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TBG 150

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Everything posted by TBG 150

  1. 1. Where there's a will, I want to be in it 2. The last thing I want to do is hurt you... but it's still on my list. 3. Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak. 4. If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong. 5. We never really grow up -- we only learn how to act in public. 6. War does not determine who is right, only who is left. 7. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. 8. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research. 9. I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you. 10. In filling out an application, where it says, "In case of emergency, notify..." I answered "a doctor." 11. Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy. 12. You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice. 13. I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure. 14. To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target. 15. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. (the same could be said about men wearing a dress) 16. You're never too old to learn something stupid. 17. I'm supposed to respect my elders, but it's getting harder and harder for me to find one now.
  2. Ya cheap prick! 😉 Pony up the sawbuck to support the place.
  3. Germans count the foreskin too. That adds a few mm's.
  4. I pay enough for the damned Internet. I'm sure not going to pay for some porn site when there are a million out there for free.
  5. Go ahead and create the Poll then. I won't waste my time. The membership on this board mainly doesn't read the General topics. They only want to see cam whores in training. Spreading their fat, tattooed asses for the kiddies to wank to all day long.
  6. That's because they are too pussy to take on an equal. They have to fight with a female. It's the only way those pantywastes can win a fight.
  7. I don't like to resort to name-calling, but he really does need to just shut his mouth and he'll gain so much more support. Instead, it's name-calling, belittling of competition, running his mouth about what he's going to do, how he's going to do it and so on. He was never properly trained to just shut up and never divulge what your plans are to your enemy. Surprise is 90% of the battle. With the element of surprise, you almost will always win.
  8. I laugh at those that spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a piece of paper that in no way guarantees them a job. I have no degree and have been making 6 figures for years as a lowly truck driver. They all think that piece of paper is going to allow them to retire at 30 and take world cruises. Wake up kiddies. Reality is a bitch, isn't it?
  9. Tell the smiling idiot to take his oil and shove it up his ass. If we had a government with any balls, they would do that and get us some refineries built to process our own oil. We need that asshole with the Italian tablecloth on his head, like we need Bidumb for 4 more years. Just think, 4 more years of this old decrepit asshole playing paddy-cake with the rest of the idiot leaders of the world. Fuck him and his camel!
  10. Years later, they are still beating the Congo drum about some savage with an arrest record 40 pages long. He's better off to the people the way he is.
  11. That's because all the real men lean conservatively. We don't walk around with dippy shit hair in a man bun, afraid to get our hands dirty by actually working, or picketing in a rainbow flag parade. You'll find real men in a bar drinking a real beer, not Bud Lite. You'll find men at a race track or a car show, or even the golf course. Not in the local Internet café or Starbucks drinking some kind of weird named shit they call coffee. If you want a man, honey, get a man, not a flaming fucking queer. And get rid of that idiotic ring through your beak!
  12. Fools! They think they can live in big houses, with fancy cars in the garage on an $80,000/year income. They owe $300,000 on the mortgage, $60,000 on one car and $40,000 the other, have the newest $1000 iPhone, yet they still take cruises and lavish vacations all while charging it on a 20% interest credit card. Total idiots that are only trying to keep up with the Joneses. I don't owe a dime to anyone except the living expense bills that get generated each month and are paid in full as soon as I get them. If I don't have the cash to pay for what I want/need, I don't get it. It's as simple as that. I use their money, they don't live on mine.
  13. Nope! No children or grandchildren. That I know of, anyway!
  14. Why should you care? You won't be around when all of this bullshit takes place, so why waste energy worrying about it. Enjoy the rest of your life, I am. I couldn't give two shits what happens in 20 years. I'm pretty sure I'll be gone before that. I read about you guys fighting back and forth. Each one of you is 60+ years old. Look at the stress that you are putting on your lives, or what remains of them. Sit back and enjoy the fruits of your years of labor before the governments, ALL of them, take whatever they can steal from you. Have a glass of fine brandy, a Cuban cigar and put a rendition of a Mozart Concerto on your sound system. The music alone will soothe your savage mind and soul.
  15. Somehow, somewhere, someone is going to try to make it look like Trump did it. Then, it will hit social media and all the sheep will scream, YEEEEEAAAAAAA and make sure all the twisted idiots out there that live and breathe that stupid phone and they will insist that it's all true. After all, it is on the Internet, so it has to be true.
  16. If America had more Sheriffs with balls like Grady Judd you wouldn't see savages walking the streets robbing, beating and killing people. If you are one of his Deputies and you get out of line, he'll treat you just like one of the savages. The law is effect across the board, no matter who or what you are. But, sheriff, why did you have to shoot the murder suspect 63 times? Because we ran out of bullets. America need a lot more police officers like him to clean up the streets like "The Families", used to keep them.
  17. Typical savage nigger. 90% of them aren't worth a shit to anyone.
  18. Seriously? 1200 HP and he idles the boat. 😕 This board has the worst emojis out there!
  19. Where I am, he would have been dead already. This place is Redneck city.
  20. JB... The best thing about all of your videos is, they are exotic and erotic, but never porn. The girls are generally striking beauties. Having said that, if that is the last, your works of art will be greatly missed. In this one, the strawberry blonde, that came in from the 5:30 mark until the 9-minute mark was absolutely, to me, my idea of the perfect looking woman. I also wish that I could have seen her feet to complete the package. You know how I am about sexy, perfect feet! I hope you'll still be hanging around and not fading off into the distance. But if you do, take care of yourself. You have a talent that shouldn't be wasted.
  21. These are pictures of just Berlin. I can't imagine what the rest of that country has to look like now. Berlin+Slums - Bing images WWW.BING.COM Intelligent search from Bing makes it easier to quickly find what you’re looking for and rewards you.
  22. I don't think he has any idea what the U.S. looks like. All he believes is what the media tells him to believe.
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