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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. 1 hour ago, Alladino said:

    … and that is why it make no point to have teasing shows on RLC.

    What part of Cams are you not understanding this is RealLifeCAM(*)? They show the top cams currently and over a 24 hour period. Girls need to make an impression. It is their job. It is how they earn money. What are you saying is that Belle should not to attempt to attract viewers in the way she does because you don't like. Yo have every right not to like it and say so but once you've said and this isn't aimed at you Alladino it's been said. My posting is to show my enjoyment of what is currently going on because I am watching it, maybe only an hour today, but I watch because I enjoy it. So people are either not watching it and yest devoting time to commenting on something they only see a fraction of or actually watching something they don't want to watch - wouldn't you consider that strange, a kind of masochism.
    Unless Belle is with other girls she will lay showing her pussy at the cameras to attract viewers because many seem to enjoy that. I know I do. Ilona used to spend days on the couch without any criticism. They mainly complained that she looked at her laptop rather than do what? What would you do? And when Belle is with other girls she gets criticised for doing shows and when she fucks Nate, she even gets criticised for that (again I'm not pointing the finger at you personally). She goes out to the beach, she goes out to party but for a certain amount of time she must stay in the apartments and she much attract viewers and she doesn't have Damira to come round to fuck her. The critics expect her to do absolutely nothing all day to attract viewers. She gets more viewers if Sofie comes - don't generally watch Sofie but she has been getting more interesting again in the last couple of weeks - so whay wouldn't she invite Sofie. Thank of this as a TV channel - which it is - and they need ratings. In that context understand what Belle is doing. Dancing around naked is very possibly what she does at home and she probably spends time lying on the bed or the couch. And why not do it without panties.

    (*) Every single other girl in Barcelona has pointed their pussy sometimes with panties on at the camera for extended periods of time. And I am not going to name all the other couples girls who also do it as well as some of the Roommates girls. This is the norm for the vast majority of RLC. You (General you) maybe don't like Belle's style although Megan was doing precisely the same thing a couple of days ago but if a girl you liked did it you would not complain and you certainly wouldn't tell her to go home repeatedly like a couple of others are doing on here.  


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  2. 1 hour ago, happyone said:

     You do not have to live in a democracy to think and feel  whatever you want. You know at one time--people cared more about another person's feelings--so they thought before they spoke.  The problems lies sadly, on the internet and in here--a lot of people don't really care what they say regardless of how hurtful it might be, more so than in a person to person interaction.  They just hide behind the right to free speech.  But IMO free speech should have some moral and ethical boundaries. Not so, sadly according to some people. And as far as CC is concerned---it has gone to far in allowing this kind of rhetoric IMO. 

    Deep stuff, happy. There is such a thing as abuse of free speech. I am big believe in free speech and have actually joined in and compaign for it I my own country so I might take exception to some of the things said earlier on here. There's only a few people who go to far on CC. Compared to must forums - and I probably posted to my first forum almost 35 years ago so I have a lot of experience and everybody knows I like to write and express opinions - this is remarkably well behaved. None of the people I have been referring to, except for the obvious trolls (which does not include any of the regular posters on this thread before anyone gets upset) have taken it too far but on the other hand they have been on occasions unnecessarily personal. I am not entirely blameless in this but then I can't really feel there's anything I regret saying.
    It is quite tricky to discuss this subject without being political and the mods don't like that and they are quite right if sometimes trigger happy.

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  3. Just now, ze81 said:

    "i post because i like Belle",fine with that.Now also let users that don't like Belle,or the way she acts also to express it.Like you post three,four times a day when Belle does something you enjoy..others persons have exactly the same to post when they see something they don't like.People are diferente and have varied tastes.Only places things don't work this way is in countries with freedom like North Korea etc.

    I'm a dictator now LOL Hey Thesta, he's being political.

  4. 3 hours ago, Alladino said:

    But I'm convinced that she doesn't give teasing shows outside the project.

    Jasmin however does and many girls in this project cam including a couple of the couples girls who have recently left. There would no point in doing a teasing show outside cams.
    And here's a clue RLC is on cam and they pay people for being watched on cam. Have you got an understanding yet. Your beef is with RLC not Belle and you neither have to pay for it or watch it. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, mini2012 said:

    if i read your posts ???? you post if she takes her panty off or if she makes the diner , so stop with comments if we say something negative ,

    if its good we will say it also !

    Are you serious? You clearly haven't read all my posts. You have only read the ones which annoy you. Have I said that shows are anything over than shows and that they are 90% fake so what lesson are you trying to teach me? I'm very confused.

    I post because I like Belle. When nothing's happening I don't post. Recently just 4 times in a day. If Belle does something I enjoy I am going to post. It's got nothing to do with you whether I post or not. However if you criticise her of me I am going to respond.
    Imagine if I was on a forum about your favourite sports team and I posted every day that they were rubbish and should be expelled from the league. How would you react. Would you feel obliged to keep quiet?
    I know you wouldn't and you won't and neither will I?

  6. 3 minutes ago, ze81 said:

    People,users come to any house post and say what they feel like because they are absolutely free to do that,nothing more nothing less.Anyone that doesn't apresciated someone commenting negative things about the girls they like or th house have two good solutions..or express their taste in opposite way(without calling crap to users) or put the users in ignore list.Its a forum(great one)and no one decides what is the person tastes...at max cc mods can and should say something when the line is crossed(regard rules etc)and that's is.Personaly can't wait B&N to leave,maybe next we can have a more fun,more autêntic couple were the girl isn't so "attached" to Barca shows.i like something's in Belle,like her nice body,and entroverty way of be,that nice,but are "covered" by the show girl she sadly become.There is perfectly possible to have houses of couples in vacations that act normal without Barca crap,just look at the other couple in vacations..one feels minimal autêntic..the other just anotehr vulgar,predictable Barca house.

    Please take a chill out pill. It's like an alarm wakes you up every day and tells you have to say something about B5 or you'll fail your mission. You're droning on like Mr Box. It must be the only way you can entertain yourself. 

  7. Just now, mini2012 said:

    Snakeater , i have the same opinion of Sergio  , the reason i come here is to see when all the people who talks so positive about this app will see that the app in real is nothing then just all fake things ,

    its no reallity

    Streak of 5 Days of negative comments from you and still no answer about what the hell you are expecting to see. All you can say is fake like a latter day Mr Box. No explanation of what you would consider real. A girl is watching a TV show she likes.It's an intelligent quality show. Last night she went out with some girls to a party. She talked about. Her BF told her about a purchase and she advised. All of this is pretty real. She's on camera to earn money and to have free accommodation just like every other girl on here. I put it to you that you would moan whatever was happening unless it was a girl liked and then you would say it was different.

    If you have read my posts I have explicitly about shows and the impossibility of expecting voyeurism when people know they are being watched 24/7. I have talked about it relatedly so who are you trying to educate?

  8. There's no reason they wouldn't have taken Belle back on her own but maybe she didn't want to be away from Nate for an extended period. Jasmin and Blair didn't like being away from their BFs.

    Belle💗 looks glamorous in white. It really suits her. She has been talking about the night out but my sound is poor. She said she's not wanted to drink very much after she was ill and just had some champagne but one of the girls was very drunk - I don't know who. Nate talked about some chain/jewellery he was buying. 

  9. 23 minutes ago, Alladino said:

    he first guy Stella had sex in B2 was someone she (most likely) did not know before. They had sex because they wanted to have sex

    Mutual highness was the big factor and they kept on fucking in B1 until they came down. It was kind of set up by Milena - scrub that it was set up by Milena - but it didn't help that Lima had collapsed on Caro's bed before the party even started and she even pointed them in the direction of Belle who wasn't interested. Although at a couple of points that evening I did think she was going to let her guard down. Indeed just before they left the LR couch for the bed I think Stella was wanting Belle to join in.

  10. 44 minutes ago, Alladino said:

    If a hetro Girls is Performing a Show, the only motivation is to get paid. It is a wast of time an money.

    I'm sure we see plenty of that but if it is a hot, sure. Besides which straight women (and there is a spectrum) just don't have the same hang-ups about same sex sex as men usually do, I'm sure even formerly 100% hetero women change their mind a little when Damira comes/goes to town.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Alladino said:

    People in this forum tend to idealize the girls and have a bit more negative attitude towards the guys.

    It's definitely true that the guys get a bad time. I have written about this before in an earlier version of this thread. Sometimes they deserve it but since this the B5 thread. In terms of housework we've seen Nate making the bed, cooking, mopping and doing the washing. He speaks different languages and wants to learn several more. When he arrived people tried to portray him as an air headed misogynist even before he had a chance to prove he was not. In almost every apartment guys are attacked for their sexual performance even Sasha!!!! Now these guys aren't all perfect but there do get more flak than necessary. I think with the cameras the pressure is even more on the guys and they do their best. i am sure they all want to give their girls - and in some cases other girls - as good a fucking as possible.but they are dpoing in front of an audience.

    I have written posts critical of Belle and even The Goddess in the very early days, especially about the way she seemed to play games with Paul but while I don't eulogise about all the girls, as I have some in the past and present as everyone knows, I have largely avoided being critical in the last 2 or 3 years because many of them read CC and I am grateful they are here at all. 

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  12. 15 minutes ago, Alladino said:

    I think there are two problems here:

    1. Sofie is a clear miscast, because she doesn't really live in the project but only does these nonsensical shows. 
    2. The couples are separated from the other residents in Barcelona. 

    Especially the second point is bad for Belle, because she shines the most in a group. Putting her in an apartment away from her friends (or at least a few known ones) is a bad idea. That's why she's at Sofie's mercy and has to play along with Sofie stupid teasing shows. 

    It is a bit of disappointment that we don't have B3 levels of interaction with B5. The one positive is that there are a lot more of Belle's friends in the apartments then there was when she arrived. I don't think Sofie's last 2 visits have been too bad. Shows seem a little livelier in B5 than in B2. Maybe even more friends will arrive and she won't have so much time for Sofie who has Naomi and B1 anyway. Belle and Stella drinking though ... 

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