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Everything posted by Loner-69

  1. Stating as fact that girls when they stay out all night at RLC are prostitutes or sex escorts is not humorous.Some people at cc have stated that, as if it were a known fact.What if that girl's family or friends in Russia were to see that comment and believe that the girl had traveled to Barcelona in order to work as a prostitute and not as a model.Would that not be a problem?I have no problem with raunchy talk and sex jokes,but defaming someone on the internet is not funny. In fact,Euromike made that exact assertion about my girlfriend and he thought it was funny.I mean I don't make jokes about the fact that Euromike only has a 2 inch dick do I ,so why should he need to accuse my girlfriend of being a prostitute or escort?
  2. Or you can just act like a wise man and let it go. Why do you care so much what complete strangers say about you or your girlfriend if you know it's not true? But other people who read this on the internet may not know it's not true.Now do you see why girls at RLC can be hurt by our comments?Once that information is on the internet anyone in the world that has a computer can read it and may believe it.
  3. Could you help me find a post that talks about Nora telling Kami not to sleep nude? I've looked way back to before Kiko had come and I don't see it. The reason I'm asking is because it doesn't seem to make sense that Nora would admonish any girl for sleeping nude since she herself does it quite frequently such as she did tonight. Did someone who speaks Russian confirm that sleeping nude was the topic of some exchange between the two women? I just never saw that and hadn't heard about it. Thanks. Bookmaster, I'm not posting this to piss anybody off or step on any toes. The night Kamila slept in the buff, the very next day Nora and Kamila were downstairs and Nora was showing Kamila a picture of it on the computer. You couldn't see the picture but due to reaction and body language by Kamila, that is exactly what she was showing her. That was the last time Kamila ever slept totally naked! I know your going to say, well if you didn't see the picture then it didn't happen. But the truth is it did happen and the outcome was no more sleeping naked on Kamila's part. We all know that Nora will do whatever it takes to keep the spotlight on her, and that is one of the ways she makes sure it stays on her!! I know you love Kamila to death! It shows by how much you are always taking up for her with CC members and what they post about her. I also used to love Kamila to death but after I got banned by RLC I started looking at these girls in a different light. Kirsty is by far my favorite now!! The possibility that Kamila smokes is enough to turn me off on her for good. I don't date women who smoke and I don't like women who smoke! Women who smoke is a MAJOR no/no for me personally!! "You couldn't see the picture but due to reaction and body language by Kamila, that is exactly what she was showing her". "We all know that Nora will do whatever it takes to keep the spotlight on her, and that is one of the ways she makes sure it stays on her!!" "I know you love Kamila to death! I also used to love Kamila to death........... WTF? Mate, sad isn't the word. You need help, serious help. I hate smoking too,but my lady smokes and there is no way in hell I would give her up.
  4. Sorry, my German is very limited.Have no idea what you said.
  5. Bad news.No fun,loving and sex until Wednesday.My girlfriend just called.Has to go to doctor,register kids for school and then work today and tomorrow,so can't come over until Wednesday.DAMN!!!!
  6. On second thought maybe you're right,I should just show EUROMIKE's comment about my girlfriend to her and let her sue him for defamation. Thanks for setting me straight. I'll get right on that.Need to get my printer going so I can print the comment. Thanks again.
  8. One thing I really like about these girls is that they eat really well and are still able to maintain such hot bodies.Glad they don't try fad diets or use diet pills to lose weight.I imagine a modeling career puts a lot of pressure to keep a perfect body.Diet pills are also very dangerous because they speed up your heart rate in order to speed up your metabolism.Can also keep you from being able to sleep and will make your body age fast.Diet pills can also really distort your personality and make you very belligerent and bitchy.Diet pills can also make your hair fall out.
  9. Do the pupils of Kami's eyes look really dilated in these photos or is that just my imagination.
  10. But Bill Clinton, Anthony Wiener,and Bill Cosby would like it.
  11. nk it's pretty safe to speculate that the tenants are compensated in some manner, but no...I don't have any evidence. However, see the post in this thread from horseshoejerry...assuming that ad is legit, it is certain that tenants are paid with free rent and utilities. Speculation is fine when you state that it is speculation.But when you start stating speculation as fact your credibility has big problems.
  12. How would you react if someone called the woman you love a prostitute or escort?
  13. Small town,Illinois,USA.But beyond that, because of all the shit that happens on the internet, I do not want to be more precise than that.
  14. Dear Loner-69 I do not believe you have a 31 year old girl friend at the moment. You have mentioned her a few times but as yet I have seen no proof - No pictures of you and her at different times, locations, no video. Therefore she does not exist. Thanks for the compliment Euromike69. I try to be smart, to the point, occasionally funny. However slap wrist for you for the second comment about Escorts etc Don't do it again or at least try your hardest not to. As mothers apparently use to say " If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" There is no way in hell I would ever share a photo or video of someone I love with an asshole like you, so that you could plaster it all over the internet .No way would I ever afford you the opportunity to degrade her which seems to be the only thing you know how to do with women.And by the way,we have been together since 2003 and are planning to marry.
  15. Can you imagine how much whispering there would be in that house.
  16. I always enjoyed your positive energy on this forum, but since you came back most of the time you're complaining and ranting. What happened to you? I really miss the old dfCcap :( So she smokes....so what ? She's still beautiful ; maybe she smokes pot ...who knows ?? >:( She has brought life to this site and is hot, hot, hot ! OH DEAR GOD..leave it alone, this is the picture thread! My girlfriend smokes too,I hate the smell and I try to get her to stop.But there is no way in hell I would ever drop her just because she smokes.
  17. It's scary what a woman with a beautiful face and body can do to a man's hormones and sanity isn't it?
  18. Yes, I said that to a certain purpose My girlfriend lives and works in another town about twenty miles from me with her young children,so I only get to see her once or twice a week. RLC is good pastime for me when she is not here.
  19. At last, real concrete information on something free of wild speculation.Thank you to whoever obtained the information.
  20. This is the only apartment I watch on a regular basis.
  21. I agree 100%.She is fabulous,but so is Kristy.Thank you,Kami and Kristy for the enjoyment you provide us.Even though I can't afford the RLC premium fee, I really appreciate the opportunity to admire and lust over their bodies when they are downstairs.And even though I'm old, they do make me horny.It's like I told my girlfriend the other day.We were sitting on the couch watching tv and a Viagra commercial came on and I told her I had no need for Viagra because I had her.And it is true.When she comes to see me,I get hard when she comes through my front door and I stay hard until she leaves many hours later in the day.In fact,I told her my new nickname for her was going to be Viagra.
  22. All I'm saying is that these girls have been kind enough to provide us with an opportunity to watch and enjoy the beauty of their bodies on RLC,so why can't we show them some decency and respect when we make comments about them.And don't say such hurtful things about them,especially when you don't even know if what you are saying about them is even true.Just take the simple stupid statement I made about Kamila not smoking.I have never seen her smoke,so I don't know whether she does or not.But I will never say she smokes until I see her smoking with my own eyes.And in the future that is how I will treat 99% of the information I see on this site.Especially when someone makes an outlandish speculation like saying a girl is part of a sexual escort service simply because she doesn't return to the apartment until 8:00am after having been out all night.And then people taking that assertion and treating it as if it were the gospel truth.My approach in the future will be this,IF I DIDN'T SEE IT MYSELF,THEN IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
  23. If an untrue comment posted on CC causes a girl to lose a modeling job or not get a modeling job would you consider that suffering damage?Or what if such a comment causes their fiancée or boyfriend to dump to dump her would you consider that suffering damage?
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