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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. WTF? they didn't even make the bed in Molly's room up
  2. Oh good they waited until she went out to turn the cams back on
  3. I guess this means no more of our favorite cleaner if they are going UM for the cleanings now
  4. Or maybe she earned some well deserved vacation time this weekend and her replacement doesn't want to be on camera
  5. Looks like the bathtub has no hot water again. Holly and Evelyn were going to use it and gave up
  6. Masha’s petite sister arrived. It looks like she got hit in the face.
  7. The cleaning lady is going to be in for a surprise if she shows up soon
  8. Cam 3 is too low. It’s one thing if they are lying on the couch but if they stand up all you see is knees
  9. I would have kept the wide angle from behind the table though. Much easier to track movement when you can see if they went to the kitchen, the hall or the bathroom
  10. The living room cams are one of a wide room from over the couch. Other 2 are focused on the couch. The small bathroom cam was shifted for a much better view. The other new bedroom cam is focused on the bed
  11. Megan must not be feeling well. Anabella and Damira are watching her and giving her a cold towel for her head
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