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Everything posted by rtgonzo

  1. I don't think there was any actual sex going on back there, just smoking, and making out. This apt doesn't have a loggia. So the smokers resort to opening the kitchen window and going behind the curtain to smoke. The sex happened, under the covers, between the smoking visits, I'll try and add a pic later I'm away from my desktop ATM.....
  2. And to you and yours as well! 🎄
  3. Sorry Jabs, but that hasn't been true for some time now. You keep making that assertion, but Sienna has been showering at the apt regularly now.
  4. Just beautiful! That's our girl
  5. Rossy and one of the new girls over at N&K's having some fun playing video games. Is that Chivas and Coke?!!? 😧 What a horrible thing to do to half-way decent Whiskey. 😲 No accounting for taste I guess🤣
  6. Rossy & Sienna 12/7 10:00 Bedroom Morning fun, Massage & Finger banging. Thanks
  7. Direct transliteration, almost phoneme for phoneme.
  8. Yep, at least twice that I've seen. Today 2019-12-7 starting ~15:24 local and once that just rolled off the 24 hr timeline. So she does believe in hygiene.... Not too shy either.
  9. Rossy & Sienna 12/5 23:28 - 23:47 Bathroom Making out in the tub 12/5 23:56 - 12:/6 00:02 Kitchen Thanks
  10. There's times when I think Jabs would prefer every apt be lit and set-up as a cam studio..... Personally, I'd rather have something less staged and more spontaneous in IR, than performed strictly for and at the lens in bright lights. But tastes vary as they say.
  11. Thule!?!?!?!!! 🥶 Yeah that would be Real Damn Cold. I thought maybe Adak, or KEF. But northern Greenland makes Reykjavik in January look temperate.
  12. @Kjeld Carlsen Snow Removal Equip., De_Icer and Runway Sweeper. Those are bit less run of the mill. I'm going to guess that posting was someplace northern, snowy, and COLD.... 😁
  13. Now, for an example of "Truly Sucks" RLC is a site that's hard to beat. Overpriced and poor value, mostly fake, and virtually no real interaction. When they pulled the plug on the Russian apts they had nothing left I wanted to see. The Barca Loungers and the like hold zero appeal to me. Would R&S at their current level of activity keep me a paying subscriber? No probably not. If they make some more progress like they have the past week or so? They might. But they didn't bring me here in the first place, that would a different couple of lovely young Russian lesbians. 😉 I mean, I won't see any value in next set of cam girl pornstar wannbes that move in. But I doubt I'll waste my energy slagging off on them here.🤣
  14. LOL! Thanks, fixed that. I guess I need a copy editor for my comments. Precisely, my point. That illusion of scarcity is just that, an illusion. 48 feet of macro lite lager swill with 2 facings craft beer doesn't mean there's less selection of macro lite lager swill. Just 2 less facings of the same thing, and 2 facings of something different. To VHTV the "space" itself likely has little marginal cost. The only actual cost is payout for views. The value is in adding to the total # of apts for the sake of marketing. So we'll see how things go, and if they can get more used to each other and the situation. A more visible and uncovered sex life would certainly be nice to see out of two such beautiful young women.
  15. Depends on what suits one doesn't it? I get that you feel qualified to pontificate and declaim on behalf all the paying members. But, different strokes for for different folks and all that. They both obviously work, and differing shifts at that, so they won't be lying about all day with their twats shoved in a camera. They are seemingly getting more comfortable and, Rossy at least, showing some more skin. And hey, sex twice in the same day. 👍 As to N&K being 'Mangers', either bad or good, I doubt it. I think it highly unlikely they in any position fund the start up of that nice an apt. So they are probably paying their own rent., changing both the relationship and financial dynamics with VHTV. Could N&K do some Some coaching, mentoring? Sure, and yes these 2 could sure use some. There're 37 currently active apts . Surely you can find something watch........
  16. Sure, I would like to see more of them.😁 Personally I find them both quite attractive; frankly they're just my type. But yeah, like Jabs said "not very nice". Though to be honest that seems to be your style in general. Most of your commentary seems to match your avatar.....
  17. Dumbass little boy. Can't let them have fun and play along without having to make it his game. Going to fuck it up for himself...... (really need a Rotflmao emoji)
  18. Kira is home and the girls are in tub.
  19. Look I just took a bath it's clean, fresh, smooth and sweet. WORSHIP IT, Damn YOU!!!! I'll let you know when you're done
  20. Jeez, Derek looks fucking cadaverous....
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