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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. The man's name was Sid King, and he smiled and said I've got something for you, and it was in a box. I looked at it without touching it, while he was saying something, but I don't really remember what brand or make it was, though as I said, it looked very similar to that one in the video. I was sorely tempted, but I had sworn off semi-automatics at that point in my life, due to the mess of empty cartridges they all seem to leave behind.
  2. I was offered a pretty nice gun with a silencer back in my youth. Very similar to the one at the end of this video. I'm half surprised I didn't take it.
  3. Hopefully you have received the news from TBG.

    And thankfully, he's alright.

    Just wanted you to know.

  4. This could be the dogs big moment. Just look at that look on it's face. She must be in a state of sweet anticipation. "Oh, yes, yes, yes,..Please Paul,.. Please don't hold back now,.. I am yours!"
  5. Good to hear from you Van. I had you in my thoughts during that vote to break free off the EU leash. Even the EU flag resembles a choke collar for dogs.
  6. Just a short note to a friend.

    Don't ever think that I don't hold you in the highest regard, both for your obvious intelligence, and in the way you write about certain things.  And especially concerning that of History.

    Anyway, I hope you are well, and all is alright with you.


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    2. woodworker


      I know, I feel for StdCld too.   And I'm a bit concerned over TBG, as it must something deeply troubling that is keeping him away.

      Hopefully things will improve for all of us.  



    3. Foamy T. Squirrel

      Foamy T. Squirrel

      Let me know if you hear any thing from our old friend TBG. I'll reciprocate if I hear first. I know he has a lot of respect for you, as do I.


    4. woodworker


      I don't know how to get in touch with him outside of this message system which I had tried to do before.

      I would think that only the Admin, who had probably swore an oath of secrecy to him would be the best way to find out anything.

      Like you, and StdCld, I can only wish him well from afar.

      I care about certain people here very much, and hope that in his case it isn't as bad as our fears and concerns may seem at the moment.   But until we know for sure, that is all that we are left with.

      Your friend, as always,


  7. Me too. I have the same concerns as you. So just try to relax, and remember, there is still a hope left for the moment.
  8. I know. It ties my stomach up in knots too at times.
  9. Don't you think Obama choosing John Kerry in the negotiating role of that Iran deal was the perfect candidate. I mean, he must have known he could trust a traitor like John Kerry to carry out something so detrimental to both Israel and the United States. Two countries Obama truly hates. For a responsibility this great, he had to find someone who also loathes and hates this country almost as much as he does.
  10. Thanks Harley. It's both sad, and worrisome. But I see right through this most transparent administration of his.
  11. Surely Foamy, your not insinuating that that horse face, John Kerry, along with that black specter, that currently flutters around the White House are inept, and incompetent. For I see this con man, along with his braying jester as doing exactly what he had set out to do. For he is merely transforming the middle east, in much the same way as he has been busy trying to transform this country. *He wants to make Iran, and Isis, the controlling power over there. His every action and inaction shows this to be the case. And if Hillary, Obama's chosen one, should end up in the White House, it is America itself that will be left dying with her head now resting upon that sickly cot.
  12. Maybe Turkey should have changed it's name to Ham. Then the Muslims wouldn't have wanted anything to do with it.
  13. I think that Turkey is done.
  14. Prior to the Muslim strong hold in the middle east, in the pre-Mohammad era, the people there were largely Christian and peaceful in nature. It's hard to fathom how that region of the world was once considered so intelligent in their thinking, and even thought of as being wise. And yet words such as Arithmetic, Algebra, Astronomy, and many others are all Arabic words. They had given us our numerical numbers, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,.. ect. Which even to this day encompasses our clocks, and is the basis for our system of mathematics. And there in that slender country known as Lebanon, which was once referred to as the land of the prophets, and to which even the pharaohs of Egypt use to have their very thrones made from those great cedar trees that grew there in that region, because they believed that it profited wisdom somehow in doing so. The people that lived there were Phoenicians, sea faring people, who had invented the triangular sail. Making it easier to travel in any direction despite which way the winds were blowing. The point is, just look at that region of the world now, ever since the Muslims had driven out of it all of the peaceful people there over the centuries right up to the current times. It is a bleak, coarse, barbaric region now, with nothing to offer the world but it's hatred for our western civilization in all of it's form. Think of all the great art, and music that would be destroyed if they should ever have their way. It's almost too much to imagine. And yet this menace was allowed to enter into certain western countries through their guilt ridden naïve leaders, with welcoming arms, only to receive this form of gratitude from them in return. The native people there now can't even go to certain places, or gather up on certain occasions to even celebrate their own holidays, or their once charming customs any longer. In short, they have lost their freedoms, and their countries, through the fear of them now losing their own lives.
  15. I didn't want to leave this on the open board just yet.  But I am so fed up with those liberal buffoons over there in Europe.   I'm talking about the so-called leaders of both France and Germany primarily.  

    I don't know how the people there in those two EU states can stand what has happened to their now lost countries.

    They can no longer enjoy their traditions or their holidays, thanks to those imbeciles that they have elected there.

    If I were the president I would threaten Iran with total destruction if they don't call off their Isis dogs.   Then at the very next provocation I would follow through with my plan to destroy them.  Better to do it now than to wait until they have the bomb.  

    Thanks to that traitor Obama.  

    I would destroy every fucking thing that the Muslims hold as sacred and dear to them, including that big black box.   I would make them all homeless.   Then lets see if they want to go ahead and kill some more innocent people just out for a good time.  

    You know, they would cut me off in a heartbeat if I were to say this on TV, because they're

    1. woodworker


      Opps,.. I just got cut off.

      Oh well, just felt like venting there for a while.


    2. Foamy T. Squirrel

      Foamy T. Squirrel

      It appears to me that the politicians cannot acknowledge that this is an asymmetrical war. They figure that if a uniformed army isn't marching across their borders that everything is fine.

      And they think that if the terrorist doesn't have a pay check signed by Osama Bin Laden then he's just a lone wolf who is causing some workplace violence. And since Obama kill Osama, he's ended the problem, and won the war on terror. Peace reigns throughout the land. Just got a few straggler troops left in the Middle East to give advice to the natives.

      Sad to say, but France is coming to its senses the hard way.

      Our Liberals never will; they'll play the "he was a victim of our society" card.

      Pisses me off, too.


    3. woodworker


      That's exactly correct of course.   And because these Muslim fanatics have no fear in dying, the talking heads, with the woe is us mindset are now saying that we have no way of being able to have intelligence pre-warn us, to prevent these now more frequented attacks upon us.   

      These empty headed, gutless, cowards are now telling us that we'll just have get use to this sort of thing, while at the same time they're telling the people over there and here to be vigilant?  

      But while these Muslim cock suckers may not fear their own deaths, the major powers there, such as Iran, do not want to see all their efforts come crashing down on them.   That's why I believe you have to skip over the little fuckers, including Isis, and go straight to the head of this snake.   And then they will put on the brakes when it comes to these made-for-TV events.  

      But the liberals both here and abroad can never be counted upon to do what a man and a governing protector of a country must do.

      Instead, they will just crawl under a bed, or huddle in a corner and just moan and cry and maybe even try to pretend that none of this is really even happening.  



  16. I'm not only opposed to people changing the lyrics to our National Anthem. I am also opposed to people who can't sing worth a damn trying to sing it. This is pretty tough to listen to. Someone should have said something to her during the rehearsal. Hell,.. I was ready to surrender just to get her to quit!
  17. Yeah, Just hold his head under Niagara falls for a little while.
  18. Well, unlike most liberals, I'll be honest and say that I only heard the tail end of it on my car radio. So I apologize for not knowing that it was a quartet, or for knowing that it was suppose to be Canada's National Anthem. I too don't feel that it is right to alter the lyrics to one's national anthem. And now that I understand just who it was who changed the lyrics, my anger now takes a different turn concerning all of this.
  19. Also in the news. A man in New York City was wearing a "Make America Great Again" cap, and was then accosted by a crowd of intolerant America haters, as they screamed out obscenities to him. So much for the liberal myth of them being tolerant towards others. And so much for them caring about the freedom of speech. They only want to hear what supports their own opinions.
  20. I noticed that the Black Li e's Matter mob is now protesting there in England and wants the new prime minister to resign. She hasn't even done anything yet, and these lunatics are calling for her resignation.
  21. Harley,.. Good chance you might have heard this one before, but if not, give it a listen. To me it's one of the most beautiful guitar concertos ever written. When I first heard it I was eighteen, and it moved me quite a bit, and still does at times.
  22. It's funny as hell! Sweden now wants to send back those very same Muslim scum they so joyfully and eagerly took in. But they're saying that it will probably take them years to do it though. Yeah, I should think so. First they'll have to flush out of their countries all of these liberal traitors that they first voted into office before anything like that will ever take place. So, good luck with that idea. Lets face it, Europe is doomed now. The horses are out of the barn, as they say. And the only good thing that has come from this is that it has shown the people there in Britain and here in the U.S. just how foolish this liberal nonsense really was.
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