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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. I remember the first tlme Amy took a bath with Megan and Lola. Boy has she changed.
  2. They are the one's I'm paying for this service so I will blame VHTV
  3. i'm getting so tired of this with VH. Every weekend there's something of interest and every time it seems they manage to take the apartment offline
  4. There's a second couple in the guest bedroom
  5. Answer this.. If a Democrat was president and the Democrats held the Senate 53-47 in an election year and a conservative judge had died in September and you had a chance to make the court a 6-3 liberal advantage for at least the next ten to twenty years , what would you expect the Democrats to do?
  6. They just shook hands like they were meeting each other for the first time
  7. Thanks Amira for changing into your bikini in the damn uncammed bathroom
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