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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. RLC doesn’t have any apartments in Estonia
  2. That girl has been a longtime friend of both Nelly and Dasha. She’s stayed over at Dasha’s old apartment, Nelly’s and this apartment before
  3. So... just got home. These 3 work at the same strip club?
  4. I have to say as much as I like Chloe I was hoping to see new friends over there
  5. She’s going to take awhile to relax. Trying to cover her boobs in the bath
  6. Asya and Artem. Think they are friends of Chloe and Tyler. They covered their vacation not too long ago
  7. Hi Diane’s BF ..you sit here with your back to the topless girl with the nice tits
  8. Rus live has gotten to see 8 of these girls either topless or nude in the last 3 days not counting Kylie. What a life
  9. Except they just went into the uncammed bathroom together
  10. Diane’s boyfriend is back with a large bouquet of roses and another gift. Diane went out so he’s waiting in the kitchen
  11. It’s been two days. Maybe you should pipe down for a week. Especially after what’s occurred in B4 today
  12. She was kinda shy and probably wasn’t ready for the experience at the time even though she was definitely attractive. If she comes back with more confidence she could be a nice addition.
  13. Loraine got home and changed In a way so you couldn’t see anything with lights on . Then lights out and this display
  14. It won’t be good news if Elly is the replacement. We got enough dead weight in there already. This just in Olya and Ariela have finally ventured out of their room today
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