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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Vhouse had a couple leave because of stalkers that found out info on them. This made it unsafe for them. That is another reason info on the girls is not given out.
  2. Nothing is ever said by RLC about the girls. What they do for a living or what they are suppose to do on RLC. On CC we are not suppose to give out info on the girls private lives.
  3. Rainy, cold and very windy here today. Not a good day to go out. Did some painting until the fumes started to get to bad.
  4. I know Harley I have to do it quite often. I will leave for awhile when it is slow for an hour or 2 and come back to 30 pages.
  5. If the new girl had not arrived why would they go under UM? They clean an get things ready and then put her name up. They do not put a girls name up this fast. The girls did not act as if they knew of anything.
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