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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Full house: Ina & Jonas, Cori & Harry, Bernard and Jeffrey there
  2. Yes that is what it is for. There will be a sofa bed later.
  3. Coming back I don't think so. But for sure new ones will be there.
  4. According to their Twitter this is Stewies brother.
  5. What are they talking about? Seems to me Mr. Shitty Cams is homeless now? Eats at Rejolda place, gets a massage at Macy place... 😂
  6. New old place @StnCld316 Mr. Shitty Cam seems to be getting desperate by now 😂
  7. Already said it here. But you can make a ticket and write to support.
  8. This is really the place with the most crappy quality at all. 💩👎
  9. Arwen back. But without the guru Merlin again...😂
  10. Let's see. I do not want to discuss on all this again. I just got triggered by that funny joke you made 😂
  11. I do not like foreign troops being here and commanding drone terror from German territory but it for sure is the lesser evil for the world than four years more Trump.
  12. She is the girl I least expected to show up there...
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