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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. 4 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    you can call me what you want to, but just because you want to see it, doesn't make it natural.......end of story!

    Are you a zoologist? Please tell me how you determine natural? 100 years ago many things that are now considered "natural" weren't then - mainly because people confuse "conventional" with "natural". We did humans cover a wide spectrum of sexuality and the number of fetishes is in the 100s. You can see groups of people here on RLC who clearly enjoy multiple sexual partners at the same time so for them it is "natural". Whether it is wise depends on who they are?

  2. 4 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    would like to read where Belle never lets her boyfriend fuck another girl while they are here.  it's not natural

    Sorry God. I didn't realise you were the moral arbiter here. We have 2 genuine swinging couples here who don't play by those rules. Last night in B5 dominates the whole of RLC for viewing figures. RLC is a business. Barcelona is more so. If Nate and Belle are OK with it, that is what matters. The world is full of people who condemn others for not following their moral code and that's a world of hate. Belle and Nate are adults and their choices are their own.
    You do want you think is right and you do have a right to say it but don't say it is not natural. It's just not natural for you. It was very natural for Bohemians and there is quite a genuine bunch of Bohemians forming the core of the St Petersburg contingent.

  3. 13 hours ago, dontgetnone said:

    I just wish if they were going to do it they would JUST DO IT without all the jumping around and dancing

    But have you ever watched Belle💗? That is who Belle is. She's almost hyperactive with her energy and that's who she is. She can barely pass a mirror without giving a little dance or shaking a her booty whether or not the camera is in a good position or not. She just likes doing it. She's a party girl and without Nate or RLC (or even with during 1 month when she was out every night usually until morning or even later) she would be out every night. She loves loud music, dancing and partying hard and as we have seen with her exploits with Rosie and indeed before when she goes for it, she really goes for it. She'll need the right girl and surely there is some choice in Barca.

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  4. First any complaints about the way Barcelona operates are to do with RLC not the tenants but stuff happens now whereas several years ago almost nothing did, so I'm not sure we have an ideal situation (OK I'm sure we don't and if you were to ask me I'd take the party era but with some more realistic bating frequency) but I'd rather have it than the old days which weren't any more realistic as far as I could tell.

    Second, last night early on Nate complained that all the girls were on their periods. Now I know this doesn't stop some girls and indeed Belle got a hard fucking on the first night but it could explain why we didn't see a bit more. Others could be right that Sofie felt a lack of control but maybe in a couple of weeks time we may some more. I'm not hopeful because I've seen Sofie before but she is capable of some good girl on girl action and I'm sure Nate would like to watch even if he doesn't get to join in.

    On the back of that and presumably because of that Belle💗 got a facial (more of nasal it looked like) this afternoon. I wish I had seen it a bit closer but she deserves to be thanked for that. I'm not sure why girls put up with it.

    Belle and Nate were constantly having fun last night with their banter. Belle was claiming Sofie wanted his cock but was simultaneously afraid of it. Also when the period remark was made, Belle made a handjob gesture followed by pointing to her a*hole - now that is something I'd like to see. Let's hope it's Nate's birthday soon 😀

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  5. 28 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    it's just not for me BB and it's fake as hell. it has nothing to do with growing up!!


    i understand it's a party and you go with the flow of it.  i've been to parties that you went with the flow, and hell, my and another buddy of mine after football practice one time, went over to this girls house and double teamed the hell out of her but neither he nor I walked around with our jimmies waggin in the breaze.  it's just a matter of different upbringings and the fact that they are getting paid to do it.

    It is also a different world. When some of these girls have talked about their BFs screwing around, I am surprised they have accepted it but they seem to. When Michelle was her she was trying to photo Belle naked for her husband/BF. I'd imagine there are quite a few in the younger generations for whom this isn't an issue and these people are not from the same world. In the same situation because it doesn't phase me, I might get my junk out as well. Sofie keeping her panties on was the one out of kilter here but she's used to it and clear neither of the couple mind. I am not saying it would happen outside the cameras but I think I've heard another from the various parties to think it might.

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