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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Fully agree. You seem to be pretty new here. Allow me to welcome you here. Hope we have a lot of fun here 👍
  2. Anka? Yes she was great. @Anica&Joel really should invite her again. 👍😍
  3. I can't imagine that. Maybe just summer break or so...
  4. You mean the party with too much people where nothing happened?
  5. They are still struggling finding the exit out of the wormhole 😂
  6. This will be a webcamming place. I don't expect any parties there...
  7. Well was clear to me from the beginning she won't be more than a guest. Now we pretty much have another place full of camworkers...
  8. No. Rather, it is impossible for the long period. Only relatively viable method. 0% royalty. 100% (or 75%) apt views = money for tenants. But then all atmosphere will be bad. Domi - good speak english. Why any English-speaking couple in EU have 75-100% views->money, and Domi - 50%? I don't think would be unfair as the general wages in Europe in general are higher.
  9. Seriously VH is now big enough to seriously invest in projects and people outside of the CIS states. And no that bogus with the Andrea Cristian place does not count. 😝
  10. Might be a good idea to raise the budget then don't you think? 😉
  11. Regarding Alisa at D&S. We all know D&S are the last people knowing how to organize a party and are also one of the biggest party poopers themselves 🤪
  12. That is exactly why they should find local people there and not move Russian people to Spain...
  13. So the tourist now finally is no tourist anymore 🙄
  14. For the third time now? Is there still anybody who wants to see their predictable boring shit?
  15. Yes the place is a shithole. But not VH but Stella & Stephan chosed it. VH made the mistake to approve that bad place
  16. Agree. A decent outside area and decent people are missing. As I said big big failure.
  17. As expected... Waiting for the next camworkers now. Time to rename the place to Aleksa @StnCld316
  18. I jusr don't like it when you watch something and it gets interrupted by people disappearing from cam all of a sudden. It is like too much advertising breaks in a movie 😂
  19. All things with Tom are just teasing to get views. 🙈
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