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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. The cleaning lady is there to clean Valerie’s space but Damira is sleeping in the bed
  2. After a couple days watching I think Anabella facially looks a lot like Tina
  3. Did you know that Russians couldn't watch RLC? Did you know Kristy was searching for a new apartment today? Nevermind you have a brilliant theory.
  4. Your theory is complete crap. Just stop already
  5. Yes it starts in November but the local Russian governments would need to check their regions beforehand to see what their people are using or broadcasting via the internet to know what to allow or don’t allow when they go private. Leora and Maya apartments were offline about 24 hours before they were all shut down. I think those officials found something in those apartments that forced RLC to make a quick takedown of all Russian apartments. I don’t think RLC wanted to do this but they certainly had a contingency plan ready for what would happen once the news broke a few months back So far they’ve shot down every Russian apartment on Camarads, lifeundercam, RLC except VH and that’s just a matter of time because they aren’t going to be able to get around the private server to broadcast.
  6. The articles about Russian nternet privatization. If you don’t think that’s related to this I just don’t know what to say
  7. I think it's going to take them awhile to build the way some would like.We may have a replacement for Emma and Julio first later this month. I think if they got to 15 by the end of the year by opening one apartment a month that would be fair. The B3 closing and Kitty/Smith and the Thomas failure compounded what's going on right now. I think RLC is a little more deliberate in their interview process so these apartment replacements take 1-2 months. I doubt that outside of maybe Nelly/Bogdan that many of the Russian couples may be able to up and move to another country. They may be candidates for 90 day vacations. I'm going to stick around because this wasn't RLC's fault and I'm interested to see what they do. If they are still at 8 in December I'll reconsider.
  8. The Russians are privatizing their internet servers which is why this happened
  9. It’s back all the Russian apartments are go and they combined the replay and premium into one fee
  10. Great job RLC having all the backyard cams down when they’re mostly all outside
  11. Never thought we’d see a girl bate on the dining table. Up until Valerie no one ever thought of doing that. Needs better light though
  12. I’ve heard from someone different than Noldus. They are not in Barcelona
  13. She’s been there before. Normally uses a bikini to bathe. If she doesn’t it will be the first time
  14. Tom sucks. Turns the light out when she’s chsnging. Pulls the covers up when she’s on top
  15. I don’t think her looks are the issue. My thing about Salma lately is unless she’s fooling around with the other girls she just lays in bed all day. Doesn’t use the pool. Doesn’t socialize that much. It’s particularly noticeable with Valerie in the house. Now maybe she shares the bed with a girl coming in but I’m not that optimistic.
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