VV daily visitors are now down to 76.000
The average visit duration is down to 6 minutes (VHTV has 15 mins here)
Even more interesting is the bounce rate (People visit a website and leave without clicking any other links on it or stay for a time. The lower the better)
From wikipedia: High bounce rates typically indicate that the website isn’t doing a good job of attracting the continued interest of visitors
VV has a rate of nearly 66% here. You can say a rate over 50% is a real threat for any website and you should be really concerned... That rate means nearly 2 of 3 users leave the site without staying longer or navigating on it.
VHTV has a nice rate of 27% here.
If users stay on these sites the average pages visited on VV is 3 (I guess Tver, Boro, Tula, not Sofia ). VHTV is in front too with 8 pages.
I think when VV does not react very fast now it might be over sooner or later