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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. 30 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

    Even better if she talks in her sleep...''BB, BB, yes, yes, yes...I love a bit of finger first''...😏
    BB ''Er, that's not my finger my little My Belle...''

    You're gonna watch her sleeping now aren't you...:biggrin:

    You cheeky ... I can assure you could not confuse my fingers with the more important parts. Anyway with me it probably would be finger. I love fingering and I don't mind where.

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  2. 14 minutes ago, Daleys said:

    Just great was hoping to lose the parties and connection with the girls apartments.

    In her last 2 visits Belle has picked her parties. She hardly participated at all in her second stay for some reason and in the 3rd stay she avoided them for a while but then Rosie arrived. I'm just hoping she was fun with Nate and hopefully herself. I would like her to avoid any tame stuff with other girls. If Belle is into a party it normally livens up.


    And it all depends 😀

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  3. 8 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    Belle is all about the cameras, she thrives on it and understands what her role is on RLC where others simply don't have a clue.  Belle is a total exhibitionist!! 

    Hi Harley, I have had this debate with people but am still not quite sure. She isn't an exhibitionist on the scale of The Goddess or Nelly and remember she's never felt the need to cam outside RLC as far as I know. But the first part of your sentence is very true. Of course it helps when you have a bubbly personality (when Belle and Rosie are in bed together even when touching each other it is laughter which dominates for the 2 girls and when they get together they can go really wild. Belle was perhaps the most effective girl at garnering views in Barcelona until Sofie arrived but contrary to the belief of some here belle did a lot of over stuff than lying on the bed. For a start she was awake almost twice as long as some girls and has on several occasions partied to the max (imum of her alcohol intake).
    I'm happy to believe whatever she wants me to believe and for those who don't like her personality, at least she was plenty of it. As you know I love it.

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  4. You all knew it was coming:

    :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:   My Belle  :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

    :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: Sexy Belle :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

    and for any non-English people, this is a term of affection not ownership. Where I come from "my love" is addressed to anyone even strangers. Some women get angry about it but then it is women who are the many users of the term. Even worse is the English West Country term "My lover" which they use to strangers.
    Anyway I digress because it is now:


    :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: Nate's Belle :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
    But she is still:

    :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: Sexy Belle :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

    even though obviously he doesn't own her either just her heart and I am jealous (again PLEASE do not take this seriously as look I added a LOL) LOL as most of us are at the guys who get with some of these great RLC girls.

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  5. On 6/10/2019 at 8:36 PM, BBsq69 said:

    It does seem that the 1-faced undiplomatic child Trump will get his wish and the 2-faced undiplomatic buffoon will soon be PM of the UK. Fuck's sake we'll have a choice of Johnson and Corbyn which is possibly worse than Trump vs Clinton. This will make the 3rd Tory PM out of 4 to have come PM without facing an election and actually Labour isn't much better as for that party it is 2 out of 3 ... which makes it 5 out of 8. Only Cameron who didn't really win his first election, Thatcher who just won hers with timing and Blair who was at the time possibly the most popular politician in UK history. Add to that 8 more leaders of the 2 parties who have lost or didn't even make it to an election and parties aren't great at selecting leaders.

    And of the 3 leaders I mentioned:

    Blair will always be hated because of Iraq (I was in favour of Iraq but the dishonesty in which the leaders acted was not good for democracy and the fact that Blair still does not regard it as a mistake even in hindsight makes it difficult for even his supporters to swallow) although he chose his time to go.

    Cameron will always be hated for calling the Brexit vote, leaving a mess and running away, although I don't think he had any choice about the latter.

    Thatcher was hated by more than half the country and her descent into megalomania by 1987 (just been watching  a documentary on that) means she will be worshipped by some, despised by a much greater number and loved by very few.

    Does anyone come out of office unscathed ... well Bill maybe. Cigar anyone?

  6. It does seem that the 1-faced undiplomatic child Trump will get his wish and the 2-faced undiplomatic buffoon will soon be PM of the UK. Fuck's sake we'll have a choice of Johnson and Corbyn which is possibly worse than Trump vs Clinton. This will make the 3rd Tory PM out of 4 to have come PM without facing an election and actually Labour isn't much better as for that party it is 2 out of 3 ... which makes it 5 out of 8. Only Cameron who didn't really win his first election, Thatcher who just won hers with timing and Blair who was at the time possibly the most popular politician in UK history. Add to that 8 more leaders of the 2 parties who have lost or didn't even make it to an election and parties aren't great at selecting leaders.

  7. The latest position on Brexit is all kinds of contenders are promising to renegotiate with Europe but Europe has said the negotiation has happened. We can either agree to it or go ... or stay ... but they have moved as far as they will go.

    Political warning - but only minor: If you had offered this deal to any of the Brexiteers (except the 5% on the very hard right) they would have jumped to take it and indeed all the prominent Brexiteers eventually did but personal ambitions etc. etc. It is all very sad. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Thestarider said:

    The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A Fraud

    When President Obama hitched America to the Paris accords in 2016, he declared that it was "the moment that we finally decided to save our planet." And when Trump pulled out of the deal this year, he was berated by legions of environmentalists for killing it. But it turns out that the Paris accord was little more than a sham that will do nothing to "save the planet."

    What the report does make clear, however, is that all the posturing by government leaders in Paris was just that. Posturing. None of these countries intended to take the drastic and economically catastrophic steps environmentalist claim are needed to prevent a climate change doomsday.  As such, Trump was right to stop pretending.

    You appear to be a little lost. This is not the Climate Change Thread. There was a UN report about Paris in 2017 which said that Paris went nowhere near far enough but you have to start somewhere. It really wasn't that ambitious and the US seems to be heading in the right direction. There is a problem with China and their promotion of coal fired power stations a world which Trump could really used to beat China with a stick about if he chose but, and I can think of so many reasons why it is in Trump's interest to BS about Climate Change, he chooses not to.
    Why doesn't Trump propose a new accord?
    Rhetorical question as we all know he doesn't give a fuck. in fact even if he agreed with it he'd tear it up just because Obama signed it. We'll listen to the US when it doesn't have a spoiled child as a President. He tweets his tantrums when he's sober!!!!!!! He needs a good drink.

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  9. Following the European elections which had the far right and Green parties on the rise across Europe - although that is a sweeping statement because Europe is far from homogeneous - we had a by-election in the UK because one of the Labour MPs turned out to be a bit of a crook. It was held in Peterborough which is small city (county town) on the East Midlands/East Anglia border which is very much Brexit territory. The Labour vote dropped dramatically as did the Tory vote but not enough for the Brexit Party to win. One might say if this populist (crazy single policy) party stuggle to win there then it is hard to see them winning many seats in a General Election.

    There were big protests against Trump but maybe not as big as would have been expected earlier in the year due to people's exhaustion. Besides which Trump acted like a prat with his attacks on Labour - he's easily riled - and his endorsement of Johnson and Farage so I guess people are tired of his rubbish. Of course other US presidents Clinton and Obama have seemed to endorse Labour - but they wouldn't do that now with Corbyn in charge - but it is the manner he goes about it. It was supposed to be all about the veterans and remembering D day and he should have left controversy alone. Corbyn didn't help and I will need to investigate why he seemed absent from the D day tributes, but regarding his absence from the state banquet, his own supporters would not be keen to shake Trump's hand.
    What you have to remember about Corbyn is he is anti-American not just anti-Trump to such extent that he will attack America before China, Russia, Venezuela or even IS. I find his stance laughable yet he may well be the next PM thanks to the chaos caused by Cameron. If he were PM he would have to meet Trump. It is not an option to ignore the US President however much you hate his guts.

  10. On 6/1/2019 at 12:10 PM, TBG 150 said:

    If I moved to Cuba, I would be expected to learn Cuban Spanish just to survive. If I moved to Columbia or Venezuela, I would be expected to learn their native languages. They sure as hell are not going to change their laws for me and print everything in a multitude of languages just so I could read it. Not so here. The US will print even a voting ballot in any language that you can dream up, even though you have no clue in the world what the candidates stand for. Plus, how the hell can you drive if you can't read the road signs? 

    I totally agree with this, although politically I would be at the opposite end of the spectrum to the recent posters on here - and BTW if people are not interested in Europen politics I am not sure why they would post here or even waste their own time reading this thread but hey ho - but "When in Rome ..." You come to another country, you should embrace their language/s and culture. You shouldn't forget your own but  recognise it is up to you to fit in. I think this is where faith schools are very damaging. Nothing has been more divisive than Catholic/Protestant schools in Northern Ireland and previously some areas of the western UK like Liverpool and Glasgow, so when we start taking in Muslim schools we should not be surprised when that divisiveness is magnified.

    There has been too much tolerance of what to Western societies are outdated views and practices. I am talking about arranged/forced marriages, FGM and the general subjugation of women, intolerance towards homosexuality, dismissal of other religions as infidels condemned to some kind of hell, supporting other countries ambitions once they are here and last but not least blaming the West/Christianity for being rich and powerful and in the past subjugating them as though that has anything to do with the world today. Some actually hate the countries they live in and these schools do not hate. And just in case those schools are not enough there are often religious schools after hours.

    Some people will argue that as they have to accept our culture we must accept theirs but we have been too tolerant of some of their practices and in particular views expressed in mosques by some of the most senior mullahs. They are quite clearly hate speech and outside those institution they would not be tolerated.

    You might say well what about Polish supermarkets and newspapers etc. - this is what really sparked UKIP in the first place - but a lot of that was about a large number of migrant workers who were going home and would probably be fully integrated in a generation. There just was not time and with 2008 people started to blame all sorts of other people. Besides which there is talk of the burden on the education system caused by non-English speakers which is easily understandable. Too many too fast but they do not expect to move here as live here as if it were Poland. they will either go home or become British. Clearly that is not the case for many of other communities.

    I'm not sure how many Americans live abroad but Brits will be aware of large British community in Spain which let's be honest has made almost no effort to become Spanish. I think in that case I could argue they are mainly people retiring and their descendants are unlikely to settle but there are definitely areas about which there is nothing native apart from the weather.

    Just to bring in Brexit: big cities, especially ports like London and Liverpool, are used to immigration. What was different here was some smaller towns felt "swamped" (a controversial word) by EU immigrants whereas most of the immigration from the subcontinent and the West Indies/Africa had been either into big cities or into concentrated areas where communities had been building over decades. Personally I don't get it because inevitably less immigration from more culturally similar Europeans inevitably means more immigration from less culturally similar areas and indeed if you listen carefully to some of the chief Brexiteers (the ones living in the real world as opposed to Nigel Farage's cloud cuckoo land) they have openly admitted this.

  11. 1 hour ago, TBG 150 said:

    Greed is the root of all evil, not money. It just powers the greed.

    I was listening to an interview with Nick Offerman (aka Ron Swanson from P&R) and he said that in the past The American dream was to work hard, own your own house and provide well for your family. He said now it is to own 3 or 4 cars a couple of houses and be almost rich. This is what greed has done. You probably do need some greedy people. Greed is a motivator but I think is a bad idea that is more than a tiny proportion of the population. There is greed for power as well as wealth and this probably shown more clearly in Murdoch than Trump. My feeling is Trump desires wealth and fame more than the actual power. He wasn't very good at running businesses and making money -  basically any idiot given his background could have made money - but he is very good at publicity. When he initially ran for President I imagine it was the raising of his profile that was way more important to him than actually winning. Being President is hard work, well it should be, and I don't get the impression he likes hard work.

  12. Aussie, I have got in a lot of trouble in the past for pointing out this is a business - including fairly vile abuse from certain people who had their heads in the sand. I talked about bonuses etc., and what I said about them has been proven almost 100% correct. I merely approach from the side of thinking if I was running a business what would I do? Clearly a lot of girls on the Barcelona side required a lot of incentive and it was clear when that was happening and how it stepped up. The Roommates which was kind of a halfway house and the Couples also seemed to have changed but nothing so definite I would be able to guess at RLC's exact strategy.
    When we talk about The Goddess you are talking about a special person because she so easily attracts people whenever people are watching and honestly there is more variety, more that makes her worth watching, than with any other girl with the possible exception of Nelly but I don't think I'm being controversial when I say there is more The Goddess to look at. RLC have needed to be clever with her. I know she was a bit disappointed about the path the Barcelona took and maybe things would not have changed so much if they had not but RLC is a business and needs maximise its profits.
    They have used The Goddess as the clickbait (clickbate) for this site. Now I'm not saying they have got their maths right over this because I have had experience of companies where the MD's (or owner's) feeling have often trumped common sense - it's not an exact science, it is complicated and is subject to gut feeling - but they maybe got to a point where they thought that her value as advertising was less than as an incentive to join. I'm not going through the apartments but those that do have some free access did not extend to GRs so as freeloaders we have been very lucky. IMO it would have been sensible with The Goddess and Barcelona to at least leave something even it is just the main LR camera and/or the kitchen (obviously the previous kitchen cam for this apartment as the newer one maybe gave a bit too much access) where nudity for most apartments and more happens only sporadically. Advertising can be done by showing highlights or the free cams. The thumbnails once they became blurred don't really work in that respect.
    We could hope it is an experiment but I won't be visiting RLC until at least there is something of The Goddess for me to watch although, like Amy said, I might well stick around on CC.

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