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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. I've noticed there are a lot of Bundy's out there that all seem to be, shall I say, less than desirable people. Lets see, there's Ted Bundy, (Now deceased), and Al Bundy, (Married with Children), and now this other Bundy that TBG had just mentioned. That's a lot of fucked up Bundy's if you ask me. :screwy:
  2. Well, I disagree entirely. But that too is a right that is granted to us under the constitution. It's just that way in life. You will never get everyone to think or believe as you do. But as I've said before with people such as Ben. That doesn't necessarily make them bad people.
  3. Thanks for the link. And I suppose this is going to be one of those times where we both disagree, but to me there is a big difference in the first hand grievances of these ranchers and those of the 'Occupy crowd'. There are several videos of the Occupy Wall Street protesters that when a news reporter asked them just what are you here for, they couldn't even answer that question. Look, I'm not trying to be false in my response to this. But they, as far as protesters go are genuinely concerned people that have felt that the government is now encroaching upon their lands. But whether you feel one way or another about this event, they are still relatively civil within their outrage. No peoples small business's were destroyed. No rapes or murders, and no shitting on top of patrol cars. These people would much rather be at their normal jobs of running their ranches than to have to be there fighting to maintain what they feel is their right under what the constitution has granted them. It is something that is touching them directly, so I do see a differences between them and the others, for the reasons that I have stated above. Actually, for peace sake, I was hoping that I could say that it did constitute this same level of contempt that I felt towards those others, but in my opinion it doesn't. They just haven't behaved as abhorrently.
  4. I'll be honest, I haven't even heard about that. I know it must seem strange, but I haven't watched much news, or TV at all over the past several days. So if it's not too difficult, please tell me what it is about, and I will let you know my answer to that.
  5. You have to be a complete idiot to even ask that question! Bernie Sanders is about as Un-American, and un-constitutional as anyone can be. And if you think that the socialist party is only interested in taking away from huge corporations, your nuts! All of which is a foolish thing to do anyway, if you want to keep these industries here in this country and provide for some jobs. And even though I myself am not a rich person, I am strongly opposed to taking away from them as well. Not all rich people are evil. And whether they are just well off or flat out rich, they have worked hard to make that good fortune happen for themselves. And unlike some, I do not walk around with jade eyes, I do not turn green with jealousy and envy. I don't hate a person just because they are rich! It depends instead on the nature of their character when it comes to me. And aside from all that,.. Bernie Sanders is a bumbling fool! Which seems to be obvious to all but a small section of the populace here. Do you think that I would want a person who is so stupid that he actually believes that 'Climate Change' is what has brought about Isis and terrorism, actually running this country? Incidentally, It use to be called 'Global Warming' until recent satellite pictures have shown that the polar ice caps have actually been growing. So now the deceivers have changed the mantra to 'Climate Change'. And about all of those rather apt adjectives,.. Occupy Scum, green Earth cocksuckers, ect. They get what they have properly earned from me. My contempt.
  6. For years I have enjoyed a friend by the name of Ben, who was not just my friend, but a friend to my family, and he is a liberal. But he is a good guy in every other way, and I have always liked him and his own family. Here's to ya Ben. Just don't run for office. :lmao:
  7. His country, much like mine is being run by liberals. What else would you expect? You know there are some liberals here that I think well of. People such as Tx-Feller, and Timewarp, and certain others as well. And I am not just saying that to placate them, as anyone who has ever really known me knows that I don't lack the guts to say what I truly believe, if I am pushed to it. I have found those decent minded people to be both thoughtful, and intelligent, and the kind of people that one could remain friends with, so long as in political discussion there is an air of wit, or friendly disagreement involved, knowing all the while, that they will never change my opinion about certain things, and I will never change theirs. But there are some that remind me too much of those 'Occupy Wall Street' scum. People who were largely born into middle class families, but because they don't want to grow-up, or roll up their sleeves and try to make their own lives more productive or better they instead just rally around some ridiculous protest or another in their absurd hopes of having their little antics be seen on TV. I have no respect for them at all, and was hoping that eventually they would occupy a land fill somewhere. The amount of trash, human feces, hypodermic needles, along with the rapes and murders that took place during that event, was astounding for these so called Nature lovers and green Earth cocksuckers. Classless to the bone as they would shit on patrol cars, and destroyed some small shops and businesses there while having their little fun camping out in the park. Those types I could never find peace with.
  8. Back then we were as tough as nails, and hammered just as hard. But we did a little pounding of our own. Sounds like the opening to the story I never wrote.
  9. https://youtu.be/03liLrE9tr0 I saw this black guy once on the sidewalk of Washington DC. play on these old pots and pans. And he was a natural when it came to that, no doubt about it. And I remembered thinking, that if ever anyone deserved a set of drums, he certainly did. Disclaimer: The video in this post does not necessarily reflect the opinion or views of the poster, except that I had once had a toy very much like this one, and thought it was kind of cute. Did you catch that tricky back beat at 00:4 ?
  10. Can you imagine. They have to remember where every piece is on the board, even as things get jumbled about during the game. I can just see me in one of those blind folded matches. Woodworker: :scratchchin: "E2 to G6, check!" Referee: "We must remind you mister Woodworker, your pawn is not a queen!" Woodworker: "Damn it!.. just where in the hell is that bitch anyways?!"
  11. For the Squirrel. One blindfolded match. They are not allowed to see or touch the pieces, but have to rely upon memory as the pieces are called off numerically. Fuck! I can hardly make my way to the bathroom in the dark. This was not the game I was looking to send you, but it will do. This also confirms to me what I had always suspected; that these incredible grand masters are a bit of a servant when it comes to chess. They probably have one whole noodle of their brain that is totally dedicated to this type of bewildering shit.
  12. "Hey Ma, what are we having for dinner tonight?" "Oh boy, cockroach souffle' sautéed in cow piss, with some asparagus sprouts!" "My favorite." "Makes my mouth water just thinking about it." :drool:
  13. Well, I'm sorry for the eye, but I like your avatar very much. I myself have been totally deaf in my right ear since I was five, so in my past all of the guys knew that they had to stand or sit to my left for me to be able to hear them well. Maybe I should look for a picture of Van Gogh for an avatar for myself. Kind of a bad joke, I know. Anyway, I hope your eye improves soon.
  14. Another pirate song just for you Rubberball.
  15. Oooo, I like your new patch. That sort of reminds me.
  16. Her father, Nat King Cole, is one of my all time favorite male singers. His voice just seems to wrap around you.
  17. I noticed that "The Mighty Raisin" has a new, sleek, sporty design insignia. But I also noticed that there is a '1' placed after it. So tell me now, are there two Mighty Raisins now floating around out there? :scratchchin:
  18. PARTING SORROW The halls of my heart are empty and dark~ Now that she is gone from me Where once there were sunlit skies where Nature's own joys did grace my eyes Now there is only shadows and gloom that fills this room~ Now that she has gone from me And where once she stood ever so near~ Her gentle laugh ever so dear Now there is only this faint memory~ Of what once was~ Now gone from me Written at age twenty six For you Patti With a love that knows no bounds and has no end
  19. Four girls, two guys. Sounds like everything is pretty much evened up.
  20. For my friend TBG I once spun an empty Scotch bottle back when I was young at this party, and it had something to say as well. Something about, "Moderation in all things." But I didn't really pay any attention to it back then. I'm a lot wiser now. So remember this all you CC people out there. Remember the words of the spinning Scotch bottle, and be safe.
  21. Cockroaches have been around for billions of years. They may hide, but they never really go away.
  22. Hey Squirrel, what's ya writing? Let me guess. It's a romanticized account of Mohammed back in his day, with depictions of fluffy goats and camels and things of that type. And about that wonderful day when he met his first love at a petting zoo. Am I right? You know a book like that could get you a lot of free publicity, and some personal notoriety as well. And if push comes to shove, you can always come hide out with me over here in the lone star state for a while. ;)
  23. That's a very high compliment. Thank you.
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