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Everything posted by Loner-69

  1. Are Kami and Kristy whispering because of Nora or because of CC?
  2. I don't know if it will be suspenseful. I mean, if Kammi has met someone she wants to be with this person as often as possible. But that will be outside of the apartment. She doesn't seem like a girl who will bring this person to the apartment for a introduction ;D So, maybe she will be out every night. And to be honest I prefer it that way. I don't have to see her felt up by some regular dude. And for me the whole Kammi and Kristy soap has already ended. Their intimate and playful interactions are scarce now. They are back to normal. Just close friends. And yes, whatever happens they will leave us some day soon. It's sad, but it's also the beginning of a new chapter for them and for us :) Possibly too, there is no man.The first night Kami and Kristy went out together and Kristy came home 1hr and 20 min before Kami.Maybe Kristy got sick and came home early.The next night when Kamila went out by herself maybe Kristy was still sick. I think I'm going to give up on trying to figure out who is with who and just enjoy the show.All this speculation is hurting my brain.Besides who could ever figure out a woman.To me that's the fun of women.
  3. Sorry to leave,guys.But I just got a craving for ice cream.I'm headed to Dairy Queen.
  4. I wouldn't discount that either. She definitely has something wrong with her throat. She spent about an hour in the bathroom downstairs in the middle of the night gargling salt water and spraying some kind of medicine into the back of her throat and she has been doing that for about 10 to 15 minutes everyday for at least 3 or 4 days. So, maybe it's getting worse. Elle a pris sa température tout à l'heure dans sa chambre et elle a montré à Kami qu'elle avait mal au ventre... She took her temperature while ago in her room and she showed Kami she had a stomach ache... Well, I guess that could be the main problem now. I didn't see that, so I really can't comment on it. But, she definitely seems to have a problem with her throat too. I've only seen one other person gargle a whole glass of salt water at a time like that and she was a professional singer. I've seen no indication that Kristy sings, so my current thinking is that she is also having some kind of problem with her throat. In any event, I just hope it's nothing serious. She seems like a really nice girl and I really like her playful manner. Have you ever heard of Linda Lovelace? I'm just kidding everybody :) Yeah,I remember "Deep Throat".First professional porn movie I watched.
  5. As a break from RLC, last night I rented and watched an old comedy movie from 1965 "The Great Race" with Jack Lemmon,Tony Curtis,Peter Falk and Natalie Wood.Wow,that movie is still funny as hell.Damn,I wasted money for dvd rental.I just discovered the whole movie is on the internet.
  6. I wouldn't discount that either. She definitely has something wrong with her throat. She spent about an hour in the bathroom downstairs in the middle of the night gargling salt water and spraying some kind of medicine into the back of her throat and she has been doing that for about 10 to 15 minutes everyday for at least 3 or 4 days. So, maybe it's getting worse. Elle a pris sa température tout à l'heure dans sa chambre et elle a montré à Kami qu'elle avait mal au ventre... She took her temperature while ago in her room and she showed Kami she had a stomach ache... Stomach ache from too much watermelon.LOL
  7. I wouldn't discount that either. She definitely has something wrong with her throat. She spent about an hour in the bathroom downstairs in the middle of the night gargling salt water and spraying some kind of medicine into the back of her throat and she has been doing that for about 10 to 15 minutes everyday for at least 3 or 4 days. So, maybe it's getting worse. I think Kristy got wet in the rain the day before.Might also explain why Kristy came home early from the club when she left Kami at club.
  8. New theory.Kristy didn't go out with Kamila last night because Kristy was sick.
  9. I feel like Kami is Snow White and we are collectively the seven dwarfs looking out for her.
  10. I'm going to watch a baseball game on tv.I understand baseball a lot better than I understand women.
  11. I just hope that if she is with a guy that he treats her right.But it's been my experience that really beautiful women are attracted to bad boys.They end up with guys that treat them like shit or beat the hell out of them.Then they want to cry on the shoulder of some nice guy who they would never consider dating.I guess that's just women,but it's confusing to me.
  12. Just do what I did and promise yourself you won't view RLC until something changes LOL. It's okay, I'm not paying for anything.It helps to kill time when I've got nothing else going on.
  13. I might need to go back to the other apartments.They're boring and not as entertaining as this one and I would miss seeing Kamila,but this place is too confusing and hard on my brain.
  14. It's only 5:28pm here.The jokes on you guys.I'm the older dude that picked Kami up tonight.Eat your heart out and don't tell my girlfriend. LOL
  15. Do you honestly believe that those 2 girls are world class actresses? Because that is what they would have to be to have pulled that off for over a month without "falling out of character" once. Under normal circumstances I would agree with you! However, you need to think who their viewing audience is!! Exactly, You only have to think back to when Kamila arrived the first time, Everyone was fantasizing about her and Monica, Then her and Rita, RLC got her the perfect flatmate, I'm pretty sure Kristy likes girls, whether Kamila does is open for debate, They were giving us mostly everything we wanted, Well played RLC! Of course,there is the possibility that Kami went out with just a friend or friends tonight.It would sure be a hell of a lot easier if we could understand Russian.
  16. So all the stuff between Kristy and Kamila was most likely all a big game.
  17. Mmm, I really think that girls like Kammi actually end up with one of these regular muscled tattooed guys. But you're right, if she is smart she finds herself a sugar daddy ;D Could be worse.Maybe she sneaked out to meet Kiko. LOL
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