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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Haha yes its nice she can change her looks in so many ways. Now I must say Amy is right. All this reminds me of Iris. She too can change from serious to playful personality.
  2. Yes timeline completely acting strange. And where are Anna and Alex?
  3. Layla gets fucked on kitchen table right now
  4. Why? They usually post on twitter when theres action. I think all participants agreed to it
  5. She seems like completely different now than before. No inhibitions at all. So my guess is she has a horny twin
  6. Yes shes very sexy and sensual. Kinda funny she had to make all these to get his attention
  7. Shes doing sth. with candles which means shitty lighting for us soon I guess
  8. Does not surprise me. They mess up everything lately and dont care fixing it... How longs nightvision failing in kitchen now?
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