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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. Anna is topless in the bath w a Naked Mark and a underwear wearing Eva. well actually looking back in archives just before the bath Eva walked out of the shower naked.
  2. Mark is currently giving Eva a lap dance in just his underwear in the living room,. Anna is right next to them with her hand down her pants
  3. The other thing to me about Eva is that she looks better with clothes on than naked from what I've seen. I just don't think she's all that attractive,.
  4. Look at poor Mark's face,. I feel bad for him because he seems like he'd have no problem with this environment.
  5. yeah they're not lasting long
  6. Almost all of the RLC residents are generally naked at some point in the day as a part of their general bathing,. changing and sex routines.,. Some have more adventurous sex,. The all girls apartments have a fair amount of nudity but almost never have sex. The guests of the residents can be hit or miss,. There's 2 or 3 regular guests who never get naked or have sex on cam,. Then there's the random guests who'll be there for a day bathing or having sex,. Plus I should add that the cameras are much clearer than VV,. Some will tell you it's not worth it and even I would say it has it's ebb and flows of excitement,It's all about if you're into someone or something,. . I would add that the girls of RLC are mostly more attractive than the VV girls and they have better cameras
  7. RLC $45 and VV $40 are now similarly priced for their premium packages. VV has only four apartments and the same people have sex sometimes multiple times a day. They have a sex worker feel to them a lot of the time. RLC has 14 apartments, most are straight couples. A couple are lesbian couples, and the 2 most popular apartments are all girl roommates apartments. The amount of sex and nudity varies from apartment to apartment and often a some guests (not all) are shown. RLC in my opinion is the better product.
  8. They added Eva and Mark to Voro. She's got pink hair. He's got a haircut which makes him look like he fell asleep in the barber chair.
  9. I'm wondering if the girl guest visiting and napping now is Demid's sister. She arrived while he was there alone and he generally was cleaning stuff and showing her around the place
  10. Kkru394

    Sofia - Split 1

    The sad part is that the neighbors would have been the most interesting thing occurring in these apartments in almost a month
  11. It's the redhead who stayed for a week with her boyfriend while N&B were on vacation. Don't expect anything out of her if she covering them again. She never wanted to have sex in the apartment
  12. What's the point of tweeting you have a new couple for Voro and make it seem like they are coming in yesterday and then no one comes? Now the rooms are labeled guest room. Also if you missed it Phil from the old Voro apartment ( the days of Dizi and Messa) stayed over last night.
  13. Kkru394

    Sofia - Split 1

    The one terrace cam is at an interesting angle. It faces out towards an apartment where i think at night that if you blow it up you'll be able to see inside the apartment with lights on. I saw a man and a woman walking by the windows
  14. Kkru394

    Sofia - Split 1

    The terrace cams have been added. Now about that second bedroom....
  15. Kkru394

    Tver - Split 4

    Isn't that the guy who was in old voro sometime back when Dizi was there? Wasn't his name Phil? And none of the girls at the time seemed to want Phil even though he seemed like a nice guy. is Phil Fil?
  16. hopefully they walk in on this Anna show
  17. VV tweeted today Good news bad boys! Ex N&D room in Voro is waiting for new participants. Yay!
  18. Kkru394

    Tver - Split 4

    Looks like they added the bald guy to Tver -Fil is his name
  19. Kkru394

    Sofia - Split 1

    The other annoying thing is that they are supposedly going to find couples to party with. However if they stay over there's no cameras in the other bedroom?
  20. Kkru394

    Sofia - Split 1

    Nelly and David just arrived
  21. Kkru394

    Tula - Split 1

    They been sending these weekly emails to subscribers that last 3 weeks. here's the most recent. in edit maybe sofia is a different town Welcome to Sofia We just launched the 4th appartment on Voyeur Villa. Starting from BIG news - Sofia is on air. This apartment is special for us. Despite it may seem it's compact, believe us, it's bigger on the inside :) That means that what you see now - is not the final picture of Sofia. There are even more rooms and cams to be opened in the future Yeah, there is no secret anymore - that's hot couple of Nelly and David is moving to Sofia. As you get this email, Nelly and David should be unpacking their stuff and plan to get a sunbath soon. Be sure to check it out now As guys said, they plan to meet new people in Sofia and invite them for random parties there. This sunny apartment will be full of life. As we were busy setting up two new apartments up, habitants in Voronezh and Tver didn't waste any time, and, believe, any drop, if you know what i mean. Multiple parties with crazy orgies happened. And this Mr.X with Petra? Wow, their sex several days ago hit all the ratings on Villa Be sure to check these videos out in Archive. By the way, did we tell you it has been updated? Go check it out, it's all new! These two apartments - is a really big and new step for Voyeur Villa. We hope you will share these moments with us and you will be the first one to see new participants and more action!
  22. Kkru394

    Tula - Split 1

    No Sofia is in the same apartment complex. Per their newsletter David and nelly are moving there today.
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