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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. Just now, Thestarider said:

    Cha Ching …….Cha Ching...….. Cha Ching...…… goes the R:C Top Cam Register......Bodacious and ShowTime showed Naomi how to score big with RLC by play acting for the cameras. If they would once grab old Nates dick and give the poor guy a BJ, he would not know what to do because he is so use to being used by Belle and Sophie as prop.

    Well yes. Actually Naomi had the highest average score of any girl when I was doing my Replay League so she already knows what to do ... stick with click machine Sofie.

  2. Just now, van the man said:

    Sophie will never kiss with tongues. No body fluids will ever be swapped. Nothing will be penetrated by anything. Sophie superficially touches but never intimately. It would be great if Nate has the courage to slip a finger inside Sophie's. Sophie would leap off the bed faster than a Gazelle avoiding a cheetah!!!

    Generally and sadly true but there might have been some mild finger penetration the other night with Sara and the guest. I'm not saying it was much I thought I saw some.

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