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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Of course with the ropes. They are plenty of chairs in kitchen he can tie up too
  2. Kid startet to make a slightly attempt towards her but she once again turned him down. I would enjoy seeing Kojak with her
  3. Wonder if Alex new hairstyle means hes done with the old bad abusing Alex and tries a new start?
  4. Yeah totally cockblocked them and I think he even did not recognize it
  5. Can you please move cam4 in Anna Alex appt. to the other side of bed (besides window); So we can see it from the other side too. Cam4 and cam5 there have almost same view which makes hardly any sense. Thank you
  6. Would be nice to have a different view yes But with those couple we miss nothing. Anna and Alex in kitchen talkin about them I think. Theres a lot of whisper headshaking and laughing
  7. Lol I thought the kid is playing with his dick but its actually his phone between his legs
  8. Still no shower from her. Shes even worse than Bella
  9. We dont know if Emma is on period cause she always dresses and undresses her underwear in hidden spots...
  10. I think she does it on purpose to avoid havin sex. Going to bed before him. Shes already asleep -> No sex Getting up before him. He is still sleeping. -> No sex Wonder if shes so frigid she never gets horny. Another Amy (not our @Amy3 here; the one from old A&A appt. ) I think
  11. Emma just went to bed. This time she left even her top on. Great party...
  12. I agree nobody is automatically the bad part cause hes a guy
  13. Can we please just stop the discussion wether Mick or Angie are the good or bad guys and who should leave. We maybe never know what exactly happened between them. I like them both and I wont critizice neither Angie nor Mick
  14. She was comfortable to get naked and habe sex with those other couple in jacuzzi and now not comfortable showing her tits. I dont like the direction this goes...
  15. Just put on bra. She seems not to be comfortable with those guys around.
  16. You are right. Just a lil more sexy and different sometimes would be great
  17. Hope Emma is not another Angie. Wearing same clothes as yesterday
  18. Those guys are still on it. Big arguement requires great make up sex
  19. I did not think she would do that. Nice body. Way to go Emma...
  20. Sex in shower now. Hopefully for makin up.
  21. Yes sad but one of them has to leave. Bye Angie you brought joy and fun to this appt. Wish you only the best
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