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Everything posted by rtgonzo

  1. The listing on the RLC side has existed for some time. Still does, in fact last update was Aug 18th. So the knowledge of where they live being open predates their move to VHTV. And of course I defer to Foamy in this, or any other matter of course. And the safety and security of the residents/tenants is above all other considerations.
  2. That would be a question for StoneCold, Moos, or Foamy. My call would depend on history, but would have to rate at least a good long spell in the time out chair. Possibly more, as I see the posts as possibly being malicious in intent.
  3. She was traveling to Moscow, for work she told me, but I do not know more. The above is NOT what is being referred to. Moos deleted several msg this morning that posted Real Life Social Media info relating to Nina and Kira's off-cam life. Way beyond country of origin, which is easy to discern and openly discussed across the board. The info posted was in clear violation of Global Rule 2. The poster(s) were NOT regulars to this thread, but not newbies to CC. I was literally in the process of starting to report them when Moos pulled the trigger.
  4. Thanks Moos! i guess someone beat me to hitting the report button on those.
  5. Can't speak for @sturmchaser. But I would happily trade places w/ either of them.
  6. Ah, that would explain the bright and happy mood when she got home.
  7. Midnite, Kira is home from work and it's time for a bath. Ninja'd.....
  8. Just shy of 0600 St P time and they are home looks like shopping got done on the way....
  9. Specifically, black market cannabis oil "THC" cartridges in states which haven't legalized. Vitamin-E oil is cheap and a reasonable color, but a horrible substitute for the usual carriers. Regular commercial e-cig cartridges and dispensary bought cannabis cartridges don't use the stuff.
  10. Yep, we won the condiments war! American ketchup rules the world!!! Or at least is available everywhere. I bought it in Ireland, the UK, and The Netherlands.
  11. No Ze, you are not hallucinating. There is in fact a gorgeous Siamese wandering around exploring. They're being very careful not to disturb Mitya and Stepan the current occupants. 😊 Perhaps the friend you noticed earlier belongs to them. 😉
  12. Thanks @Kjeld Carlsen !👍
  13. "Ever feel like you're living in an airport"?
  14. Not enough for the SexCam Survivor Games, Orgy at least 12 hrs/day crowd, apparently. When they are home they've been spending more time topless/naked than they used to. Shower and bathe together, and the sex has been a bit more regular. It seems they do have lives/jobs outside the apt. Sorry if this disappoints you....
  15. You do see that the refrigerator is out of the wall, right???
  16. In the living room. With the lights on.....
  17. I really don't know why those other sites are banned. You'd have to ask the powers that be. The reason I've always heard is that social media (not CB, MFC, etc.) is their private lives. But how can it be private if #1, it's on the Internet and #2, they put it there of their own free will? I don't use social media, so maybe I don't understand how it works. But it seems to me if it's on the Internet, it's not private. But I don't think CB, MFC or any other cam site qualifies as social media. If that were so, then VH, RLC and any other porn site would also fall into that category. I guess it comes down to context. If the participants are posting to social media as their project/ cam persona and staying within that boundary? Then maybe I could see allowing posting that to a topic. Stuff they've posted under their real life names and identities? I'd prob'ly nope that right the hell out of here.
  18. Ahhhh, so you're here for the "survival porn" thing ala Survivor, American Idol, or The Hunger Games. Got it.
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