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Barry Elephant

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Everything posted by Barry Elephant

  1. Posts like that often tell us more about the poster than the subject of the post
  2. calm down people. RLC are in it for money. Camcaps are in it for money. and what?
  3. I don't think the objection is to comments, just to the lack of respect being paid to these tenants. These comments should be more respectful and those who are disrespectful should be ashamed
  4. A birthday is just a particular anniversary - the anniversary of the date of birth.
  5. there are a lot of people on here that might consider stopping subscribing. They start watching, get to like what they see, then think that they should be able to direct the action, and critique minor changes in behaviour of the tenants. I am always amazed at the amount of grumbling on these forums. I mean, it ain't cheap, if you don't like it, keep your money in your pocket, spend it on adult entertainment that you do like. It doesn't seem difficult to me. Sincerely Barry from India p.s. Ragnar, are you having a problem with your keyboard? I have a spare here I am not using if yours is giving you trouble. Ragnar, indeed.
  6. what were you expecting? that they dress up as clowns one day and go naked hang-gliding from their apartment window the next? stop press: real life gets a bit "same-y"
  7. I think we see things differently Alokin, but I always appreciate any translations that you provide. It is extremely helpful for those of us brought up to expect that the world would speak their language without us making any effort at all. Thank you.
  8. I am not advising you Alokin, I was asking you a question. Why so hostile? You opened a topic, the choice of the one who pays, and I responded with a question about it. Your English is good. Much better than my Bulgarian! Thank you for making the effort, it's appreciated.
  9. so why don't you stop paying for this product and go and pay for one that you do like, and that is not outdates? You know, exercise your choice, the choice that "is for the one who pays!"
  10. ever notice how the most boring things said about this apartment are said, repeatedly, by those that complain that they are bored by it? Some folk just don't do irony, I guess. have a nice Monday, likidamber :o)
  11. Don't you worry, they will be along soon, saying the same things over and over, all of which tell us more about themselves than N&K... :)
  12. and i am expressing my opinion on your opinion, what is wrong with that?
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