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Everything posted by Loner-69

  1. Uncanny,not only is Kamila similar in appearance and behavior to Natalie Wood, I noticed that in the film "West Side Story"Natalie was wearing a necklace identical to the necklace worn by Kamila.I wonder if Kamila is a member of the Russian Orthodox Church.
  2. Enough,I'm going to watch a baseball game on TV.
  3. How real was Meg Ryan's orgasm in "Sleepless in Seattle"?
  4. Now all we need to make this a perfect day are some fake orgasms from upstairs.
  5. Oh well,my woman is coming over Monday.Fun Times!!!!
  6. Personally,I'm beginning to believe Kami is a virgin who is waiting for the perfect man.If that's true, I praise her for standing by her convictions.
  7. I beginning to believe this whole thing on the couch is an act and a show.I hope I'm wrong.Well,I 'll just enjoy the sight for whatever it is.Either way they still are very beautiful ladies.
  8. Why do Kamila and Kristy need to whisper when they are the only two people in the apartment?
  9. Question.If Kamila is truly lesbian why does she spend so much time watching heterosexual love stories on TV?
  10. No problem.I didn't put that original sentence together too well.
  11. No,not the girls yelling.Iwas yelling.It's better then upstairs now,Nora left the apartment.
  12. Right now I'm sitting here watching Kristy and Kamila on the couch and yelling at Nora to go upstairs.
  13. Kamila's playing psychotherapist again.This time with Nora.Looks like free association psychoanalysis with Nora lying an the couch and Kamila analyzing Nora's thoughts.Freud would have been proud of Kamila.
  14. Nora sounds like an old time authoritarian Soviet like Khrushchev or Brezhnev.
  15. Kamila got me so fixated on Natalie Wood that I actually found "The Mystery of Natalie Wood,TV Movie 2004"on the internet and just finished watching it.Natalie Wood was such a beautiful,caring,vulnerable and strong woman.
  16. To me, beyond their physical similarities their behavior,personalities,and emotions are more teling.
  17. I'm amazed at how much Kamila reminds me of the actress Natalie Wood in both her physical appearance and behavior.I'd be interested in knowing if anyone else sees that too.Both were and are fabulously beautiful women.If anyone is not familiar with Natalie Wood,she was an American actress from the 1950s thru the 1980s.She died in a boating accident in 1981.If you don't know who she is maybe you could rent dvds of movies she starred in.I'd really be interested in your opinion of my comparison of the two.By the way, Natalie Wood's real name was Natalie Zacharenko.
  18. I left my computer to eat.Where did Kamila and Kristy go?
  19. If Nora is that intent on keeping Kamila and Kristy apart why doesn't she just lock them in their rooms and only allow them out for meals and to use the bathroom.
  20. I now understand why I've been so taken by Kamila.I now realize she reminds me of Martye,a girl I knew in the 1970s.Even her full name was magical to me,Martha Marie Maguire.When we met I was 26 yrs old and she was 18 yrs old.Both she and her brother were adopted at birth by an older Irish-American couple.Martye's body was no where close to Kamila's, but her emotions and inner beauty were similar.Martye also had a very pretty face.Even this many years later I feel sad when I think about Martye,wondering if I had done some things differently that we would be together today.I even had a tear in my eye while I was typing this.
  21. Thanks for the information.You know a lot more about her history than I do.All I know of her is what I've seen on RLC.
  22. I like Kristy too.She seems to be a very fun person in addition to being pretty and sexy.I think she is good for Kami.Kristy seems to have more wordly experiences than Kami.Hopefully she can provide some support and protection for Kami. Nora is pretty, but too domineering.Must be Nora's Soviet heritage coming out.Sort of like Putin reverting to his KGB days.
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