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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. 17 hours ago, BBsq69 said:

    although I won't be surprised if some don't think it politically expedient to resign


    17 hours ago, BBsq69 said:

    Maybe tomorrow it will all blow up in her face.

    Well I hate to say I told you so - and I really do mean that - but it's happening. The UK has been plunged into chaos - even more than over the last 2.5 years - and this is only the start.

  2. Well the day has come and May got it past her cabinet - although I won't be surprised if some don't think it politically expedient to resign, but then politicians are the same everywhere - although whether she can get it past parliament (dealing with the right wing and those ******* Northern Irish) is very dubious to say the least.

    In addition she did not speak tonight unlike the EU negotiating lead, Michel Barnier who spoke and answered questions for nearly an hour tonight. The 27 other countries have clearly a far more united position than the Conservative Party.

    Maybe tomorrow it will all blow up in her face.

  3. 2 hours ago, clansman666 said:

    Anita, Sandra and Lily, thank you for watching and have a nice day 🙋‍♂️😎🙋‍♂️




    Thanks clansman. It is a shame about that logo in the middle of the screen. it reminds me of the days when I would post on here only to find the pictures I'd posted on another site. I'm not complaining about the pictures being copied - how could I as there are RLC's - but of the vandalism of people's logos. Apart from the dishonesty - and I realise the hypocrisy in that statement but they were passing it off as their own when they have made zero effort - the logo would be placed in zero regard for the content of the picture. With this there are many choices for an advertising logo but right slam in the middle of the picture is off putting.

    • Like 1
  4. On 11/5/2018 at 3:41 PM, tFighterPilot said:

    John, Emily and Selina threesome (poor Eugene was left to jerk off alone)


    Thank you so much. This was brilliant. I wish it was a 4 some with me pounding Emily's welcoming a*hole. I don't know why but the redhead really turns me on. I have only been to Spygasm once and was lucky to catch her naked although sadly I didn't record in time.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    a Blacklisted IP Address

    Happened to me more than once as a free user. Never let it happen when I was paying although I did post a picture while paying and held my breath - was OK. When I saw the 7 digit code I was going to say something but since it was a free account I thought they'd probably be OK.

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  6. I know a lot of people are against this because they say it wastes public money but I think there should be central government funding based on polling so 2 equivalent parties get the same funding. They can then spend it as they choose provided it is audited. This would only be for an election period. At the moment it seems fairly arbitrary whether the left or right has the most money. Judging by that article, Thestarider the Democrats were outspending the Republicans significantly when it came to Senate seats but then it also showed outrageous spending by Jeb Bush in a failed primary campaign.
    The US is quite a lot different from other countries in the sheer time spent campaigning but I don't suppose there is any way of controlling that.

    Another thing no-one can do anything about is media. In the UK we have a very strong press bias towards the right, whereas it seems that there is press bias towards the left. It is obvious where Fox News sympathies lie but are they also outnumbered. The BBC gets accused of bias by both sides so balance is a tough tightrope to walk.

  7. Some of the figures mentioned in the US Mid-Terms are frightening.

    Just to compare at the last UK General Election, the parties spent less than $52million. Weren't some of the House seats spending almost as much.

    It's surely an enormous waste of money. Is there any way of controlling this?

  8. 9 minutes ago, esanders9863 said:

    I personally love the beautiful Leora , and Leora and only her is why I'm a paid member of RLC, but what worries me is the longer Paul hovers around her the more likely he will start to suck all the hotness from her emotionally and physically.

    I am guessing (informed guess) that they have been together 10 years. I see nothing about The Goddess that has been sucked!

    • Like 3
  9. Actually at the end of this clip, here he is in action.

    The irony of this clip which I have just realised, if you listen to the previous rant, is that in that he said women were no good in the board room because they couldn't play cards. Victoria Coren, the woman in this clip, is twice European poker champion. Actually another right winger suggested she should learn some arithmetic ... unsurprisingly she was what is known as a gifted child.


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