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Everything posted by Buster

  1. Tell me about it. Way too thin for my tastes. Out of the 3 girls, pretty much all of them are too thin.
  2. You'd think after all this time, they'd be smart enough to at least figure that out by now.
  3. As opposed to having ugly big cats? As an adult, I'm fairly certain she would have already known she was allergic to cats many, many years ago.
  4. Where are your videos? Where his videos are is irrelevant to the truth. Everything badger has said is more or less true and one does not need to post videos to realize this. Despite most people's complaints about using UL, I don't mind him, or anyone, using that site to host their vids because it costs us nothing to download and if he gets some kind of compensation which may help him pay for RLC then I'm all for it. But the problem is Boss13 not only posts old videos claiming them to be new but he also misleads his titles to sucker people in to downloading his bullshit, ie: labeling something as sex when it's really just a shower scene or something like that, and the fact that you have to wait 3 hours before each download will in fact piss a lot of people off. Add in that he provides no description or preview pics and it's all the more reason why he's a scumbag. But if you have no problem downloading his videos then feel free. Some people don't care. Some people do.
  5. As do most men. And why are you apologizing? You don't have anything to be sorry for. I was merely answering your question. Feel free to think women masturbating is hot as much as you want to.
  6. No, she wouldn't. Watching women masturbate is boring.
  7. At this point does anyone even care if they fuck or not?
  8. I will prefer this couple over psycho-cunt Isabel any day of the week.
  9. I don't want to sound like I'm some kind of pianist. Right now I'm forced to learn the piano as part of my curriculum for my music major in school. I'm trying to be a composer. Last semester we had to find a song and play it in front the class and this was the one I picked, but I didn't play it perfectly. I will say this though since I used to play guitar in my 20's and now I'm playing piano in my 30's, learning an instrument isn't nearly as difficult as you would think. It only takes a ton of practice... and I mean a TON of practice.
  10. I recently learned how to play the first half of this song on piano... maybe about 5 months ago.
  11. I agree with song/music. I'm not much of a wine drinker and women are merely good for eye candy at a distance.
  12. This proves a point that the attraction some people have for dysfunctional people is not a man or woman specific issue. For every asshole guy and/or bitchy woman in the world, you have at least one man or woman that's needs to put up with their shit. Having said that, fuck this couple.
  13. I thought so too but with the shitty cam quality I couldn't be sure.
  14. Demid needs to shave his beard in order to be sure but that is a possibility. Or maybe she just had an itch...
  15. Isn't she wearing the same panties from last night? Did anyone see her change her underwear today?
  16. You know absolutely nothing about this girl other than the fact that she's not afraid to have sex in front of some cameras and you're talking about love? Good lord man...
  17. Who the fuck wants to cuddle after sex? That shit is for teenagers and people that like bullshit romantic comedies.
  18. She's afraid of the cameras. At this point he knows not to even bother trying.
  19. I never saw the red dress girl from Efim/Diana's place come back for a 2nd visit.
  20. I really don't know too many people that would open mouth kiss a whore.
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