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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. 10 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

    BB, I'm not suggesting anything, but with respect, if the cap fits.....Its not so much about the women I am questioning, its more about the men who fantasise about them...But we could debate this till the cows come home...

    No I totally understood what you meant but "With respect, if the cap fits" is pretty offensive. I was not only arguing about what women like to do but of your own suspicions, the same suspicions which cause people to ask about men who fancy women with Ilona size breasts before she had the enhancement (*) . For myself I am not sure I care if a woman has a landing strip or is totally bald - it is certainly not important during sex and I don't think I have ever looked at a woman and thought "if only she was totally bald down there" - although I guess it takes some getting used to. I can't say when I fantasize I even take note. When I was first attracted to The Goddess she was clothed. As you know I am an arse man so really that and a pretty face are what I am mainly looking at. 

    It is up to a woman what she does but I think you are making a lot of assumptions about what turns men on. I think it is more an issue with yourself. 

    * This is another subject to debate. I have been with a few women who have had operations and they can be very good. I am just looking at a good shape with the breast and have argued against many who thing women should leave them alone. Obviously I have opinions on whether the operations on RLC have actually enhanced the looks but I think there have been at least as many hits of misses. I am not suspicious of men who exclusively like small breasts. They just have a type and often this is cultural. There's no doubt culture has also made shaving and now bald acceptable. I am obviously not going to say, like some do, which operations have been a success - I have elsewhere - because it is a women's decision as is - now let's not get too political.

    I am an insomniac as you know so I have a lot of time to write before I fall asleep.  

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  2. On 12/12/2018 at 4:27 PM, ipiratemedia said:

    Yes! "Their appeal invested in themselves." You mean they invested in their Doctrine?

    No, I mean invested in themselves. As for their doctrine, often these politicians don't even believe in the doctrine. Many people say they believe in small government but equally many of them really believe in low taxes for themselves and in order to bring that about ... cut government spending. But I'm not talking about that. I am talking about politicians such as Macron, Trump and Johnson who revolve or will revolve their political campaigns about themselves. Personally, I doubt very much if they really care much about anything else but their own personal advancement but again that is not the point. The point is when campaigns are based so much on them as a person and what they are going to do rather than the belief in their ideas, the popularity is necessarily fragile. Many populists as we have seen with Putin, the Italians, Trump and UKIP use racism as a card usually not directly. They claim that they are merely giving voice to a working class minority (usual white) who in reality they give not a flying f**k about. Blaming immigrants for their problem is an easy win. In reality they care far less about immigrants and more about winning votes. Most of their policies - and Trump is clearly different here because he has followed through with his attempts to bring jobs to the rust belt even if they may be at the cost of other things but on the other hand if he had not his ratings would be as low as Macron's - look after the wealthy first and punish those on welfare.

    On the other hand you have the left wing populists who may have started off with altruistic motivations but quickly get corrupted by power. They look to spend lots of money on the lower sections of society without regard with how it may effect the overall economy. Their targets are not immigrants (actually in some cases it still is) but the wealthy whether they deserve to be pilloried or not. They also get hijacked by ridiculous conspiracy theorists such as the one prevalent in the Labour Party that the Jewish bankers the Rothschilds run the world which makes them suspicious of Jews. To me these conspiracy theories do not stand up. Banks, Oil Companies and Weapons Manufacturers are pretty open in the way they lobby. Politicians are just corrupt so they are merely taking advantage of their greed. Something wrong but nothing half as sinister as the left implies.

    Now I'm not saying that dogma particularly on the left is not a driver for large number of politicians particular at the extreme ends of the spectrum. Macron tries to position himself in the middle (perhaps pretends to be left when he is really right - something Blair was accused of, but he was popular (with a big emphasis on WAS after the Iraq War) rather than populist) and Trump is certainly more liberal than the right wing of the Republican Party even if sometimes he seems to pander to their views. Maybe the UK is lucky to have a constitutional monarch so the PM even ones like Blair and Thatcher are always reminded of their place when they have to visit the Queen. It just acts as a check on their meglomania and boy did they need it. Trump has cleverly made sure he holds on to his base which is rather easier in a 2 party state like the US but Macron has been brought down to Earth by the French people who have protest built into their psyche which the US probably due to its size never really has.

    Protest is not really the way of the British either. It is therefore somewhat ironic that our next PM but 1 (because there will be a Tory after May now) could be someone who has spent his life protesting. Honestly Corbyn protests about everything but while his populist movement is often accompanied by the "Whoa Jeremy Corbyn" chants, the truth is the Marxist organisation behind him will very happily get rid of him if he doesn't play ball and will replace him with someone who does. Thus taht particular populist movement is not invested in Corbyn and has something more substantial behind it and thus a much greater threat.

    I dislike populism and have never like dogma. I prefer people make decisions through pragmatism and a general philosophy - people who do that are must less dangerous than those who worship every detail of dogma or like Boris Johnson believe in absolutely nothing ... Johnson naturally admires Trump.

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  3. 4 hours ago, Calle said:

    For those of us who are fond of oral sex, shaved pussy is a delicacy, especially if it is like Leora´s.

    Exactly. It didn't really bother me until oral sex became expected. That's also why I use to keep my own pubic hair down to a minimum.

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  4. 7 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

    its about the mentality of the admirers that worries me

    The same mentality that banned A-cup women from nudity in Australian films. Because women don't have small breasts and women must have pubic hair. Asthetics don't come into it, merely paranoia. What about women who shave their armpits or the legs? Perhaps men shouldn't shave either or wear shorts just in case people think they are boys. Historically shaving is cultural as well especially among the upper classes.

    Ilona right - was she a little girl? Are the many women who appear on RLC shaven little girls or are they women who have made a choice? I'm grateful because quite frankly I don't want to get hair stuck in my teeth and yes I find it more attractive. 

    Jimbo, you have been watching and loving The Goddess for many years. No-one could mistake her for a fully grown curvaceous woman and being completely shaved doesn't change that. You seem to suggest a shaven pussy is enough to corrupt people. 

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  5. France aside because maybe that is what happens when you elect a populist President when all their appeal is invested in themselves - once the mirror cracks there is nothing substantial to put it back together.

    Meanwhile in the UK, the 48 insane Tories have decided to try and change the PM during the most crucial period of our history since the Second World War. Then David Lloyd George, a man so confident he had his mistress in No. 10, move to put Churchill into power. This is not war and there is no Churchill.

    The US and France think they have problems ... not even started yet. 

  6. On 12/6/2018 at 12:02 AM, snaps said:

    Perhaps you have done the comparison, but does anyone else see Mila Kunis in her?

    Welcome snaps. I'd rather see Mila Kunis in here 😋

    Actually the girl she reminds me of facially is Nica, a Barca girl during the first half of this year. Ulyana is definitely a new star, the best new couples' girl we've seen since Chloe.

  7. On 12/3/2018 at 2:08 AM, BBsq69 said:

    I remember this well. I might have a picture somewhere but it could take days to find. it was after quite a few bates in which Paul got closer and closer to catching her - always seemed odd because he knew what she was up to - and she seemed to enjoy that thrill but the overriding emotion from that scene was confusion. Paul simply didn't know what to do with himself.

    Went through June to August 2016 with no luck. Does anybody have a date for when Paul surprised The Goddess?

  8. 3 hours ago, Howard said:

    Good u/l but if someone has the original file (not one that's been zoomed in or copied), its interesting to see Leora's face (and Pauls) when he walks in just as she's gonna orgasm.  I think that's an important part of the clip (that has been edited out).

    Maybe our resident historian, Squirrely, has the file.   What say you, Squirrely?

    I remember this well. I might have a picture somewhere but it could take days to find. it was after quite a few bates in which Paul got closer and closer to catching her - always seemed odd because he knew what she was up to - and she seemed to enjoy that thrill but the overriding emotion from that scene was confusion. Paul simply didn't know what to do with himself.

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  9. Well it's funny Joey mentioned psychedelic rock a few posts ago because I am about to post 2 great records which epitomise the late 80s psychedelic Manchester scene known as Madchester based around the much raided legendary club "The Hacienda". The overarching theme was dance. There were many genres of music around that period in Manchester but these were the sounds most closely associated with the city.

    First the Happy Mondays featuring singer Shaun Ryder (who "starred" with Danny Dyer in GTA San Andreas) and dancer Bez.

    Oh the irony that it says "London Recording".

    • Like 1
  10. On 11/24/2018 at 5:40 PM, nagachilli2 said:

    Plus, the 3 girls you mentioned in brackets there, Karol, Monica and Nica..

    I was thinking of you when I chose Karol and Monica. I could have chosen Sofie, Jasmin, Blair, Bea.or many others. Lots of big characters back then but Nica seemed to cover the segue into the next period. I always wished Nica would get on with Belle and they were all over each other on Jasmin's BF's birthday. Indeed Belle spent the next morning naked on Nica's bed but there was a never time she was Nica like she was with Amina. To a bit of an extent I think that's when RLC Barcelona grew up and offered the product I think it should have from the start. That's just my opinion. I wouldn't want to see it go back to the original days and of course they opened the Roommates apartments.

    Also with the later period I could have mentioned Bridget, Mary, Dalia but I don't know them so well. 

  11. 13 hours ago, itsme said:

    I haven't watched RLC in a year or so but I was always fond of Erma and Nora. 

    I did think of an option of "Never liked Barcelona" but that may not have been helpful.

  12. Roughly I would define the periods as:

    1. Up to September 2015

    2. November 2015 - July 2016

    3. August 2016 - December 2016 (but more specifically September/October)

    4. January 2017 - July 2017 (more the first few months)

    5. August 2017 - December 2017

    6. January 2018 - June 2018 (B4 was open in December but initially very quiet)

    7. July 2018 onwards



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  13. 19 hours ago, ipiratemedia said:

    Hmm. Are you OK BB? Not once, did you mention "My Belle." lol...


    She was involved in 3 periods:

    1. B2 Party Period - during which she won virtually every poll as for the early part she was the most enthusiastic participant

    2. B1 Party Period - during which Gina, The Twins and Belle started the bed posing but she was not a big player in the parties

    3. B4 opened - With Bea and Karol started to take it to the next level bating as well as spreading nudity and then the wild period with Rosie.

    As I said this is not about single girls and, while her first visit was spectacular, it would have been nothing without the full legendary team. 

    spreading nudity - I mean normalising nudity around the house like Ilona and Irma did with B2 rather than actual 'spreading' LOL

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  14. Some people like Barca as it was, some like the initial period of B1, some like when Lola brought the wild parties, some like when Nora returned with Irma and injected life into the parties, some like when B1 & B2 started to get a bid wilder with Renata, some liked B4 when there was suddenly a massive increase in bating and boyfriends and some like the current period with the reopening of B1 and the groups on B4.
    This is not about individual girls (although I have mentioned them to refresh your mind), nor about groups of girls so please don't vote on which girl you like, it is about,the period, the content, the feel and what you enjoyed.

    Personally it is a hard choice. The crazy Lola period was very exciting but only last a short time when it came to a sudden halt for various reasons (drugs - although people are still taking them, noise). The party period in B1 really showed Nora's creativity and carried on with others although they became tamer as time went on and the B4 opening showed what might happen with a bit of incentive. Many think the current period has gone slightly over the top although I think it is just in a different and more competitive market now.

    What do you think?

    N.B. Just because I have mentioned separate apartments does not mean the period is confined to them. For instance B3 has been mixed up in this as well with a lot of great action there but I would only count B3 when it is fully interacting with the GoV apartments.

  15. 25 minutes ago, ze81 said:

    Depends,For exemple Italy Its number 19 in FIFA ranking,comparing to England(5) and Portugal(7),and in general both this teams have more good players,stars.But agree Regard the others,Spain,France or Germany could be in finals.PS..great to have you aboard BBsq69.

    I really meant for general interest. I know England have maybe the biggest domestic audience of all, but let us face it UEFA have never liked England as a lot of other countries are jealous of the finances of English clubs. My own club Everton aren't that big in an English context nowadays - historically we were - but we hover around 20 in the world's richest clubs and the finance and the strength in depth annoys some others especially now with Brexit and our arrogance. But people do want to see France and Belgium because they have very good players, Spain for their passing and Italy because of their passion and different style of play - the country which invented the art of defending.
    England are exciting right now. We still don't pass the ball well although our defenders are getting better at that but we are a genuine threat going forward with skill of Sterling, the enthusiasm of Rashford and the finishing of Kane, who is much more than just a goalscorer even if I think the English media overrates him a bit but that's because so many of them support Tottenham! He's a very good player who contributes a lot more than Lineker but has not got the talent of Rooney, who should have ended up better than he did.

    Off topic: Gerard was a great passer of the ball, like Beckham, with a great will to win, more than Beckham, but he could no more beat a player with skill than Beckham and why people who recently said he was as good as Rooney are talking nonsense, and in case you hadn't noticed Rooney could pass as well. Rooney's misfortune was he played in an England team which wasn't really good enough. Lampard and Gerard were continually labelled the best midfielders in the world at club level and yet in about 70 appearance together they clicked about 5 times. I blame Gerard for this as he would not play in the position he was asked to by England manages particularly Capello. Play him in the centre and he joined Lampard behind the striker despite the fact that Lampard was a far better finisher and passer around the area leaving us exposed. Play him on the right where he was good with his passing and crossing and complained and drifted out of position continually. If Lampard wasn't around he could have played attacking midfielder but had nowhere the skill to be World Class in that position. Rooney did but we didn't have another regular striker so he has to play there. Rooney was not a great goalscorer like Lineker and Kane but hardly ever got a run at the No 10. shirt. The fact is that with Rooney, Gerard, Lampard, Beckham and Scholes England were never a great side no matter who the manager was but people swear each of them one was a great. Overhyped just because we see them every week.

    Off off topic: Scholes was a different case. I hear a lot of United fans saying he was their best player of their golden generation, but I have rarely seen a match in which he didn't deserve to be sent off for his appalling tackling - if you can't tackle, don't tackle! I remember a match when United won the league. He had already been booked for a dangerous challenge and the when the opposition were breaking out to score a goal which would have given Chelsea the title, he rugby tackled a guy and yet the referee just talked to him. Unbelievable, but typical of his entire career.

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