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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Monsoon - girl with face tattoo Zahia - other girl Marley - Monsoons bf?
  2. Have absolutely no clue who are the people there now.
  3. Now we have two boring couples living there. What a great progress...
  4. Welcome back @Cristian&Ruta. Your housesitters were not bad at all 👍
  5. Lol I just received this. Maybe wait @StnCld316 Hello, You would not belive but they will return tonight. Best, Voyeur House TV.
  6. Time for archives @StnCld316 Thanks Dear user! We received information that they will no longer take part in the project.
  7. Sorry for me Leonies are better. And Krista has best nipples
  8. Why not say it. Pretty sure they get pressure from managers now...
  9. But it's more than obvious something has happened there...
  10. Wow I was just about to write the same. You are so right.
  11. We will still see them even during relocation 😍 Hello, I got some news from Andrew & Krista. They got problems with their apartment and temporarily will live with Sergio & Melissa while searching for a new house. I think it takes for a week. Best, Voyeur House TV.
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