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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. You must have missed Angel Naga. I do not hear anything about it from you. It looked like she hit a big oh.
  2. Anybody want to take bets on how long the couch will be in this position? If it is going to be loke this long then at least back it up a little bit. Must think it is better then thier bed.
  3. The girls on the couch remind me of the statue of the three monkeys with one added. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil and do no evil.
  4. I feel the same with B1 & B2 being awfully bad at this time. I also do not complain over and over again. When I tire of reading what Mr Box and others like him are saying I just skip over them. You can do the same or block him. This is the last I am saying on this.
  5. I am not saying Mr Box is a good guy or bad. Just that he is allowed to give his opinion as any body else. If you do not like it then block it.
  6. Wathou do you have any opinions that you voice on the forum? If so what is the difference? A forum is made up of different opinions.
  7. Some people may not like Mr Box and his views on things. But this forum needs people like him because of the different views. This creates controversy, and that creates discussion. Without the controversy this forum would be awful dull.
  8. I check in on the twins time to time but only stay a couple of minutes to check both cams. I already know what they are doing before I look.
  9. Wash your mouth out with soap Naga. No more twins. Maybe in separate rooms. But I still think no more twins.
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