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Everything posted by Loner-69

  1. Kristy returned.Appears she was locked out of the apartment.Kamila had to let her in.They are now on the balcony.
  2. I wonder if Kristy left her stripper costumes at a strip club and now is going out to work at the club. Loner, you dont make mental masturbation! She uses those garments to do exercise in the same living room. She simply has dressed with the clothing, has a little, combed slippers do sport, headphones and will run a while. It is the best time to go running right now, during the day in Barcelona it is too hot. I'm not saying that it won't be stripper, I don't know... maybe also may be gogo clubs, what I do know is that in Barcelona is not currently working. "Mental masturbation". I like that phrase. Could you please explain to me what is meant by "mental masturbation". Mental straws? You do not get it? Man, you do not imagine things that are not real ... Any time I masturbate it is physical and real,so I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.And truthfully,I don't think you know either, but you just won't admit it. I think that still not you have understood it. I mean that you do not imagine things that are not real or invent them yourself, like for example that Kristy was seen with sportswear to go to a strip club. I mean that with straws or mental masturbation. If still you have not caught it, forget it! How can I catch on when you are spewing verbal bullshit that you do not even understand?You are totally illogical.
  3. I wonder if Kristy left her stripper costumes at a strip club and now is going out to work at the club. Loner, you dont make mental masturbation! She uses those garments to do exercise in the same living room. She simply has dressed with the clothing, has a little, combed slippers do sport, headphones and will run a while. It is the best time to go running right now, during the day in Barcelona it is too hot. I'm not saying that it won't be stripper, I don't know... maybe also may be gogo clubs, what I do know is that in Barcelona is not currently working. "Mental masturbation". I like that phrase. Could you please explain to me what is meant by "mental masturbation". Mental straws? You do not get it? Man, you do not imagine things that are not real ... Any time I masturbate it is physical and real,so I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.And truthfully,I don't think you know either, but you just won't admit it.
  4. I wonder if Kristy left her stripper costumes at a strip club and now is going out to work at the club. Loner, you dont make mental masturbation! She uses those garments to do exercise in the same living room. She simply has dressed with the clothing, has a little, combed slippers do sport, headphones and will run a while. It is the best time to go running right now, during the day in Barcelona it is too hot. I'm not saying that it won't be stripper, I don't know... maybe also may be gogo clubs, what I do know is that in Barcelona is not currently working. "Mental masturbation". I like that phrase. Could you please explain to me what is meant by "mental masturbation".
  5. It's almost like she is pleasuring HERSELF.. Wow really? Is that what masturbation is? I had no idea. Thank you for informing me. Because every time I saw a naked woman and got an erection, I had no idea what to do. But because of your vast knowledge and your willingness to share your knowledge, you have made my life better for it. I don't care what she's doing to herself. I wasn't talking about her. I was talking about CC members that get excited whenever she does it when you never see anything worth getting excited about. The feelings and emotions she shows on her face don't excite you?They excite me.If you want just plain physical fucking devoid of any honest emotions go to a porn site. Again, for the third time, pay attention to what I actually said and don't make up things I said. I don't care if she has sex in this house or not. I don't care if she masturbates again or not. I certainly did not say anything about "sex devoid of honest emotions" you liar. "Feelings and emotions on she shows on her face;" what in the fuck are you talking about? She's masturbating, not making love to herself. You are so far gone from rationality, it's almost comical. And your are so devoid of human emotions that it is sad.
  6. I wonder if Kristy left her stripper costumes at a strip club and now is going out to work at the club.
  7. They were all downstairs.Now they're all gone.Where did they go?
  8. It's almost like she is pleasuring HERSELF.. Wow really? Is that what masturbation is? I had no idea. Thank you for informing me. Because every time I saw a naked woman and got an erection, I had no idea what to do. But because of your vast knowledge and your willingness to share your knowledge, you have made my life better for it. I don't care what she's doing to herself. I wasn't talking about her. I was talking about CC members that get excited whenever she does it when you never see anything worth getting excited about. The feelings and emotions she shows on her face don't excite you?They excite me.If you want just plain physical fucking devoid of any honest emotions go to a porn site.
  9. Why is it when Kristy,Kamila and Nora are all on the couch together Nora wants to be affectionate with Kristy,but when just Kristy and Nora are together on the couch without Kami they don't even sit close to each other?
  10. Still believe everything in this apartment is an act?I don't believe so.Those tears looked very real to me.
  11. For someone bitching about long comments on this thread,you sure put a long comment on this thread.
  12. Kami is crying because she a beautiful,deep feeling woman which many on CC would not have the slightest idea of what that means.
  13. It's almost like she is pleasuring HERSELF.. I thought that that was what masturbation was all about!! pleasuring ones self. I think Kamila is reaching the point of diminishing pleasure returns from masturbating.I think she is going to need something more in order to be fully satisfied. What she needs is to get the panties off and actually penetrate her Vaginal Orifice instead of just rubbing the outside of panties with a bottle. She could insert the end of her hairbrush inside that works just as good as anything. But she has to lose the covers and loosen up and give the paying clientele what they pay to see. I thought she was masturbating to please herself,not you.If you want pleasure,why don't you masturbate?
  14. It's almost like she is pleasuring HERSELF.. I thought that that was what masturbation was all about!! pleasuring ones self. I think Kamila is reaching the point of diminishing pleasure returns from masturbating.I think she is going to need something more in order to be fully satisfied. What she needs is to get the panties off and actually penetrate her Vaginal Orifice instead of just rubbing the outside of panties with a bottle. She could insert the end of her hairbrush inside that works just as good as anything. But she has to lose the covers and loosen up and give the paying clientele what they pay to see. I thought she was masturbating to pleasure herself,not you.If you want pleasure,why don't you masturbate?
  15. Kamila surely does look like the actress Natalie Wood.
  16. Maybe some of the women on this forum could enlighten us : Why does Kami always masturbate with a bottle of some type and always with her panties on ? There must be some reason for this besides pure pleasure and we have never seen her penetrate her honey pot, no matter what type of bottle she uses. It's always just rubbing up and down on top of panties . Can Anyone guess the reasom ? Virgin?
  17. It's almost like she is pleasuring HERSELF.. I thought that that was what masturbation was all about!! pleasuring ones self. I think Kamila is reaching the point of diminishing pleasure returns from masturbating.I think she is going to need something more in order to be fully satisfied. So thats why she came 3-4 times the other day, and was left with wet panties and a hugh wet spot on the sheets? Time will tell.If masturbation and homosexuality were so sexually satisfying the human race would cease to exist.There would be no more babies born.
  18. From Kami's reaction to the movie ,I think Kami wants a man.Yep,I think Kamila needs a man but is afraid to take the chance of being hurt.
  19. In many ways I am computer ignorant.How do I post a photo of myself to my profile page?
  20. It's almost like she is pleasuring HERSELF.. I thought that that was what masturbation was all about!! pleasuring ones self. I think Kamila is reaching the point of diminishing pleasure returns from masturbating.I think she is going to need something more in order to be fully satisfied.
  21. This thread is only successful because of the amount of people that post here and the amount of people waiting to see if they have sex or not. That is what makes the play by play aspect so appealing. Meanwhile, we can go 2 full days on this site without a single post being made for some apartments. I happen to like Maya/Stepan, but can you seriously imagine what a day-by-day thread would look like for them? I'm not sure, but it includes cats. Having been away from cc for a while, I have to acknowledge that things have changed around here. We had some crazy fuckers once, people that used to post the dumbest comments, mostly tongue in cheek, with a few flame ups every now and then, but it was fun, entertaining. I log on here before I log onto RLC, but this thread isn't fun or entertaining anymore. It's sad bordering on scary. Some I believe do keep it light and easy, but for a few, this is serious stuff and that's the scary bit. If I ever get to that stage, I can only hope a kind doctor has prescribed me some good medication, or a kinder friend has put me out of my misery. What is your definition of sad and scary? Sad? Simple; - that people have nothing better to do with their lives than a blow by blow description of what these girls are doing, - that people believe this is 'real life' and not a few strippers, show girls, or whatever you want to call them, acting, - that people actually get emotional and personal about the girls - etc etc etc. Scary? - that if it can happen to these fuckwits and possibly happen to more, - that there are people running around out there that aren't taking their medication, - that it may be contagious, - that one of these fuckwits could be my neighbour - etc etc etc. I find this to be one of the most cruel, judgmental and insensitive posts I have read in quite a while. In my eyes, I find those traits to be pretty sad and scary too. Maybe some people should start looking in the mirror a little before they strike out at others for their behavior and call them "fuckwits" without even having met them. First, let me apologise. I keep expecting you guys to understand English, when maybe it's my Aussie traits. Or maybe you are just fuckwits. Why fuckwit? Two common definitions: -A person who is not only lacking in clue but is apparently unable or unwilling to acquire clue even when handed it on a plate in generous portions. -A person so lacking in intelligence that they cannot grasp the simplest concepts. When you have to explain to someone who does understand the language, a couple of basic sentences, with words of no more than three syllables (with the occasional four such as en-ter-tain-ment), I'd call that someone a fuckwit. When you get someone who bleeds his heart out all over the thread of how addicted he has become to the whole RLC / CC concept, but then still comes back for more, I'd call that someone a fuckwit. And yes I know, the truth hurts sometimes, but occasionally people need a bit of tough love, not hairy fairy, warm and fuzzy coddling by some councillor of mentor, but a good swift kick in the ass. And to save you the time and energy, though I know it won't stop you, you can call me all the names and profanities you can think of, but it won't have any effect. I look in the mirror everyday when I shave to go to work (work, strange concept, look it up) and I like what I see and I sleep peacefully every night. Did you post this as a reply to the wrong post? Because I don't believe I have ever called you any "names" or used "profanities" in any post I have ever made that was in response to you. However, I will say that this reply of yours, regardless of who it was meant to be for, certainly seems to show what I was talking about in my very short reply post. I find this reply post to also be cruel, judgmental and insensitive (not to mention rude). OZI,you mentioned something about people needing tough love.During the time I spent in Primal Therapy I experienced more tough love than you will probably experience in your whole life.I have a tough love challenge for you.I challenge you to read cover to cover the book, "The Primal Scream" by Arthur Janov.I contend you do not have the courage to read it. Thank you,and have a good day,mate.
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