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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. You mean idiots like Andrew Cuomo, Bill De Blasio and any Democrat governor who didn't protect the nursing homes are responsible. Especially Cuomo and Deblasio, whose inaction and the resulting exodus in March led to the spread to 60-65% of the country. That's not me saying that. That was from the New York Times.
  2. I was hopeful these girls yesterday that one was Britney but i guess this is Britney
  3. It is if you manage to taze the officer in the face, then take his gun and shoot him in your drunken stupor
  4. Why police don’t aim for the legs WWW.DESERET.COM Have you ever wondered why police don’t try to shoot suspects in the legs or arms? Are police trained to kill? Here is why they don"t shoot for the legs
  5. How easy do you really think that is as opposed to the torso especially while the guy is moving?
  6. I totally disagree. What happens if the guy turns around , tazes the officer in the face, and then in his inebriated state, decides to take the officer’s gun and shoot him? I don’t care what color the guy is, the officer has every right to defend himself from such a situation. They did try to arrest the guy without weapons. The guy then resisted assist, committed felonies, including punching the officer in the face (a felony) and stealing the tazer (another felony) .
  7. if you have replay check out 10:48am.. cam 8
  8. I've been having a back and forth argument with support. They claim they are still sorting this out. I've told them their ineptitude on this is unacceptable
  9. Then that’s just poor planning. Get the pool cleaned at 8 or 9 am instead of midday
  10. You clearly didn’t actually listen to Trump’s press conference, Trump did not suggest you inject Lysol into your body. Not once did he suggest that. He asked the research team if there was something we could inject that would cleanse the body of the virus similar to cleaning products. If you read this parallel comparison and understood it as inject Lysol, this is a problem. Some facts to consider while calling this president a moron: Many of you inject Botox to fix your faces. Botox is a poison. Many people are saved from chemotherapy, which is a poison. This poison cleanses the body of cancer cells and makes you very sick. A similar drug cleanser is not a dumb idea, but an idea that clearly has been used before for both saving lives and avoiding wrinkles, yet you compare his idea to injecting Lysol. Heat and light also have a history of saving lives. Heat kills the flu as we see every spring. Light is used in radiation therapy, again to kill cancer. Light therapy is also used to help with depression.These suggestions for research is what you should be looking at as hope, but instead you look to mock and dismiss as dumb, and that is seriously a tragedy.
  11. They are greasing up the guest girl. Kapitolina giving stripping lessons.
  12. I'm in New Jersey. 80% of the schools are already closed and the colleges all closed up last week. The governor will by tomorrow close all the schools in New Jersey, In one town in Hoboken, which is one of the largest bar towns In New Jersey, the mayor has shut down alcohol sales in all bars and if you sell food it must be carryout only. Also closed the gyms, churches and public parks and playgrounds. The mayor also instituted a curfew from 10pm to 5am. This is probably going to be copied in a lot of towns and cities with liberal mayors over the next couple days. DiBlasio is expected to close all the schools in NYC by tomorrow
  13. You’d wish they had more tests out there, but all countries were screwed from the start because China tried to hide this . Could have shut down all travel from China if we knew. Trump tried right away and was called a racist for it. But the minute one person got out of China with it, this was the inevitable result. Most of what Trump is doing now is probably prudent but too late.
  14. I think the reason I get annoyed with Amelie and Assol is that now seeing Amelie naked in the light her body is amazing. Just want to see them more
  15. Will the tourists ever learn to turn on the damn lights at night? And another thing burn those robes
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