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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. On 10/31/2018 at 3:53 PM, Thestarider said:

    I like this guy, He is spot on !!!!


    This is the guy that right wing racist party UKIP kicked out. No wonder you guys keep backing Trump.

    He's about the most obnoxious person we've had in UK politics

    The guy complained about MPs employing family saying he didn't employ any - in fact he employed 3!

    He's a thoroughly nasty hypocrite who talks economic nonsense for his own purposes as the Tea Prty does in the US, even though he's aware he's talking bollocks. To equate household debt to the running of a country is just plain fucking ignorant (which he isn't), but hey that's the kind of person he had Trump are trying to appeal to.

    If Spending > Revenue is bad(*). Solution reduce Revenue - the argument of a moron. BTW I take it he never had a mortgage.

    * Strength of the economy means you can run a debt unless you believe your country is going to become poorer in the long term.

    As a politician he managed to come 5th in an election as a Tory quite an achievement in a country that had 3 major parties. At least he did become self aware enough to realise he wasn't suited to party politics.

  2. On 10/29/2018 at 9:23 AM, nagachilli2 said:

    I've seen Rush twice, when they were more of a Rock band, which I preferred tbh, and Neil Peart was awesome...

    I did have an offer of a ticket to see Rush in the early 1980s but I'm such a nice guy I let a bigger Rush fan go in my place - almost certainly a regret. I also missed a Marillion concert (the one were somebody died in Birmingham) because both my parents were ill (abandoning them was not an option as my father required 24 hour care) ) and my little brother and best friend who didn't really know each other went instead. My brother's favourite band was Marillion - I think they managed to sell my ticket though. 30 years later I managed to see them with another mate who had backstage passes. I also saw Fish a couple of years ago although he still drinks too much - drinks like a Fish is true in his case.

    I had never heard of Rush until Uni, or Wakeman (I was introduced to him pretty quickly), when one of my mates asked me what I thought of Peart's lyrics. I said they're fucking poetry and so I became a fan. 

    Prog magazine recently put Emerson as the number 1 keyboard player followed by Wakeman and then Banks. 

    • Like 4
  3. "We're the only country in the world where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States," he said. "It's ridiculous. And it has to end."

    Trump lies (but doesn't lie) AGAIN! Obviously Trump lying is not even a surprise to his supporters. All politicians lie but he takes it to a new level. Of course he avoids lying here by using "a citizen of the United States". It would be exceptionally odd to grant citizenship of another country ...

    Many countries follow this rule including Mexico.

    We have had a few cases in the UK where we don't grant automatic citizenship and it has to be said public support has tended to be for the child born and brought up in the UK rather than the May inspired attempt to remove them. I just don't think you should blame the child for the parent's crime.

    • Like 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    I always liked Queen even if their singer was gay.  Freddy Mercury could freaking sing....no two ways about it!!

    The BBC voted for its fantasy rock band in 2010: Mercury, Hendrix, Flea, Bonham although from what I remember they tried to squeeze Grohl in somewhere. I know they had a wildcard but I can't find any evidence on that one. Obviously being a Prog fan I'm outraged there's no keyboard wizard. 

    • Like 1
  5. 19 hours ago, peking said:

    My only wish for her is that she cums more often than not.

    I think we have seen plenty of jism to attest to that. I am not saying she has never done it when she it not been in the mood, but usually she is.

    Apologies to Howard, I know it's a video thread but when people raise issues here ... And this thread is the best in the entire universe 😁   

  6. 24 minutes ago, SOMHO2000 said:

    @curious Can you give me an example for the (few exemptions of some apartments) please 

    I am afraid curious is a lost cause. I put him on ignore a very long time ago. I remember arguing a whole day with Mr Box. The very next day it was if the argument had never happened. He just reset. I don't know what motivates these people but it doesn't seem to be an interest in RLC.

    The very idea that The Goddess, who is an exhibitionist and therefore of course plays to the cams, would not be playing to the cams is quite ludicrous. Rarely in the past has she ever looked into the cams although I hear some reports that that has happened once or twice recently. The point us what you are seeing is her real life because she gets a kick out of being on camera. Everybody is aware that they are on camera and so all are naturally affected by it. The only way it could not be was if they were filming in secret. There have always been certain minimum expectations by RLC. However a lot of these couples do well to try and ignore the camera the vast majority of the time. The Goddess enjoys bating and wants people to watch her so there is little doubt that "how do I give them the best view" comes into it. However I believe she and Paul have sex because they want to and that she bates because she wants to.

    When RLC chose The Goddess for one of their apartments they struck GOLD.

    Even the Barcelona apartments you cannot compare with VHTV and not remotely with Chaturbate.

    OT it certainly has been the case in the past that some have made contact with the Goddess in the past and have been rejected. Then they get upset with her. I am not saying that is the case here, but it has undoubtedly been with some. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Calle said:

    I am not surprised of Leora licking her fingers or her dildo (looks great!), every one of us would love the taste of her juice, so why not herself!

    She has of course licked her fingers from her gooey goodness or nectar, which is the proper term for The Goddess's jism, many times. Her fingers can get very sticky ... mmmmm

    • Like 1
  8. This doesn't really have musically merit but honestly I could watch it all day. Not the best quality but then we are not allowed to watch most of the copies from a UK IP address even though the UK government subsidises this channel so we the only ones paying for it are not allowed to watch it!

    In the TV show before she bends over in front of the TV - almost reminiscent of the old RLC Barca days when a good bend from Kristy or Kami was all you could hope for. Times have changed.

  9. On 10/21/2018 at 5:02 AM, StnCld316 said:

    It doesn't matter what part of the World or Country you are from. The World is in a Mess and it's just going to keep getting worse each passing day until you get Politicians that know how to do things Properly.

    The Current ones in place just don't have a Fucking Clue how to run things.

    True Dat!

    • Upvote 1
  10. On 10/21/2018 at 2:16 AM, Robwin said:

    We have similar sheep in UK, many say over here that if you put a red rosette on a donkey the stupid sheep would still try and vote the Labour Party into power and when they have succeeded they have to vote the Conservative Party back in next time to sort out the mess.

    Off topic: Same as if you put a blue rosette on an upper class twit of the year whose mother won the Derby in the home counties, people would vote for that. That probably accounts for 40% of the population (until some of them voted UKIP) but the rest still make up their mind. Governments when they lose power tend to do it after they have left the country in a mess and that's is true for Labour and the Tories. The only reason why the Tories got back in power was 2008 and they did not even win that election. Similarly now this Tory government has got to be the most incompetent anybody has ever seen. The reason Labour aren't winning is because several Labour MPs ignorant of why you run leadership candidates past MPs first (as the Tories do to prevent a self serving ego maniac like Boris being elected when you know the party in the country would elect him given the chance because thy are that stupid) elected a Marxist and yet still managed to deny the MayBot a majority.

    The only unpredictable elections in the last 60 years have been 1979 when thanks to the SNP bringing down the Labour government and putting Thatcher in power when she led the polls for less than 1 month that year - a fact the useless Ed Miliband reminded Nicola Sturgeon of in an electoral debate nobody cared about and they thanked him by basically scuppering Labour's chances in 2015 claiming they would be in power as Labour would have to do what they said - and 1992 when Kinnock got triumphal and the Murdoch press was out of control ... actually they were out of control for the next 24 years and still are not entirely out of the picture. Even the last election with May running scared of the media leaving Corbyn to almost appear like a leader by attending debates she refused to as well as "really tricky" interviews with Woman's Hour was sort of predictable.

    70-74 Useless Tory government overtaken partly by world events

    74-79 A Labour government who had got the economy back under control but undone by an abject failure to deal with the unions

    92-97 Post Thatcher government which lost a lot of money due the incompetence of "Badger" Lamont and Blair being a much more credible leader than Major

    05-10 Post 2008 government. Brown's extreme lack of charisma and while Darling moved swiftly to deal with the bank, Labour did not move fast enough to cut spending. Labour were not spending too much (that's just BS) but when there is a financial crisis you need to cut and Labour didn't. The UK debt was perfectly reasonable for an economy of our size. The situation would have been no different under the Tories as they would have cut taxes more and this had to raise them significantly - just a different philosophy.

    These have been the changes of government in the last 50 years - no indication of one party being worse than another unless you have blue or red coloured spectacles on.

    Sorry this is OT but I can't let such statements lie unchallenged.

    On topic: The reason the rest of the world hates Trump is because we think he's a joke. He is not somebody anyone can do a deal with because as soon as you take off in a plane he's changed his mind. It is waste of time talking to him. He doesn't understand the global consequences of a trade war. US will be relatively better off but by making the rest of the world worse off that actually hits the global economy so US becomes better off relative to a poorer world and therefore worse off anyway. China knows Trump is gone in 6 years and they will just take the hit while doing better deals with the rest of the world. Eventually they will become the world's strongest economy by virtue of population and will cease to care so much about the US. When Trump was on "The Apprentice" you won if you did what he said and had the most generous celebrity friends. It had absolutely eff all to do with business. With the wealth his father gave him, any idiot could have made money in New York Real Estate, in fact few could have done worse. He is a great showman which is why he's been able to ride out the various bankruptcies of his companies but he's rich because his father was rich. And why all his friends evil fucking dictators. "My friend KIm", Putin etc.

    The events over Turkey are predictable. The Saudis commit an abhorrent execution of a journalist because they know Trump will do fuck all about it. The Turks have let western security agencies see the evidence. Pompeo files to the Saudis to see how they can get out of this mess presumably telling the Saudis what they know so they can concoct a "believable" story. Only nobody in the world believes the Saudis except Trump because he already said he would before they told him. This puts another dictator Erdogan in a position of tremendous power. he can choose to embarrass the Saudis and the US who will now have to clandestine deals with him to save face presuming they really do have the evidence they claim. Erdogan pulled this trick with EU over Syrian migrants. It is bad enough the US and UK are involved in the international human rights disaster that is the Yemen where the Saudis deliberately bomb hospitals and schools and call them accidents, but to find the US (and possibly the UK although that might be impossible given parliament) deeper in bed with them is an utter disgrace.

    Don't even get me started on (KAN)YE's visit!       

  11. I might have said this before but ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IS ILLEGAL. Everybody knows that. Catch them and deport them. Asking for asylum is an entirely different case then you have to look at the merits of individual cases. Any attempt to deport asylum seekers on a general basis is clearly against human rights. It is annoying for the country having to deal with it because it costs money but I know the UK we are pathetic at dealing with it. We spend so little on it that children spend months maybe even a year in detention because we cannot be bothered to spend the necessary cash to reduce the backlog. Get the process of law to work quicker. It cannot be beyond the wit of governments to do this. The reason they don't is being petty minded officials think they are pleasing their bosses by working out schemes to save the government money. This has resulted in the absolute disgrace of the treatment of the West Indian Windrush generation which brought down a Home Secretary (although a lot of it was under the watch of Theresa May).

    However I am sure it is not about saving money for 1 second as far as Trump is concerned. He thinks if I show what a bastard I am, not only will it discourage illegal immigration and asylum seekers (unlikely as genuine asylum seekers are fleeing for their lives) but more importantly appealing to a very nasty group on the right of politics.

    I don't know how much money it would take to get the process running smoothly but I am guessing it would be a lot less than people think in general. It's like in the UK when the right wing press (I think we might have a very different press to the US) continually go on about welfare fraud when it is minuscule compared to the degree of tax fraud by individuals and almost invisible compared by the tax avoidance of the big companies. However it helps people hate which always sells papers! However showing immigrants in cages does not! 

    • Like 1
  12. On 10/15/2018 at 2:54 AM, Thestarider said:

    Democrats should take head to the real truth:


    i don't like groups who think they own words. What happened in the Nazi concentration was one of the worst (maybe the worst) crimes against humanity bu that does not alter the fact that there have been many other concentration camps throughout history. It's a bad thing whatever but given that a Trump led regime might not even turned up for WWII given their American First policy quoting this person seems strange. Does he object to Gaza being called a concentration camp? Maybe technically it isn't or maybe it is, but it would only be arguing semantics to say that it isn't. This kind of language is very emotive and I am not saying the Democrats are right to use it but such vehement attempts to control language does seem against free speech which I have always admired the US for standing for. 

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