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TBG 150

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    : Somewhere out in CC land

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  1. I do my very best never to have to touch anything the public would come into any contact with. I wait for doors to be opened so I can use my foot. I wipe down shopping cart handles with alcohol before I touch them. I use my knuckles for buttons if there is a possible way, even touch screens. People in general are disgusting, dirty, uncouth and anything else you can think of.
  2. Don't elaborate, @katewilson. The above post is a year and a half old. Jump in, say your piece and joint the party. Even the original poster hasn't been around since he/she made that post. Get in on the current stuff.
  3. That must be that 'New Math' that they talk about. For those under 40.
  4. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that idiot. He is one of the ones the gun laws need to protect. To keep them from coming anywhere near a weapon. Shorts, flip-flops, no shirt, no shooting glasses and he hasn't the faintest idea on how to properly handle that weapon.
  5. Yeah, I suppose that it is.
  6. Why do people even try stupid shit like that?
  7. Built in air bags.
  8. You know why, right? They are actual pictures. Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, West Virginia, Kentucky, they are some serious redneck states. But I'd rather take my chances with them, then the inner city hood-rats.
  9. Sorry Van, my bad. I should have said London, but that's not a country. Instead I said Great Britain, which encompasses all of the Isles and having been to three of them, I can honestly say, I never saw anything but white people when you are out of the cities.
  10. If the kid is a boy, you have trouble. If it's a girl, you have more than trouble.
  11. Which as you can see, is fine by 70% of this country. You take care of you and we'll take care of us. The USA has given so much to most every other country that we have nothing left for ourselves. I sincerely doubt that France will be jumping up and down waiting to help us out in the event of a natural disaster. Great Britain is 80% Muslim now, so rule them out for help and Germany's economy sank so far down, it's going to be a while before they can even help themselves. The rest of Europe is about on the same level. Who is to blame? The governing bodies of these countries that are loaded with bleeding hearts. Who elected these idiots? Why the idiots living there. Sometimes you need to cut yourself off from the blood suckers. All these immigrants need to stand up for themselves and take their countries back and become prosperous by the sweat on their balls, not mine. I have what I have because I worked for it. No one gave me anything. They gave up their freedoms and ways of self defense. Now you are paying the price for it. Go to your local store. Do you see anything that says Made in France? No! It says Made in China, Mexico, Viet Nam, etc... Why? Because your countries leaders are pocketing the profits from the trade agreements and these 3rd world manufacturing companies are using slave labor to create these products. But, that may be too much for you to comprehend as reality. Open your eyes to reality. It's going to scare the hell out of you when you do.
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