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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. 5 hours ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

    I was surprised to hear that the word bitch is automatically censored by CC software, since so many of our members continually bitch about every tenant who doesn't do the kind of porno they demand. Addressed to a tenant in an Apartment thread, however, is against the Rules, because, as a noun, it is considered highly disrespectful. And so far, I seem to be able to post the word here, but I don't suggest using it against a tenant or even I might edit it just to keep the poster out of trouble.

    I did use it about a tenant explaining that since she was actually bitching about another girl then that by dictionary definition made her a ... so you see context should be everything. And of course what do we call Eva?

  2. I guess people regard the UK parliament as beyond hope.

    Pointless Vote of Confidence tomorrow.

    The next day, will the Tories and Labour talk? May says yes but what she has said so far has not carried much weight.

    Logically we have: 

    Parliament says we can't have NO DEAL

    Europe says this is the ONLY DEAL - if we had wanted another one we should have thought about that 2 years ago.

    So we must have A DEAL which apparently isn't the ONLY DEAL and it's XMAS FUCKING EVE and the children are going to go without presents.

  3. On 1/13/2019 at 12:17 PM, BlackLeone said:

    Leora (Lovely hot chick, but pays too much attention to her make-up and perhaps bates too much. On her way to become a porn star..)

    The Goddess does love her mirrors but the bating has built over the years. She bates when she wants to and because she has got extremely good at it then it does appear to be more often but even 3.5 years ago she bated 4 times in 48 hours. When she feels the need she feels the need. Some of the B4 girls do it more - Jasmin was pretty much on 3 a day during the latter part of her stay - but I'll leave you to draw your won conclusions about that. I can tell you The Goddess genuinely loves being watched. 

    Anyway I thought this topic was about beauty rather than favourite girls as for me those are 2 very different lists. I am just going by facial beauty. Hotness is a 3rd list.

  4. 3 hours ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

    I don't think any of the girls can do what Leora does, but some of them appear to have been taking lessons from her...

    Running the risk of some people saying I ... I of all people ... am disrepecting The Goddess by mentioning others, which I can assure them I am not, many have tried to follow her example but in the end they cannot compete with her dedication. The last 2 to attempt it have been: Chloe, who have I liked since she appeared in another flat but there's a lot less from her then there was when she started; Ulyana, who I believe was a worthy challenger but has run into relationship problems and has gone very quiet.

    Nelly, who has always been a great entertainer and has had some very wild toy shows in her bedroom, has just had a couple of days bating on the couch and Eva did do some naked painting the other day around having close up sex with Sam reminiscent of L&P's Summer of Love, but nowhere near as good.

    Apart from technically not quite matching her, these others are simply not The Goddess. How can you compete with a deity? They just don't have the arse for it and The Goddess knows herself so well she knows exactly what she is doing to herself and us.


    A rather pointless call to arms considering her immortality.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, jugghead said:

    LOL, you'd better be talkin' terabytes of content because you'd be looking like the amateur. Any way, jimbo4 is correct. She has altered her patterns lately and she is nothing like she was years ago. It's been clearly talked about here before. With all due respect.

    In the distant past you could certainly rely on a fairly narrow window of about 2 to 5 p.m. her time. I don't watch enough now to know if that is still the case but I wouldn't rule out any time even if Paul is there - she can still use the shower.

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  6. 52 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

    And actually I'm technically not a Siberian hamster but Sokolov's Dwarf Hamster. I'm smaller than a golden hamster at only 4 inches and live in the deserts of Mongolia and China which is why I never go out of the flat despite my fur. I migrated North because I heard The Goddess liked stripey animals.

    I just got a phone call from a relative who reads the forum who told me that I am confused. In fact I am a Campbell's Hamster. Very similar looking as I am to many other species in the area. Some of my relatives do live in Russia and apparently I can function at -31.8C but I'm still not leaving the flat!

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  7. 17 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

    The question is: Are you big enough to wear a hamster cam, but small enough that Scooter won't notice you? We need to beef-up our surveillance, especially since we understand that Jugghead and Aussie are starting a pizza delivery service in Krasnoyarsk. They could thwart our plans to rescue the Goddess from her lonely captivity.


    I could give it a go. If she grew a bush I could hide between her legs.

    At least I'm not a European Hamster. Those *******s are enormous. Eva would definitely eat one of them.

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