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Everything posted by Loner-69

  1. Why do you think CC members are the only people watching RLC? I mean the house is in Russia. You don't think they have Russian members that watch them? I thought the building was in Barcelona.Also,thought someone on CC said RLC is blacked out in Russia.
  2. Why are they whispering?Hell, we can't understand Russian anyway.
  3. They need to model Kristy's stripper costumes again.PLEASE!
  4. The downstairs of the apartment is boring as hell.I'm lonely down here.
  5. OMG, it must be so annoying when the pillow keeps doing that. I wish I was the pillow.
  6. How about we try this and see what happens?KAMILA,DID YOU HAVE SEX LAST NIGHT WHILE YOU WERE OUT OF THE APARTMENT?
  7. Did you see what Nora did when Kristy and Kamila were playing upstairs the other night when Nora decided they were being too noisy?Maybe that explains why Kristy and Kamila don't want to be around Nora. To be a little fair, it's really enoying when people make a lot of noise while you try to sleep. But she should have understood that it was entertaining for those who pay her salery too. I don't think anyone has an issue with her being pissed by the noise, But close her own door first, Don't walk into someone else's room and close their door and continue to leave your door open. Nora had to leave her door open to make sure neither Kristy nor Kamila could leave without Nora knowing they had left.
  8. Did you see what Nora did when Kristy and Kamila were playing upstairs the other night when Nora decided they were being too noisy?Maybe that explains why Kristy and Kamila don't want to be around Nora.
  9. To be honest, IMO, the key phrase in your post is this: " because I was told that is exactly what happened". You apparently are listening to some people who are simply not always telling you the truth. I saw each of the girls come home and what I saw was very different from what you were apparently told. Sounds to me like you need to go back and revisit your videos!! Well, if you choose to believe that, so be it. I'm not going to argue about it. I happen to like you and have no desire to fight you on this. Believe what you like. Kamila did come in without a bra on, but she changed her panties upstairs. So she was still wearing them when she arrived. I waited her to arriving in the apartment, and I had camera 1 open, connected external speakers quite high volume. She arrived to the apartment about 1-2 minutes before she appeared to the camera. She had plenty of time to take off the bra, in the hall, what she probably did, because they were not in her handbag, but his hand. Yeah that's what I figured she did. I should have specified that. She probably came in just long enough to take off those catch me fuck me pumps!! You guys are unreal about this one girl, she has your minds so cloudy it isn't even funny LMAO. So?Isn't that what women do to men?
  10. To be honest, IMO, the key phrase in your post is this: " because I was told that is exactly what happened". You apparently are listening to some people who are simply not always telling you the truth. I saw each of the girls come home and what I saw was very different from what you were apparently told. Sounds to me like you need to go back and revisit your videos!! Well, if you choose to believe that, so be it. I'm not going to argue about it. I happen to like you and have no desire to fight you on this. Believe what you like. Kamila did come in without a bra on, but she changed her panties upstairs. So she was still wearing them when she arrived. I waited her to arriving in the apartment, and I had camera 1 open, connected external speakers quite high volume. She arrived to the apartment about 1-2 minutes before she appeared to the camera. She had plenty of time to take off the bra, in the hall, what she probably did, because they were not in her handbag, but his hand. Can you imagine what Kami must be thinking of us if she is reading this?This is getting a bit weird.I think I need to go to the other apartments where the relationships are straight forward and easy to follow.The problem is Kamila is so damn sexy I can't stay away.
  11. Check your PM's. I sent you a possible solution to this problem. she looks like a man. and her underwear is always terrible. What planet are you from?
  12. To be honest, IMO, the key phrase in your post is this: " because I was told that is exactly what happened". You apparently are listening to some people who are simply not always telling you the truth. I saw each of the girls come home and what I saw was very different from what you were apparently told. Sounds to me like you need to go back and revisit your videos!! What about some hypnotherapy, maybe there's some repressed memories that might fill in all the missing links. Been reading the Primal Scream,have you? No, I volunteer to help soldiers with PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. These are guys that have suffered serious injuries, lost limbs, lost their sight, had half their brain blown away in some cases. These are guys that have watched their mates die, have their limbs blown off or joints smashed by sniper rounds. These are guys that have inflicted those injuries on the enemy and are now living with the consequences. These are real traumas, not some repressed memories of something they suffered while still in their mother's womb, before they were even born for fucks sake. I work alongside trained psychologist who look after these boys and don't believe in that Primal Scream crap any more than I do. And if you don't like the post because it's not about your precious fucking girls, tough. One of your fuckwit mates addicted to these tarts asked the question and I responded. Like I said before you are too gutless and cowardly to read the book.By the way, I spent 1yr and 4 days in Vietnam from April,1969 to April,1970.I also worked from March,1977 thru August,1979 as a veterans benefits counselor at the U.S.Veterans Administration Regional Office in Los Angeles,CA.So I know something about war wounds too,both physical and emotional.It was during this same time that I went through Primal Therapy myself.Don't disgard something you know nothing about.You might be surprised.
  13. To be honest, IMO, the key phrase in your post is this: " because I was told that is exactly what happened". You apparently are listening to some people who are simply not always telling you the truth. I saw each of the girls come home and what I saw was very different from what you were apparently told. Sounds to me like you need to go back and revisit your videos!! What about some hypnotherapy, maybe there's some repressed memories that might fill in all the missing links. Been reading the Primal Scream,have you?
  14. To be honest, IMO, the key phrase in your post is this: " because I was told that is exactly what happened". You apparently are listening to some people who are simply not always telling you the truth. I saw each of the girls come home and what I saw was very different from what you were apparently told. I don't know if Kami was wearing bra and shorts when she went out,but when she returned she was wearing no bra and appeared to have only panties on under short white dress.
  15. It's probably just as simple as Kristy was ready to go home and Kamila was having a good time and didn't want to leave yet. Haven't you ever left your buddies at some club or bar because you were tired and didn't feel like staying? Regardless of how close Kristy and Kamila are as friends, they don't have to spend every minute together to maintain their friendship. It's not like they're a married couple or something similar. True,but I still would have thought Kristy would wait to see if Kami arrived home safely before going to sleep.
  16. She's now putting nail polish on toenails.Another sign of possible going out,date or photo shoot?
  17. Both Nora and Kristy are out of the apartment.Appears Kami just washed her hair and has on a black tube top.Awhile ago she was on the phone with a man while sitting on the the living room couch.I wonder if she is getting ready to go out and if there's any connection to that and the phone call.Is that crazy speculation?Where's Colombo or Perry Mason when you need them?
  18. Thank you.I needed that.I just don't believe that I am that irrational.Also,when Kristy left today Kami kissed her.
  19. You are the stupid simple minded idiot. Sorry but this is getting crazy. Why would you assume she left her alone? Maybe she was with someone. Maybe she was just outside the apartment door saying goodbye to someone. Maybe she was over someones apartment and not with Kristy most of the night. Maybe her return flight from Paris arrived late. Who knows?? And what difference does it make. No one here can answer that AND it does not make Kristy bad. WTF Did I say anything about Kristy being bad?That's your conclusion, dumb ass.And who takes more than an hour to say good-bye outside their door,stupid.I'm tired of having people on CC jumping in my shit for no good reason,prick. You are too delusional to get my point. People jump in your shit because you write stupid shit.
  20. Sorry but this is getting crazy. Why would you assume she left her alone? Maybe she was with someone. Maybe she was just outside the apartment door saying goodbye to someone. Maybe she was over someones apartment and not with Kristy most of the night. Maybe her return flight from Paris arrived late. Who knows?? And what difference does it make. No one here can answer that AND it does not make Kristy bad. WTF Did I say anything about Kristy being bad?That's your conclusion, dumb ass.And who takes more than an hour to say good-bye outside their door,stupid.I'm tired of having people on CC jumping in my shit for no good reason,prick.
  21. I hear Kamila talking on phone or computer with a man.Must have volume turned way up,I can hear clearly all the way downstairs.
  22. Kami and Kristy still appear to be friendly but I'm still confused.If Kristy cares so much for Kami why would she leave her alone at the club?Kami is also quick to forgive.Remember the episode with Milana and Coco?Also,Kristy did not have anything important to do at the apartment.When Kristy got to the apartment she just sat on the couch for approximately 1/2 hour looking at her phone and then went to bed.She didn't wait up for Kami. If Kami were my girlfriend I wouldn't be able to sleep until I knew she was home safe.
  23. I don't think Kamila hooked up with anyone last night because she came home just about one hour after Kristy.I just don't understand why Kristy would leave Kamila alone at the club.
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