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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. On 5/12/2019 at 6:54 AM, xanadu said:

    (Video Content No Longer Available)

    I don't suppose some kind soul captured this on kitchen cam. The close up arse shots must be epic. if you have some PM me. My box ( ... make your own jokes ...) is nearly full so if you can't PM me just give me a shout out.
    What a pity kitchen cam isn't free but I guess they gave us the other one so swings and roundabouts but here I wish they hadn't changed.

    It is hard to keep up with The Goddess nowadays. I don't watch so much nowadays maybe an hour or so a day but I often miss the best bits even though there are so many.

  2. On 5/8/2019 at 8:18 AM, xanadu said:

    Hello BBsq69 here is the link to the videos posted by gnumar and again a big thank you to him.

    (Video Content No Longer Available)

    Thanks xanadu and of course gnumar. I'm a big fan of Samantha and there's not much on her so I was a bit gutted when I saw what I'd missed. Downloading now.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, Pepe said:

    And it's not simply just for the bates as we could find that anywhere  on the interwebs. There is for me just some mistique about her. The bates are just as said earlier, the icing on the cake. No one else I have seen on RLC could ever compare. 

    Years ago I gave about 20 reasons why The Goddess was worth watching more than anyone else and she was not even that good at bating back then.

    • Like 3
  4. 11 hours ago, Alladino said:

    I think the restart around Kristy has shown how a good girls apartment can be set up. It's not perfect, but you can really see a part of their lives. 

    GOV is a different concept to Roommates. It changed when Nora left the first time. Ilona and Irma came and instantly the nudity levels went way up. Irma's personality led to some really sexy fun on the couch. But at no point even back in the K&K days were we getting real life. Back home in the new R apartment there was more nudity and sex from K&K and something approaching real life. When the party girls came under Lola's guidance we had a couple of wild nights. RLC probably changed at that point because inevitably the audience had expectations. When, for REASONS, that ended we went back a bit for a couple of months. Then they brought in REPLAY and picked the A team, Nora and Irma, to bring in the customers. The parties were great for a while and Nicole, mentioned above, started bringing boys and bating almost to a realistic frequency - until then maybe girls had bated once a month if we were lucky, and then often covered. Eventually RLC got frustrated with Barcelona and upped the bonuses so bates increased by several 1000 per cent. The conclusion is you either get too much or nothing at all.

    Many on here enjoyed K&K in Barca but I found the constant repetition of lying on the sofa looking cute while people here speculated how they loved each other very dull indeed. I'm happy for those who liked it but I wouldn't ever want to go back to those days. RLC is a business. They know a lot here want to see Real Life but without the nudity and sex most would not be paying towards $750 a year, including Replay, just to watch girls lie on a sofa. RLC has gained a lot of customers in the past few years which they wouldn't have if they had maintained the status quo. Maybe there is a middle ground with less obvious shows, some of which have almost been approaching VHTV, but it is very difficult to create and create RLC have to.

    We do have the couples and to some extent the R apartments. R2 has had some wild nights but it blows hot and cold. Kristy has her friends in now and they know what is expected. Hopefully it will last.

    Just to understand how difficult is: The Twins who have given fine nudity and have had a good attitude were labelled by some as boring because they had their limits. So for many it was great when they exceeded those limits but after a couple of those shows people complained that they were going too far ... The truth is RLC cannot please all of the people all of the time especially as people want different things. The regular posters on CC constitute a tiny proportion of the viewership and while I've no doubt they read CC they are more interested in the numbers. Barcelona is different to the rest of RLC but a vital component of the business. Enjoy the variety presented in the 3 types of apartment.  

    • Like 3
  5. On 4/27/2019 at 12:02 AM, Howard said:

    she's not a faker

    This is not even a question. Have you, and I know you have, seen how wet she is even 10 minutes after climaxing? I've seen 100s of times and that's literal not an exaggeration. Anyone who questions her again will have the International Collection of Woodland Creatures and their affiliate members around and of course Eva will testify with her nose.

    • Like 4
  6. On 2/15/2019 at 10:53 AM, TBG 150 said:

    Putin is striving hard for another USSR. I hope I'm not around to see it. Then again, I can just look at the United States. We are well on our way.

    Except he wants a fascist USSR. You can be sure Germany is watching Russia very carefully.

  7. On 4/19/2019 at 6:17 AM, Thestarider said:

    Thus, I don't think it's the least bit misleading to claim that the U.S. is leading the world in reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

    Totally true but this is been in the light of the past policy and the actions of individual states as well as the federal government. The United States has a unique place in the world. Therefore it needs to set an example. The US is a free democratic country. China is a communist state. It is the US that the world should look towards for leadership not China. By getting other countries onside by its example, the US can influence the world and start to control the human contribution not just for itself but the world. We all know it is difficult to control China - they are full of misinformation about its economic power - but the West can reduce its influence around the world. The US for which the economy has suffered far less than the rest of the Western World since the 2008 banking collapse can influence the whole world through its commitments. If the emphasis was on whether these accords are fair to the US rather than bollocks climate change denial put forward for political reasons then people might - because obviously there are always people who are going to be against the US because they are believe capitalism is evil - listen a bit more.
    In summary what I am saying is we rely on the US to be the good guys.

  8. 17 hours ago, Robwin said:

    I wonder what sparked off the Iron Age, Ice Age and all the other age happenings 1000's of years ago ?,  i don't recall there being any carbon emissions around during these periods ::)

    Or could it be just normal planet climatic changes which has always occurred over 1000's of years and always will ?

    Still it gives some people something to fucking whinge on about, have all these marches and demonstrations etc etc, oh yes and and yet another excuse for goverments to screw yet more taxes out of the general public.

    Read my posts. I have fully explained the difference. I can't help you further. The science is not in dispute except by politicians. The issue is how do we put pressure on China and a big issue, that no-one will deal with, how do we deal with the out of control population explosion outside Europe and North America. The US has up to now done a lot to reduce its emissions. China has used the excuse that it is developing. That is no longer good enough and their emissions are already higher than Europe. Western Europe is making progress but the East has work to do. The significance of the climate accord was for the leading countries of the world to set an example. It is clearly possible to control without significant damage to the overall economy. 

  9. There have been comments about Brexit elsewhere and I would like to point out that May's "Brexit means Brexit" mantra is as meaningless as it sounds. We only hear from the extremists, probably from both sides but certainly on the Leave side and to give you some idea the effective leader of the Brexiteers voted for May's deal despite promising he'd vote with the DUP and all apart from about 30 of the ERG group (the hard Brexiteers) voted for her and yet the newspapers used words like "Brexit Betrayal."

    As far as Trump is concerned the UK leaving weakens the UK and of course he backs self-interested populist politicians such as Farage and Johnson. As you know the UK press is dominated by the right. But on top of the traditional right wing papers the Daily Mail (the biggest selling paper) and the Daily Express who tend to attack all foreigners and poor people there is the Murdoch press. Murdoch, who has continually planted his people at No. 10 with both parties (and his wife fantisised about Tony Blair), was asked why he was so anti-EU and he answered that he could control the British government but had no power in the EU. So as you can see with a readership of at least 5 million a day he is able to spread his personal propaganda for his own personal interest. After all what makes anyone think the ex-Marxist ex-Australian power hungry American head of Fox News would actually have the interests of the British people at heart. In fact he has a history of taking revenge on people who have spurned him which basically includes several members of the British government although he has many in position to take over once again.




  10. 5 hours ago, Thestarider said:

    A must watch truth about the Paris Climate Change Accord.

    President Trump was right to get out of this so called Accord !!!


    So his argument is because China isn't doing enough the US should do nothing and BTW the US produces about 10 times the amount of CO2 as India not twice. It's around twice what China produces but that's extremely misleading. No argument about the science though ... because there isn't one! As well as commitments from leading nations it was a least a statement of intent from the world. The US whether it likes it or not has to set an example as does Western Europe but once again Trump is interested in rust belt votes and the petrochemical industry than leading the world. Listen to scientists not politicians.

  11. The North Pole and the magnetic North Pole are not related but it will be interesting to see the effects of the movement of the latter because it may be about to move quickly, maybe even flip. The actual North Pole doesn't really move more than an extremely tiny amount. The axis does relative to space so we will have a different pole star in the future but Polaris will be back.

  12. Going back to the subject: what's happening at the moment is that the House of Commons is having their Easter break and considering they basically have the whole of summer off until October one wonders why. They complain they don't have anything to debate because Brexit takes up all the time. Well how about NOW?!

    Supposedly the Conservative and Labour parties are having talks about a consensus but we haven't heard anything about that recently.


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