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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. I used to watch occasionally there but not anymore
  2. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Katya, Katya my dear... Please dont start wearing the same ugly shorts your boyfriend wears.
  3. Iris is horny thats for sure. Just look at her face
  4. Iris just dropped her panties
  5. Lol she cleans there nearly every day. Dont know the purpose for doing that so often
  6. Could be. The party will have stupid boring games at first because they dont dare to be naked in front of each other. Then each couple will go to their rooms and have sex maybe in dark maybe in light. Afterwards Lisa will be bitching around and arguing with Nick. Then Nick will leave or not. Business as usual. Nothing really interesting.
  7. If party then again party without guests...
  8. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Arrghh Amy think positive
  9. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Nope they said totally new appartement with new people. And they will announce when and where it is. So it will probably not be in Moscow I think. Petra will move back to Tver
  10. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Yeah I hope they will reposition and improve the cams in Sofia. And open the closed bedroom.
  11. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Got a Mail from VV with some News: Sofia cast will move to Tula. Sofia will get new local people. And there will be a new appartement with new people soon.
  12. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    She deserves better thats for sure
  13. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Is Ruslan/Toss now gonna leave too? Look at their room. Looks pretty empty
  14. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    In this current state they could shut Tver down and nobody notice it. More interesting watching paint dry on the wall
  15. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Sad if she wont come back. She was the only reason to watch Tver for me
  16. Maybe he realises that with Lisa there is possibly no future for him?
  17. Yeah I really like the two. They are not complicated dont argue and just normal nice people. I think deep inside shes a wild one.
  18. Sex now Iris and Lex in living room.
  19. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Maybe yes. Did they have a fight and she might left him?
  20. Btw Amy have you seen Katya / Elly in Tver today?
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