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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. One more proof for my theory she has some kind of schizophrenia
  2. Anybody have a clue what has driven Lisa so mad? Maybe thats the explanation for her strange behaviour https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Succubus
  3. I really hope Iris can sleep now. I have a friend working i a psychiatry and she says those attacks often come back as nightmares when sleeping. So lets all hope she will do well Glad her breakdown did not get recorded. It would have been better to cut cams in this situation
  4. Yeah from a boring party that escalated quickly. You just cant put other people together with Lisa.
  5. I think Iris would freak out completely. She should be put in bed light off and not disturb her. She just not mentally stable at the moment. That attack can come back anytime soon
  6. I sometimes think Lisa is suffering of schizophrenia: There is the funny and nice Lisa on one side and on the other side is that mean always screaming b*tch
  7. I warn you I have no experience arguing and screaming Russian
  8. Lisa should shut the hell up and let them alone now.
  9. It could be the end of both couples.
  10. Poor Iris she does not deserve all this
  11. I hope VV will do something. And not let her suffer long. If you have such attacks you are surely wrong on VV
  12. Seems she cant breathe. She hyperventilated
  13. Is this some kind of convulsion in stomach or what? The should call a doctor for poor Iris
  14. WTF is happening with Iris?
  15. Now both guys left. The two new friends are now alone.
  16. There was an argument between Lex, Nick and Lisa. Now it seems Nick is gonna leave
  17. Poor Iris cant stop crying. So I guess the problem with him is not only since they are on VV. They are there for nearly a week and I dont think she would be so sad when its just that week. And she is for sure not shy. She is naked under that dress
  18. Why are they laughing about whats written on the package of these tissues
  19. I really wanna know where she know all these guys from and why they are always fuck at first night. My theory is she know many lets call them "fuckbuddies" and invites them over one after the other. So it would not be first sex between them.
  20. I get the feeling we will not see them staying for too long. Sad because I really like Iris. Iris and Elly/Katya are my favourites because they are so naturally beautiful and have a nice character
  21. And hes the reason why there is no more open nudity in the living areas
  22. But I dont think hes gay maybe bi I think its the cams that freak him out.
  23. That guy has quite a dont know how to say this kind of dumb look in his eyes. He looks like he does not realise where he is. And seems totally take no notice of Petra
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