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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. The problem for Nadia began when she started camming. Brian was visibly not comfortable with it. No surprise for me they broke up after some time. About Misty I think it's worth a try when she wants. Because it can't get more wrong than all the other things for poor Lisa lately did.
  2. Lol relocation. I hope in their new place we won't have so much cams to choose from. Basically the one cam in the bedroom for the camworker should be enough. 😂
  3. Loool guess they are done with the porn production and no longer need that place to stay now.
  4. I don't think Emily is a sub. It's clearly visible she does not like it in those situations. I like her. It would be a real shame to lose her.
  5. On most pics I see here she is sleeping. Place is really going down the drain since relocation
  6. What did happen there? Why you say Nadia sinned? Maybe they should consider to bring back Misty. She never did any drama and was a reliable participant.
  7. I agree but I think the main reason that most people do not really like her is how she treats Emily sometimes. She's not very nice at all to her in certain situations.
  8. Well I think we should at least give them a chance. In a week or so we will see how and if they develop.
  9. Yes he did. This girls were not very interesting when they visited Grace. My expectations are low...
  10. Sorry no. I suggest to name him Bill. We already had a guy named Bruce
  11. Nadia & Obi visiting. And it seems they brought all their stuff with them
  12. Position of cam7 is not good. It will be constantly hit there.
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