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Everything posted by Loner-69

  1. I think this night is finished.Good night and happy dreams.
  2. I bet there will be no 8:00am breakfast this morning.
  3. thread is only successful because of the amount of people that post here and the amount of people waiting to see if they have sex or not. That is what makes the play by play aspect so appealing. Meanwhile, we can go 2 full days on this site without a single post being made for some apartments. I happen to like Maya/Stepan, but can you seriously imagine what a day-by-day thread would look like for them? I'm not sure, but it includes cats. Having been away from cc for a while, I have to acknowledge that things have changed around here. We had some crazy fuckers once, people that used to post the dumbest comments, mostly tongue in cheek, with a few flame ups every now and then, but it was fun, entertaining. I log on here before I log onto RLC, but this thread isn't fun or entertaining anymore. It's sad bordering on scary. Some I believe do keep it light and easy, but for a few, this is serious stuff and that's the scary bit. If I ever get to that stage, I can only hope a kind doctor has prescribed me some good medication, or a kinder friend has put me out of my misery. What is your definition of sad and scary? Sad? Simple; - that people have nothing better to do with their lives than a blow by blow description of what these girls are doing, - that people believe this is 'real life' and not a few strippers, show girls, or whatever you want to call them, acting, - that people actually get emotional and personal about the girls - etc etc etc. Scary? - that if it can happen to these fuckwits and possibly happen to more, - that there are people running around out there that aren't taking their medication, - that it may be contagious, - that one of these fuckwits could be my neighbour - etc etc etc. I find this to be one of the most cruel, judgmental and insensitive posts I have read in quite a while. In my eyes, I find those traits to be pretty sad and scary too. Maybe some people should start looking in the mirror a little before they strike out at others for their behavior and call them "fuckwits" without even having met them. First, let me apologise. I keep expecting you guys to understand English, when maybe it's my Aussie traits. Or maybe you are just fuckwits. Why fuckwit? Two common definitions: -A person who is not only lacking in clue but is apparently unable or unwilling to acquire clue even when handed it on a plate in generous portions. -A person so lacking in intelligence that they cannot grasp the simplest concepts. When you have to explain to someone who does understand the language, a couple of basic sentences, with words of no more than three syllables (with the occasional four such as en-ter-tain-ment), I'd call that someone a fuckwit. When you get someone who bleeds his heart out all over the thread of how addicted he has become to the whole RLC / CC concept, but then still comes back for more, I'd call that someone a fuckwit. And yes I know, the truth hurts sometimes, but occasionally people need a bit of tough love, not hairy fairy, warm and fuzzy coddling by some councillor of mentor, but a good swift kick in the ass. And to save you the time and energy, though I know it won't stop you, you can call me all the names and profanities you can think of, but it won't have any effect. I look in the mirror everyday when I shave to go to work (work, strange concept, look it up) and I like what I see and I sleep peacefully every night. You are both arrogant and stupid.That's a bad combination.
  4. It is related to Nora's sewing things that are on the couch. Okay.
  5. I've never had the experience,but this must be what it's like waiting for a baby to be born.LOL Damn they're making a long night of it.
  6. Maybe Kristy will get really lucky tonight and Kamila will finally give in.Hope springs eternal. LOL
  7. There is a bag on the floor in the living room that says Montserrat.According to Bing,"The Montserrat mountain is one of Barcelona's most popular day trips and is a great way to escape the city and see Catalonia's great landscape." Maybe that helps to explain where the girls went yesterday.
  8. What I see as sad and scary are men who consider women to be no more than tits,ass and pussy.
  9. So are you saying I am sad and is thread is only successful because of the amount of people that post here and the amount of people waiting to see if they have sex or not. That is what makes the play by play aspect so appealing. Meanwhile, we can go 2 full days on this site without a single post being made for some apartments. I happen to like Maya/Stepan, but can you seriously imagine what a day-by-day thread would look like for them? I'm not sure, but it includes cats. Having been away from cc for a while, I have to acknowledge that things have changed around here. We had some crazy fuckers once, people that used to post the dumbest comments, mostly tongue in cheek, with a few flame ups every now and then, but it was fun, entertaining. I log on here before I log onto RLC, but this thread isn't fun or entertaining anymore. It's sad bordering on scary. Some I believe do keep it light and easy, but for a few, this is serious stuff and that's the scary bit. If I ever get to that stage, I can only hope a kind doctor has prescribed me some good medication, or a kinder friend has put me out of my misery. What is your definition of sad and scary? Sad? Simple; - that people have nothing better to do with their lives than a blow by blow description of what these girls are doing, - that people believe this is 'real life' and not a few strippers, show girls, or whatever you want to call them, acting, - that people actually get emotional and personal about the girls - etc etc etc. Scary? - that if it can happen to these fuckwits and possibly happen to more, - that there are people running around out there that aren't taking their medication, - that it may be contagious, - that one of these fuckwits could be my neighbour - etc etc etc. Are strippers and show girls not real people. that people believe this is 'real life' and not a few strippers, show girls, or whatever you want to call them, acting Does that say they are not real people or does it say this is not real life with strippers or show girls acting? And the fact that THIS is the point you picked up on proves both my opinion of sad and scary. So are you saying I am sad and scary? Do you NOT understand English? Scary is the fact that if it can happen to you fuckwits it could possibly happen to more. Scary is the fact that there are people running around out there that aren't taking their medication. Scary is that it may be contagious. Scary is the fact that one of you fuckwits could be my neighbour. Where does it say you are scary? No, not scary, but very sad. Why am I sad to you?
  10. So are you saying I am sad and is thread is only successful because of the amount of people that post here and the amount of people waiting to see if they have sex or not. That is what makes the play by play aspect so appealing. Meanwhile, we can go 2 full days on this site without a single post being made for some apartments. I happen to like Maya/Stepan, but can you seriously imagine what a day-by-day thread would look like for them? I'm not sure, but it includes cats. Having been away from cc for a while, I have to acknowledge that things have changed around here. We had some crazy fuckers once, people that used to post the dumbest comments, mostly tongue in cheek, with a few flame ups every now and then, but it was fun, entertaining. I log on here before I log onto RLC, but this thread isn't fun or entertaining anymore. It's sad bordering on scary. Some I believe do keep it light and easy, but for a few, this is serious stuff and that's the scary bit. If I ever get to that stage, I can only hope a kind doctor has prescribed me some good medication, or a kinder friend has put me out of my misery. What is your definition of sad and scary? Sad? Simple; - that people have nothing better to do with their lives than a blow by blow description of what these girls are doing, - that people believe this is 'real life' and not a few strippers, show girls, or whatever you want to call them, acting, - that people actually get emotional and personal about the girls - etc etc etc. Scary? - that if it can happen to these fuckwits and possibly happen to more, - that there are people running around out there that aren't taking their medication, - that it may be contagious, - that one of these fuckwits could be my neighbour - etc etc etc. Are strippers and show girls not real people. that people believe this is 'real life' and not a few strippers, show girls, or whatever you want to call them, acting Does that say they are not real people or does it say this is not real life with strippers or show girls acting? And the fact that THIS is the point you picked up on proves both my opinion of sad and scary. So are you saying I am sad and scary?
  11. So are you saying I am sad and crazy. This thread is only successful because of the amount of people that post here and the amount of people waiting to see if they have sex or not. That is what makes the play by play aspect so appealing. Meanwhile, we can go 2 full days on this site without a single post being made for some apartments. I happen to like Maya/Stepan, but can you seriously imagine what a day-by-day thread would look like for them? I'm not sure, but it includes cats. Having been away from cc for a while, I have to acknowledge that things have changed around here. We had some crazy fuckers once, people that used to post the dumbest comments, mostly tongue in cheek, with a few flame ups every now and then, but it was fun, entertaining. I log on here before I log onto RLC, but this thread isn't fun or entertaining anymore. It's sad bordering on scary. Some I believe do keep it light and easy, but for a few, this is serious stuff and that's the scary bit. If I ever get to that stage, I can only hope a kind doctor has prescribed me some good medication, or a kinder friend has put me out of my misery. What is your definition of sad and scary? Sad? Simple; - that people have nothing better to do with their lives than a blow by blow description of what these girls are doing, - that people believe this is 'real life' and not a few strippers, show girls, or whatever you want to call them, acting, - that people actually get emotional and personal about the girls - etc etc etc. Scary? - that if it can happen to these fuckwits and possibly happen to more, - that there are people running around out there that aren't taking their medication, - that it may be contagious, - that one of these fuckwits could be my neighbour - etc etc etc. Are strippers and show girls not real people. that people believe this is 'real life' and not a few strippers, show girls, or whatever you want to call them, acting Does that say they are not real people or does it say this is not real life with strippers or show girls acting? And the fact that THIS is the point you picked up on proves both my opinion of sad and scary.
  12. This thread is only successful because of the amount of people that post here and the amount of people waiting to see if they have sex or not. That is what makes the play by play aspect so appealing. Meanwhile, we can go 2 full days on this site without a single post being made for some apartments. I happen to like Maya/Stepan, but can you seriously imagine what a day-by-day thread would look like for them? I'm not sure, but it includes cats. Having been away from cc for a while, I have to acknowledge that things have changed around here. We had some crazy fuckers once, people that used to post the dumbest comments, mostly tongue in cheek, with a few flame ups every now and then, but it was fun, entertaining. I log on here before I log onto RLC, but this thread isn't fun or entertaining anymore. It's sad bordering on scary. Some I believe do keep it light and easy, but for a few, this is serious stuff and that's the scary bit. If I ever get to that stage, I can only hope a kind doctor has prescribed me some good medication, or a kinder friend has put me out of my misery. What is your definition of sad and scary? Sad? Simple; - that people have nothing better to do with their lives than a blow by blow description of what these girls are doing, - that people believe this is 'real life' and not a few strippers, show girls, or whatever you want to call them, acting, - that people actually get emotional and personal about the girls - etc etc etc. Scary? - that if it can happen to these fuckwits and possibly happen to more, - that there are people running around out there that aren't taking their medication, - that it may be contagious, - that one of these fuckwits could be my neighbour - etc etc etc. Are strippers and show girls not real people.
  13. This thread is only successful because of the amount of people that post here and the amount of people waiting to see if they have sex or not. That is what makes the play by play aspect so appealing. Meanwhile, we can go 2 full days on this site without a single post being made for some apartments. I happen to like Maya/Stepan, but can you seriously imagine what a day-by-day thread would look like for them? I'm not sure, but it includes cats. Having been away from cc for a while, I have to acknowledge that things have changed around here. We had some crazy fuckers once, people that used to post the dumbest comments, mostly tongue in cheek, with a few flame ups every now and then, but it was fun, entertaining. I log on here before I log onto RLC, but this thread isn't fun or entertaining anymore. It's sad bordering on scary. Some I believe do keep it light and easy, but for a few, this is serious stuff and that's the scary bit. If I ever get to that stage, I can only hope a kind doctor has prescribed me some good medication, or a kinder friend has put me out of my misery. What is your definition of sad and scary?
  14. You will never see me disagreeing with you about this!! As I have said before, I'm ready to see some new life form in this apartment. I like Kami and Kristy allot but it's time for something new and different!! Need Kamila's boyfriend to move in.
  15. Or just drying wet towels in the sun? You're probably right,but I like to give added life to the conspiracy theories? LOL
  16. Did you notice Kamila brought a blanket in from the balcony and laid it on the couch?More ammunition for sex on the balcony theory?
  17. So tell me, honestly, what the fuck are you losers going to do with your time while 'the girls' are at the beach? I've got to do yard work.
  18. Another call from Kamila's boyfriend?Kamila now seems really happy.
  19. Kristy is alone on couch listening to music and looking at her phone.I hear someone else talking in background somewhere.
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