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TBG 150

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Everything posted by TBG 150

  1. She's at it again right now. This girl just loves to suck cock! I check back 30 minutes later and she's still sucking him. I'm out-right jealous. I came here to ask if that's all they do, suck cock while he's on the phone. I was answered in the first post.
  2. Well, that was a waste of time making this post. Just about the entire 5th page is what I'm talking about. These are NEWS feeds, not Political feeds. Moreover, they are all opinions from wannabe journalists.
  3. There are 29 irrelevant posts in this 4 page thread that are NEWS posts, not POLITICAL posts. Create a European NEWS thread instead of clogging up the political threads. I'm not a Mod or Admin anymore, so I can't move things around to where they should be.
  4. Hey, @SPYING 1and @leap filipePlease don't post news memes in the political sections. Create a news thread for the at least 30 irrelevant posts you two have put here in this new thread. It ruins the flow of the thread. More than half of what you post has nothing at all to do with politics. It's just Internet rubbish that fills space.
  5. Sorry, no where did I say I was cowering in a corner. I tried to find the thread but there is so much Internet meme bullshit to have to wade through to find my post, that I gave up. I remember saying that all I have to do is back into a corner, which is taught in any self-defense class as you now have two sides of you reasonable protected, and sit there with 12 round pump shotgun should someone try and enter my home. Boom! The dirtbag is blown right back out the door in which he entered. I don't live in some Democrat controlled cesspool that allows savages to roam the streets freely. Dirtbags don't roam my neighborhood, because they know their lifespan will be cut very short should they look to harm our residents. Behind every door is a weapon waiting for the one brain-dead maggot looking to harm someone, steal a car, hurt a child, etc... Because Democrats allow their savages to roam, innocent people have the need to protect themselves and we will as long as this is the United States. Further, I seriously doubt that anyone is leaving the US for countries such as Germany. I'd much rather live in China. At least the food would be a lot better. The only food worthy of eating in Germany are the pastries and breads.
  6. I've lost more than a few friends to Agent Orange. The only education to Vietnam was to be there and see for yourself. It was a US Cluster-fuck from the beginning.
  7. Time to totally shut down the political boards. The breed nothing but hate, contempt and non-factual bullshit on both sides. With the tons of Internet bullshit stories placed on these boards, the CamCaps board could cut their limits by 1/3. Too bad you people couldn't have civil conversations. Name calling doesn't do anybody any good. It's like talking to concrete walls. Only the concrete gives more intelligent answers. I'm outta here!
  8. Personally, I believe that the criminals should simply be executed, therefore never having the chance to hurt anyone else ever again. There is no such thing as rehabilitation to 90% of the convicted individuals.
  9. There should be no argument about this.
  10. Ahhh! The best time of the day. Dinner time. Grilled Rib-Eye steaks, baked potatoes and whatever else the wife wants me to add. I cook it, we eat it, she cleans it up. Sounds fair to me!
  11. I'm trying to maintain a readable dialogue here. Not just name calling and internet posting. Everyone has their own opinions and we are all entitled to them, unless you live in China or North Korea, maybe even North Vietnam.
  12. Now you are proving what little you really know about the US. It's a fact that a black, single mother is the highest risk a rental landlord can make. They have a screaming kid, if not a half dozen of them, usually no job or reportable income, or a minimal paying job. She has her hoodrat friends over, which destroy the rental complex when she won't spread her legs for them. It's a vicious circle and a fact of life here.
  13. Who do you think kept the streets clean in the big inner cities? The Mafia did. If the old world Mafia still ran the streets, you would see crime reduced by 90%. They knew not to fuck with the Mafia. Life became very short.
  14. Wait a second here. I am of part Italian and part Sicilian descent. Are you saying that I'm a loser?
  15. Look, Starlight, your love for your country is admirable, unlike the idiots we put up with burning our flag and decimating our country. People that live in the US should be proud, yet many are not. They don't care. They are given everything they need either by the government or mommy and daddy, if they know who is the mommy and daddy. If they haven't been given it, they feel it's okay to go out and steal it with no repercussions. The law protects the criminal in the US. I don't want to be like you and live in fear. If some scumbag were to break down your front door, come in and rob you, rape your wife and daughters, and destroy your home, there isn't a damned thing you can do about it. All you can do is sit in a corner in fear. Like some of us here, including me, you're too damned old to fight. On the flip side, you come into my house through either a window or a door, they will be carrying you out in a body bag. I'll be in the corner just like you, but I'll have a Winchester 12 round pump shotgun to do my fighting for me. Never again will you have the chance to terrorize anyone else. There is no trial, no lawyers, no jury and no money spent but the paper the report is written on and a few dollars worth of gas to incinerate you. You say your beloved country took on ALL the burden of the refugees. Why? Because you are a country of bleeding hearts. Because your government allowed these parasites into your country, here is what you live with on a daily basis, but will never post about it. These savages have robbed your people, raped your women, sucked off of the government just like the parasites they are and have attributed to extreme acts of violence. THAT is why those other countries that you refer didn't want any part of them. They want to keep their populous clean. Look what the sand niggers have done to Great Britain. They now own the once great City of London. They even have a sand nigger for a mayor that is trying his best to bring in Sharia law. The only way things like this are possible is by having NO BORDER PROTECTION. Just like the USA. No Border Protection. We even invite them in with promises of free housing, medical care, food, a cell phone that is paid for, clothing, even a car if they need it. We even transport them to the city of their choice on luxury buses and jets. Stay in your own fucked up country and fight for it. Why bring in your 3rd world ways into a 1st world country and try and turn it into a shithole like the one you ran away from? I can't go riot in the streets or attend protests, I have to go to work to feed myself. No one is giving it to me, because I'm White. The thought is, I'm supposed to give all my money to them because they are not White. This whole mentality is what brings me to hate others and be a racist. They all think they are better than me. Not so. I could go on and on about what Mexicans, blacks, Hispanics, and all other nationalities that come to this country have done to corrupt it. The worst offenders being the pharmaceutical drug companies. The government has paid them trillions to make sure the population is well doped up and will require dependence for the rest of their lives on drugs and putting them out on the street en masse to poison the population and turn on each other to rob and kill to support that dependence. Okay, I'm done for now. I have things to do outside where the sun is shining and the birds are still singing.....for now!
  16. Yet, she is being charged! How fucked up are the laws in this country? She should be held in high regard for killing the piece of shit.
  17. Typical of the savage negro beast. Hitler had the right idea, just the wrong people.
  18. Here we go. A waste of personnel and equipment into a war in which we have no business funding. China is playing their hand perfectly. Get the NATO countries to completely use up all of their resources and then they can move in unopposed. This is the one place I backed Trump. Make the United States, #1. Self-sufficient, beholding to no one. There is NOTHING that we cannot build, design, mine, produce, that we need any other country on the planet for. When we stop importing all the garbage that is made in China, Japan, Taiwan, etc... just maybe business in the US will begin again. But the mush-heads living in mommies basement are going to get a sad wake-up call. Many are so stupid they can't pump gas, change a tire, even make change of a dollar. The elitists have collapsed this country's economy to the point where a return is going to be difficult. To return to where we once were, the immediate stop of money going to other countries needs to stop. No more billions and trillions of aid going anywhere but here. I'm going to wit and see just how many of these countries that the US has sent aid to EVER offer any back in any way. I don't ever recall anyone helping the US through a natural disaster such as a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, wildfires, etc... We piss away more money to help others while we slowly go down the sewer, thanks to the bleeding hearts. Our multiple trillions of national debt is all money pissed away to other countries and into our own governments pockets, only the mush-heads are still too stupid to see it. They just continue on their social media playing armchair CEO and complaining in the streets. If they had to go to work to support themselves, they would have time for any of that nonsense.
  19. The .com, .net, .org are what are called top level domains and are open TLD's. They are open to anyone that wants to register a website, providing the chosen site name is not already being used or bought. Then there are the closed TLD's. ie: .museum, .aero, .mil, etc... You have to prove your organization to register with these types of domains. But I seem to remember about 8 years ago or so, when .xxx suffixes were becoming more numerous, Admin said he was buying up the domains that CamCaps could possibly use, so that when the URL was mistyped you were automatically redirected to the CamCaps.net site. The cost then to secure that particular suffix was fairly cheap and he did it for reasons of ease to the searcher. Now there are hundreds of suffixes to buy into.
  20. Many times, a website owner will secure the .xxx of many of the common URL's. That way, no matter what suffix is typed, you end up at the host site. What happens here in the future remains to be seen, unless @StnCld316has some valuable info. I'd like to see us get away from this shit Invision software. I'm on a few boards that use the XenForo software and it's like day and night compared to here.
  21. If you told just one of those hogs to 'haul ass', she would have to make 3 trips. And that's just for the ass, never mind the rest!
  22. Look! Putin and Xi, are the same people. Same shirt, same tie, same suit, even the same little button on the lapel. Note it's on the left side. They both have the same goals, to run the entire world. Xi has youth, population, dictatorship and balls that Putin doesn't have.
  23. And the US Military sits on their hands with outdated equipment. We give all the good stuff to other countries and we sit around trying to decide what is a man and what is a woman. Queers acting like girls and Dykes acting like men. @StarLight28just may be right. The USA is fucked and it's all due to rampant stupidity by the elected leaders. And who elected the stupid leaders? Why, the even more stupid and Shepard following sheeple. If it's on TikTok and InstaGram, it has to be true and correct. We don't need to research it for factual information. No one is capable of independent thinking anymore.
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