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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. 33 minutes ago, mini2012 said:

    once ive had a girl like Belle , my mum knocked on my door she was thinking i was killing her , not my thing sorry


    Yup usual suspects lining up. They just can't stay away from this thread. All in their little support group. So you've never fucked a noisy girl since you were with your Mum. Asking them to be quiet  never kills the mood ... 

  2. 9 minutes ago, dontgetnone said:

    Just took a very quick look back here to see if Nate was getting in on the action and don't see him.  I don't have time to read all the posts now but hopefully in a couple hours.  I see Naomi finally is down to bra and panties.  She won't go any further even if Belle and Sofie do.

    Be back later.  Somebody tell me what the heck they are smoking.  Is that just one of those E-cigarettes or something a little more potent.

    At a guess just vaping. If Rosie were here goodness knows what she and Belle ❤️ would be taking. 

  3. 10 hours ago, ze81 said:

    Excuse me but were did i insulted you BB.

    I object very strongly to "obsessed", which you repeated again. I've been called worse often by some who have a personal dislike of me, some of which dates back years. Many seem to have a difficulty with a reality filter.

     I repeat so often that I'm banging my head that I not follow Belle outside RLC and given the many that do follow the girls , contact them and try to contact them outside this site then I think they deserve that definition a lot more than I do. I do champion Belle but that's very very different. All I want to do is have fun on the site and maybe not take things as seriously as some do on here. I expect this is a fantasy and a business and I happen to enjoy watching Belle like I have done many in the past. I think Belle deserves support for what she's done and on here she gets a lot of criticism. On The Goddess's page there was whole gang to leap to her defence. Here especially because of recent events is mainly me. If someone posts Belle is a nothing or Belle needs to go home or even worse about Belle, do you think that is not going to get a strong suppose from someone who likes watching her. There are many of other apartments and many other voyeur sights.
    You confuse me a lot because to say Belle is faking her personality is just unbelievable. She's got a really big personality which has been seen from Day 1. She is a fun girl, she's a party girl and normally brings a lot of energy. In B4 she was usually up a couple of hours before anyone else despite being the last one to sleep. She and Rosie have probably have more laughs than any other pair of girls and they are good friends. You criticise Belle for things that every other girl does especially nowadays not only with the Barcelona girls but also with many of the couples girls. Because you like some of those other girls you are prepared to give all their behaviour a free pass.

    I won't go into detail but Belle does shine with the right people around her and there is no doubt that R&T were a drag as others have been in the past. If that wasn't abundantly obvious with Belle's celebrations when they left you just weren't paying attention. Nate's a little nervous except with Sofie and maybe not so keen to get involved in shows but he and Belle do have a lot of laughs together.

    Now to your recent post, how many girls have you ever fucked? What percentage of them were louder than seemed necessary? If it wasn't high then you're either an unusual case or you'r doing it wrong. But I am not a girl so I can't tell what they're feeling when their clits being rapidly vibrated or fingers rammed in to them let alone having fat cock inside them. I suspect a lot of it is because they think their man likes it and maybe may do feel good that they are having in effect. This is why woman fake orgasms all the time but that doesn't mean they don't have them as well or feel excited enough to make noises - listen to those female tennis players hitting a ball, even an ordinary one. Don't try to understand women. If you think Masha makes a noise have you ever listened to Nelly? And I doubt if you'll ever hear much criticism of that very entertaining lady.

    I post a lot. You might have noticed. It used to be a lot of pictures. I did that because I enjoyed it just like I enjoy posting about Belle. I was for a time the biggest poster on the Masha threads and maybe a couple of others as well, and even a respected member of The Goddess's fan club I am grateful for all those who come here to share their lives with us and of course in my cases it is not quite what they'd do at home BECAUSE THEY ARE ON CAMERA AND WITH THE BARCELONA GIRLS IT IS THEIR JOB. That effects what all of them do. Expectations of seeing anything but occasionally bursts of reality are unreasonable.

    The fact is Belle has to do something on camera like every single of girl. But you object when Sofie visits, you don't want Nate to meet the other girls, you don't want her to lie naked on the bed, you don't want any kinds of shows and now you even complain when she fucks. you probably didn't notice all the artwork she's been doing in the last few days. In short you have such high standards she can never win with you. If she were a girl you liked you'd probably forgive all that but clearly you don't like her but you keep posting in this thread. Why? 


  4. 1 hour ago, ze81 said:

    Didnt want to talk about this,but seing how you did it also to me..don't let your obsession with a rlc girl to "blind" you,latest times seen you talking bad way with some users because they don't enjoy th couple or something that happened..not everyone finds Belle a gift of god..and a good number even don't like her much.Regard cocks..only can talk about my one..it's fat and nice size.

    Look ze1 you have made clear what you don't like. And when she fucks you even criticise that. In fact I can't see that she can do right in your eyes. As to the others I know of their posts in the past. I asked simply what they did want and no-one could answer.

    You talk about obsession as if you know me. You don't know me. You have no idea who I am. So you choose to insult me. I am here to enjoy myself. I only wish others were too. I post here because Belle is my favourite girl on RLC. Nothing more nothing less. I have explained the situation in past. If you don't understand then I can't help you.

    Look you speak your mind and that's fair enough but please leave out the personal attacks and we can get on. I sense you are good guy but some guys on here aren't.

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