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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. But I really love how Lisa develops. And I dont mean that epic sex session in the bathroom I think she will be a good friend for Iris. She really cares for her. Maybe Iris is the person Lisa needs to calm a little down.
  2. Dont know where she gets to know all those guys...
  3. When sex always ends that way between them I guess VV is not the right thing for them. He cant get hard. No matter in the dark or in light.
  4. Iris crying again because he cant stay hard I think.
  5. Nick and Lisa anal in Bathroom. Lex and Iris sex in their room
  6. One thing is for sure this is not a worthy VV party. Its long time ago we last saw such a party.
  7. But look at cam8. Iris is so beautiful
  8. Yep lame party with probably sex in each of the others room
  9. Will never happen. Rather hell freezes over. They are still too shy
  10. Ok guys I was wrong the couple is Lex and Iris. But I think Iris is the girls name. Iris is no name for a guy. Btw. Iris looks like a cute wood fairy in that outfit
  11. I am not worried about Eve. Adam may be the problem. Anyways I am out for the next hours. I count on you pressing record
  12. Can someone press record please when it gets interesting cause I cant watch. Must work Thanks
  13. Welcome party for Adam and Eve?
  14. Nope Iris and Lex were the names of that strange couple which did last only a few hours. Names of Adam and Eve will be announced when out of Test mode
  15. Nope Lex and Iris were the name of that couple before who lastet only a few hours. VV said to me they will anounce the name only when they are out of test mode
  16. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    I fully agree but I like Katya/Elly and thats why I watch Tver.
  17. Eve seems to be horny pretty often. Wonder if they now continue sex with lights off because Adam cant get hard in light. They should try until he gets used to it.
  18. Seems they signed a contract. Hope it wont go like Katya and Ruslan after signing
  19. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Must be really mean what he sad to her. Shes still sad in bed. I really feel pity for her. Shes always so nice
  20. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    So hes same mean person as he was on RLC. He plays nice but obviously is not
  21. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Oh wow did you hear that? Poor Katya. Thats really mean of him.
  22. Well considering how often she rides him He has no time to look on phone between rides
  23. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Action both couples now
  24. Hope she will get well soon.
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