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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. I apologize and remove this @Voyeur House TV
  2. And now we know where they go when they disappear for long periods- outside to smoke on the balcony
  3. So far the Lena crew getting dressed for smoke breaks stinks
  4. All 4 naked upstairs together. We need another cam at the front of that room pronto!
  5. Eric close the door to Dina's old room please
  6. Layla is wearing a mask and stockings only and waking around the house nude. Silvia is lounging naked as well
  7. Glad this site has replay. Heading out for a few hours away from the computer.
  8. They did that in a kissing game a bunch of times a week ago
  9. I have five levels of success for this. Level 1- ALL 4 go out to the terrace and smoke naked Level 2 - ALL 4 skinny dip Level 3- sex in the same bedroom together Level 4 - Get one other tenant in the property to join them naked in the house or skinny dipping Level 5- Get the entire house crew to join them naked in the house or skinny dipping
  10. They took one last smoke break before midnight. The next smoke break is the moment of truth.
  11. They're leaving. Hope they're getting their luggage
  12. Terrace table proving why we need a cam on the other side
  13. Tell the new girls all new tenants must skinny dip in the pool on their first day
  14. Naked day gets a little more interesting if they stay up there tonight
  15. Let them do whatever they want today. They'll be naked all day tomorrow.
  16. Disagree on Eric/Layla. Eric's doing a ton of cam work and it's not their fault Silvia and Dina hold themselves up in their room
  17. The carpet came from Eric and Layla's. Eric and Josh hung it on the gate yard cam at 14:32
  18. You have to credit them all how they have built up to this. Fingers crossed they go skinny dipping tomorrow.
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