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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. We had our first skinnydippers. Unfortunately it was Phil and Peter. Must have lost a bet
  2. Good. It was irritating to have to listen to the music all day
  3. No bud they are downstairs.. Just watched Eric walk out of their room into the hallway
  4. I borrowed golfers pic -cam 4 the stairs lead to Silvia and Josh's room, The yellow curtain is the shower. The door next to the curtain is Dena and Rob's room. And if you walk to the right, that's Layla and Erik's room
  5. Cam 3- the hall.. The door on the left is a toliet, the door in the middle is the entrance, the door on the right is the kitchen, If you walk to the right, that leads to the hall in Cam 4
  6. Even though they haven't given us a floor plan. I think I've figured where everything goes. Timeline doesn't seem to be working so I'm waiting for Rob/Dina to close their bedroom door to get a shot of the hall unless someone has it for me.
  7. They renamed the rooms. The upstairs bedroom is now a living room.
  8. Looks like Sara bought a puppy so that she can disappear for five days and leave Jeka to take care of it
  9. still not low enough. the top should be down to the tile line below the showerhead
  10. They really need to add an outdoor cam down that driveway. The almost the whole cast was watching Eric and suddenly all of them walked out of scene and didn't go inside.
  11. It would be nice to get the proper floor plan here to see what we want to additionally see
  12. Yeah one less cam is no good. Is the cat going down to that smaller room too?
  13. right now Dina, Teya, Chloe and Sara apts. aren't loading
  14. i understand. it's especially because you chose to do this on a sunday when more eyes may be watching. During the week where more people like myself are at work would have been a better time. I see some apartments are back.. some aren't loading.. And thankfully the shower door at Layla's is gone
  15. Almost an hour later. Five and a half total. If there is a great use of that pool for its first day we missed it as you'll have no replay of it. Disappointing.
  16. What are they up to? Three hours and a half hours now?
  17. Arguably tthe best nights they have had so far was the nights 5 or 6 of them got together to play strip games. When this couple withdraws like this it takes away from the total apartment.
  18. the cat used its litter box. Lena's reaction was to spray Frebreeze in the room instead of taking the litter box out. Peter takes the box and dumps it in the toilet. I don't think he flushed before Dena tried to use the restroom
  19. so did Dina and Rob even say hello or just straight to bed?
  20. well what do you know - I go out for 3 hours -come back and the apartment is open. They added one of my 3 outdoor cam wishes .
  21. is that the pool expert or someone's dad?
  22. Thinking about the outdoor setup for additional cams. Right now I hope for 3 more . One on the other side of the terrace. One over where the grill is so that we can see down the driveway to the right on the Vlad's yard cam and one more on the roof of Vlad's house to the right of the original yard cam to get sunbathing. An underwater pool cam would be awesome but probably too hard.. Call that a pipe dream
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