive me if this has already been mentioned. I just watched Kristy go back into Kamilia's room after changing into jean shorts and a top and go over to the bed where Kamila was looking at stuff on her phone. Kristy bent down and gave Kamila 2 short kisses on the mouth before she went out. They were smiling at each other and I don't see any tension at all between them. I wouldn't count on anything being a sure thing regarding the future of the relationship. Let's just see what happens. Oh yeah, I do also think they are perfectly fine with eachother. No tension. But their behaviour has changed. At least after last night. No more cuddling and playing. And Kristy is giving Kammi more space. Maybe they talked about it and decided to take it a few notches down. To be honest it was mostly Kristy that took the lead and perhaps that made Kammi uncomfortable. Who knows. Or perhaps it was indeed an act as some of us believe. Everything is possible. Ah well, RLC has us sucked in again. Just like the first time Kammi was here. These guys are gooood! ;D I believe Kami has husband or boyfriend in Russia.
  2. Maybe it affected you differently.Please go to Narconon International web page and look at Signs and Symptoms of Ecstasy and then remember her behavior that night.Also,it says there that Ecstasy can be in liquid form.Was that the night of the twister party?Also,on comments history of CamCaps look on page 264 of Pictures of Rita,Nora ,Jenny comments #3946 &#3947(closeup of Kami's face).Her eyes are brown.Look at her pupils in those photos.PLEASE.
  3. Remember her behavior the night she got sick.And then go to Narcon International web page and look at Signs and Symptoms of Ecstasy. il est aussi possible qu'on lui en ai proposé pendant une soirée, et qu'elle veut se renseigner sur les effets de cette drogue!!! crois moi, j'ai déjà vu des gars sous ectasie, et je peux te garantir que si kamila en avait prit dans la maison, elle serait devenue folle et pleines d'hallucinations en quelques minutes!!!! it is also possible that it was proposed at a party and she wants to learn about the effects of this drug !!! believe me, I've seen guys in ectasia, and I can guarantee you that if kamila had took her in the house, she would be mad and full of hallucinations within minutes !!!! Remember the night Kami got sick and had the long masturbating session and someone said she overheated from masturbating?She then went downstairs, put a wet towel on her head and laid on the couch.While lying on the couch she also fanned herself with the towel.Seemed to be really hot.She then went outside to cool off.She was joined downstairs by Kristy.
  4. Remember her behavior the night she got sick.And then go to Narcon International web page and look at Signs and Symptoms of Ecstasy.
  5. Remember her behavior the night she got sick.And then go to Narconon International web page and look at Signs and Symptoms of Ecstasy.
  6. Well, I think that we have our final act right now. But without the fireworks. It just stops and that's it. No fight or sweaty sex in kammi's bed. Just as it did between Kammi and Monica. It just stopped. And we will never know the real reason. It would really surprise me if we see them interact again like they did in the last week. It really sucks, because it looked kinda genuine to me. But perhaps I'm too naive ;D I haven't had time to read all the recent posts in this thread. So, forgive me if this has already been mentioned. I just watched Kristy go back into Kamilia's room after changing into jean shorts and a top and go over to the bed where Kamila was looking at stuff on her phone. Kristy bent down and gave Kamila 2 short kisses on the mouth before she went out. They were smiling at each other and I don't see any tension at all between them. I wouldn't count on anything being a sure thing regarding the future of the relationship. Let's just see what happens. I know you hate me and think I'm crazy,but please look at Comment #3844by Frankster on the pictures thread of Nora,Rita & Jenny and tell me what you see.
  7. Yes I do and no none of them have exhibited any signs of taking ecstasy or any other drug for that matter. What are the physical effects. Loner-suggest you Google effects of ectasy and read all about it! This is about the girls thread, not a medical information site I know you hate me and think I am crazy,but please go to Narcon International web page and look at Signs and Symptoms of Ecstasy.Remember night kami got sick.This may be another reason she is mad at Nora and Kristy.Who gave Kami the pill that night when she went to bed?
  8. This is really funny coming from the same exact person that made this comment just 2 days ago: That was my way of satiring other peoples behavior.
  9. Yes I do and no none of them have exhibited any signs of taking ecstasy or any other drug for that matter. What are the physical effects.
  10. Why? Do you think you've taken some? http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/mdma-ecstasy-abuse/what-are-effects-mdma No, I haven't touched any illegal drugs since the 1970s.
  11. My opinion,it will never happen.I believe Kamila has boyfriend or husband in Russia.
  12. I'm familiar with the effects on the body of many drugs, but I am not familiar with the effects of ectasy.Does anyone on this forum know the effects of ectasy?
  13. I know most of the people on this forum hate me and think I am crazy.I can accept that and probably in some ways I deserve having people feel that way about me.But if you can see to forgive me, I need some information.The night Kami got sick,some one posted a comment stating she took a pill.Who made that comment and did the overheating, long masturbation session take place before or after taking the pill.And does anyone know who gave her the pill. Thanks,and I'm sorry if I made anyone really angry.
  14. My new name for Nora is "Nurse Ratchet" from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest".
  15. My lack of paragraphs for my "diatribe"is not from grammatical incompetence it is from computer ignorance.You have to understand that when I attended college there were no PCs nor laptops.I took class notes with pen and pad.Any time I try to construct paragraphs on this damn thing the whole thing gets screwed up.My computer knowledge is limited.Sorry about that.
  16. MY TURN.Sorry I ruffled your feathers last night, guys.The phone calls to Kami last night were the final piece of the puzzle for me to understand Kami.AFTER I get done here feel free to criticize and call me any name you want.That's another reason I call my self loner,I think I can handle it with no one elses support.Anyway here goes.I was browsing the web one day and came across RLC and found the site interesting,since I like to observe peoples lives and interactions.And then one day I saw Kami.She reminded me of a girl I knew and deeply loved in the 1970s right after I returned from Vietnam,Martye.Martye in turn in the 1970s reminded me of Natalie wood who I was a real big fan of.Okay,so much for preliminaries,here is my take on Kamila.Kamila is a professional model from Russia who travels the world for photo shoots.She is in Barcelona for a modeling job.Back in Russia she has a boyfriend and her family.From her upbeat personality I believe she has a very loving relationship with her Russian family.The economy in Russia is not that great right now.I believe she sends money back home to support her family including a younger sister whom Kami buys clothes for because her parents can't afford to buy them.Somehow Kami found out about the RLC apartment in Barcelona.Kami figured that if she could stay rent free in Barcelona, she then could send more money back to her family in Russia.RLC told her all you have to do is live your life normally but allow to show your life to the world thru the cameras.On Kami's first stay at the apartment either she completed her modeling assignment and left or RLC or Nora began to pressure her to show more skin and Kami was not willing to do it and she left.So now Kami gets this new modeling job in Barcelona and she can't pass up the opportunity to live rent free while working in Barcelona,so she agrees to show more skin this time in order to be allowed to live there.When Kami comes back viewership for RLC skyrockets because of Kami.I believe people in RLC apartments are paid based upon viewership numbers,so there is incentive on their part to increase viewership.Thus,Nora,Kristy,and possibly RLC began to pressure Kami to show more skin and even sexual behavior,but Kami had a really strong loving relationship with a guy back in Russia and wanted to remain faithful to him.Thus,she had a conflict.But Kami was alone in Barcelona and needed friendship from someone.Kristy filled the friendship void for her.However Kristy wanted more than friendship,But Kami was not lesbian and wanted to remain faithful to her boyfriend,so she allowed things to go only so far with Kristy in order to keep Kristy as a friend but at the same time remain faithful to her boyfriend.Now with Nora and RLC, the higher the viewership the more money they make.And what really sells,SEX.And if they could show sex with someone as beautiful as Kami,wow.What would that do for the ratings?Thus both Nora and Kristy began to pressure Kami for sex,but Kami would only go so far because of her boyfriend and maybe even moral reasons(the necklace around her neck).But Nora and Kristy would not give up and I believe in the future will continue to not give up in attempting to sexualize Kami.They kept trying to wear down Kami's resistance with parties and booze(the twister party).I believe Nora was trying everything possible to corrupt Kami(cigarettes,showing her dildos and sex toys,etc.)I'm not sure if some other way was tried,but remember the night Kami overheated from a long masturbating session and was sick.Some one said she took some kind of pill before going to sleep.I know Nora gave her cigarettes.What else did Nora give her?Did the pill cause the long masturbation session because it made her real horny.I'm also not that sure about Kristy.I don't know if Kristy is a true Friend to Kami or if she is working with Nora.Then came the phone calls.With the first call both Kami and Kristy were on the couch in the living room.Kami seemed really surprised when she got the call.She went to the kitchen,closed the door and talked on her phone.The volume on the phone was not loud enough for me to hear much,but I thought it sounded like a man's voice.At the end of the call it sounded as if they had an argument.After the call Kami went back into the living room with Kristy and appeared to be talking about the call.Then there was a second call.Kami went to the balcony for the second call,but before going out she opened the living room window next to the balcony.Apparently she turned up the volume on her phone because I could hear a man's voice on the phone very clearly.There was a lot of laughing and giggling on Kami's part during the call and the language sounded Russian to me (similar to Paul,Anton &Stepan's voices).I assumed from the tone of the call and Kami's reaction that this was her boyfriend from Russia.I believe Kami turned the volume up on the phone so Kristy could hear the conversation.I think it was her way of telling Kristy this is why I do not want sex with you.Kristy was lying on the couch and her facial expressions appeared to indicate she was a bit pissed.When Kami came in from the balcony she appeared to me to look like the original Kami I saw when I first saw her on RLC,not the raunchy person this apartment was turning her into.Then both she and Kristy went upstairs and that was the end of the night.I wonder about the first phone call because Kami seemed really surprised when she got it.I think I heard someone on this forum say that RLC is blacked out in Russia.I thought maybe this guy somehow got access to RLC and called because he was not happy with Kami's behavior with Kristy.He called while Kami had her head lying on Kristy's lap on the couch.Anyway that's my take on this whole soap opera.
  17. Got you guys talking though didn't I.I've purposely been toying with your minds and emotions.Every time you say something I learn more about you Which than gives me more to write.Face it guys, if your life was truly fulfilling you wouldn't be on RLC nor CC.Have fun with your fantasies and I'll have fun with my girlfriend tomorrow. BYE.
  18. The sad truth is that Kami is too much of a real woman for 90% of the people on this forum.
  19. This was first phone call in kitchen.Either Kami or guy called back later.That was second call on balcony.
  20. Kristy was alone in living room while Kami was on the phone on the balcony.
  21. Appears my original Assessment of Kami was correct and sounds like she has a very loving relationship with a man.I think allowing Kristy to hear the phone call was her way of telling Kristy to back off sexually.
  22. I listened to phone conversation too.It was a man's voice.At times Kami was very emotional on the phone with him.Laughed and giggled a lot.I think this was her boyfriend.Sounded like a very loving relationship just based upon Kami's reaction.And Kristy did seem pissed while lying on the couch listening to the conversation.After long phone call Kami seemed to be her old self,not the trashy person this apartment and RLC was making her into. This is probably who she is on the phone with when she masturbates.I think Kristy and Nora are completely out of luck. Tonights score: Boyfriend 1,Kristy0.Anything that goes on between Kami and Kristy is just strictly girls play.At least on Kami's side.And all you guys on RLC ,if you're expecting sex from Kami,you're going to be watching a long time.Too bad I don't understand Russian,his voice was very loud on the phone.I think Kami purposely wanted Kristy to hear the phone call.This apartment,guys on CC,and RLC are out of luck if they are expecting sex from Kami.
  23. Your full of shit and you know it. You have issues and need meds. The only reason you brought up the drugged point was to make an accusation. You know and I know it - probably others can see it too. You continue to have conversations with your own posts ... Issues .... Issues .... Issues .... Your a nut job ...! It has literally only been 45 minutes since your last post. What do you think? Aside from the fact that if there was any hint towards sex the flyboys here would flood every single thread about it. What do you think could happen in an hour? I really think you need some time away from RLC. BTW, if you are waiting for any of these girls other than Nora to have sex, you are going to be waiting for a very VERY long time. And you will be waiting even longer if you are waiting for Kamila and Kristy to have sex with each other. But isn't that what the people watching this site are waiting for?Each day wanting her to go a little further and a little further and a little further until gradually there's no difference between her and a porn actress. Dude - you have some real issues that can't be solved here ... just sayin ... Why are you watching the girls? Same as everyone one else - to see what is going on and I like the variety of this apartment. BUT ... I do not obsess or delve into how they may be treated or what they may or may not know. Nor post incessantly over and over about the same thing. I also don't go off the deep end about them potentially being drugged and worrying over what people who don't even know them will think about them in the future. Nor come here as a new person assuming others have not posted about issues and ask questions or make accusations about what you don't know - over and over. I watch for what it is - they live this way for money/fame/need/desire/exhibitionism whatever. Live and let them live. It is a pay to view site - they are the cast. They all have lives after their month ends. Have one too! What do you expect to get from this then?Isn't your real life exciting enough? And you distorted what I said about drugs.I said the only time I saw someone's personality change that fast was when I saw someone that was using drugs or had been drugged.I accused no one.I just stated what I had seen in my past around people who had used drugs back in the 1970s while I was working as a veterans counselor.The drug I saw that caused the most profound change in a person's behavior was amphetamines.Which can also be used to lose weight. Your full of shit and you know it. You have issues and need meds. The only reason you brought up the drugged point was to make an accusation. You know and I know it - probably others can see it too. You continue to have conversations with your own posts ... Issues .... Issues .... Issues .... Your a nut job ...! Actually I've been toying with your minds and emotions.I had to draw you out to see what makes you tick and who you are.Now I know.
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