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Everything posted by Loner-69

  1. Nora,go upstairs and go to bed.Please!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I'm back.Just put my bed sheets in the washing machine.My girlfriend is coming over either tomorrow or Monday.Need clean sheets.
  3. A message for RLC.If Kristy and Kamila leave this apartment most of your customers will go too!
  4. This place is boring.I'm going to listen to my radio.I'll try back later.Bye.
  5. Not to slight anyone.Kristy is also beautiful,fun and caring.Nora could be too, if she weren't so controlling.
  6. Why does everyone in the apartment seem so depressed?I was looking for a fun time.
  7. One thing she is for sure is a beautiful,kind woman.
  8. Actually I was lucky.I was trained to be a canoneer,but when I got to Vietnam the artillery unit I was assigned to had a shortage of operators for the counter rocket and mortar radar section,so I was put on OJT as a radar operator.I didn't get shot at that many times and luckily I was never put in a situation where I had to kill someone.It was just living in the constant fear of death for a whole year that wore on me.We slept in sandbagged bunkers and at night there was always the fear of taking a direct hit from a rocket.The bunkers could withstand mortars but a hit by a rocket was almost sure death.Also,I had convinced myself that I wasn't coming back when I boarded the plane taking us to the war.My mother was a very emotional person so I couldn't even hug her good-bye when I left because I knew that if I did both of us would have been on the floor of the airport terminal holding each other and crying.So I left without even hugging her thinking that that was the last time I would ever see her.What really bothered me and other vets when we got back was that we were expected to resume our lives as if nothing had happened to us for a whole year.One day you're in the middle of the Vietnam War and a couple days later you were back in America and expected to behave as if you had not even been there.People who opposed the war hated us and people who supported the war didn't care about what happened to us after we came back.
  9. But the more views are because of Kami and Kristy,not Nora and Kiko.
  10. Sounds like me and the German language.I took 2 years of German in high school,but in my senior high yearbook I willed my GermanII textbook to anyone that could translate the translations that I wrote in it.
  11. No,I've taken a number of Psychology courses.I do have first hand knowledge of Primal Therapy since I spent from March,1978 thru August,1979 as a patient at The Primal Institute in Los Angeles,Ca.I had some problems when I returned from the Vietnam War in April,1970.I got into using drugs and other personal problems.The1978 movie "Coming Home"starring Jane Fonda did a pretty good job of depicting the problems faced by Vietnam vets when they returned home.As for Nora, from a primal perspective the only one who knows what is bothering Nora is Nora.A therapist can help someone feel what is bothering them,but only the patient knows his/her own truth.
  12. I'm American and English is my only language and many times my English is not that good.
  13. Kami,if you want to learn more about becoming a psychotherapist I suggest you read either "The Anatomy of Mental Illness" or "The Primal Scream" both written by Arthur Janov.You are a good listener,that's an essential quality for becoming a primal therapist.
  14. I think Nora is losing control of the apartment and doesn't quite know how to deal with it.
  15. With each passing day Nora appears to be older.
  16. No,its her life and she has the right to do only what she is comfortable doing.We are only observers.Besides I'm enjoying very much what is happening.I like romantic comedies.Kami sexually frustrates me, but that is only because she is so beautiful and desirable.
  17. More speculation.Maybe Kamila is just a pretend lesbian who uses that identity to keep away predatory men until the right man shows up.
  18. Last night when Kami and Kristy were looking at Kami's phone while in bed I really believe they were reviewing our responses to their show.If that is true this is really fun.Kami and Kristy if you are reading this just do whatever you are personally comfortable with.We love the two of you,regardless.
  19. Nora just left the apartment.Where are Kami and Kristy?
  20. Regardless of whether they do or they don't I love both of them and they are a pleasure to my old eyes.
  21. Will tonight be the second episode of the RLC produced soap opera entitled "Will They or Won't They"starring Kristy as the seductive temptress and Kamila as the reluctant virgin?With supporting roles by Nora and Kiko as the distractors.Will Kamila give in to the persistant advances of Kristy or will she drive Kristy into the bed of her arch rival Nora.Be sure to tune in tonight to see what happens.
  22. This is even more eerie,I just discovered that Natalie Wood actually spoke Russian in the movie"Meteor".I wonder if Kami believes in reincarnation?
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